This is all crap, right?
Unfortunately it is NOT all crap .... I experienced much of the same myself when I was on Sub.
Don't let it scare you though .... just use the info to help you make informed and educated decisions.
Sub can be a great tool if used properly while working hard on a recovery & support program .... but we must realize that Sub is still an opiate .... and a very strong one!!!
There is no get out of jail free card when it comes to getting off opiates!! We all must pay the price of w/d's in one way or another!!! PERIOD.
Sub w/d's are usually not as strong as going c/t, especially if you taper off the Sub, but the w/d's last much longer. Those that don't go the Sub route typically have stronger w/d's, but get thru them much faster. Those that go the Sub route typically have milder w/d's but they last longer - especially those that take a higher dose of Sub for a longer time period.
My opinion on Sub is to use the lowest dose possible for the shortest amount of time possible in conjunction with a strong recovery and support program.
I strongly feel that you should never choose Sub for a first time try at recovery .... I cringe when I hear about Sub Dr's putting people on long term, high dose Sub for someone that has not even tried other means of detox and recovery first!!!
WOW.....really good info. Unfortunately some of us learned the hard way how true that is. But when I was on sub you could have told me all of that 100000 times and I still would have given it a try.I now know its forever or never for me with sub. I have to admit I still wonder is a 10 day detox would work
It is not crap.I knew Ratch from the Heroin-Detox board years ago and she is dead on.
Swizzle hit the nail on the head.Lowest dosage possible and for a very short period.Am I mistaken or did you taper down quite a bit on your DOC? If you did then why would you start on Sub? You were almost there.I don't understand why this drug is given out like candy.Yeah I do.......Profit.
Swizzle hit the nail on the head.Lowest dosage possible and for a very short period.Am I mistaken or did you taper down quite a bit on your DOC? If you did then why would you start on Sub? You were almost there.I don't understand why this drug is given out like candy.Yeah I do.......Profit.
Unfortunately , through experience , I know it is not crap . I personally am near the end of the short program . I am on day nine . I took 1 mg . Thursday and Friday . Today I waited as long as I felt I could before taking less than .5 mg. Just that little bit has me feeling better which makes me very aware of just how powerful this drug is .
A little over four years ago I was on sub for six months . When I quit it was brutal . I was clean for just over three years when I relapsed on oxy .As I take this drug to get through the oxy withdrawals , I feel like I am holding a loaded gun .I don't mean to be melodramatic . After what I went through last time I have a very healthy fear of it . I can only pray I just took my last dose . Up to this point at least it seems to be serving me well .Rob
A little over four years ago I was on sub for six months . When I quit it was brutal . I was clean for just over three years when I relapsed on oxy .As I take this drug to get through the oxy withdrawals , I feel like I am holding a loaded gun .I don't mean to be melodramatic . After what I went through last time I have a very healthy fear of it . I can only pray I just took my last dose . Up to this point at least it seems to be serving me well .Rob
that's why my Dr would not ,put me on it,,he said sub is worse then the wd from opiates,,,,no matter what YOU HAVE TO GO THROW WD,,,but if you stay on it forever,,well think about that ,,,we addicts always want a easy way out,,,when people first get on it ,,there in a good place,,insist ,just let your body time it will,but alot of people have real depression,and they need something ,,,all pills are the same ..well if you are taking for good reasons,,diabetic bi polar ct ,,that's OK,,but to get off opiates ,,,you just need to stop ,,im in that boat,,,but just not trying ,sad ha,,,,sub is a easy way out ,,,the scary thing is ,dr will stop you on them ,,than what ,,some people it will help ,but the ones that want that no matter what feeling ,will be forever lost ,please forgive me ,if you take me wrong ok ,just how I feel,
Some of these sub dr.'s are NUTS when I hear people are at 16-24 mg's I just wonder WTF? I always thought anything after 8mgs you level off? I'm not a dr but that was my understanding? The link from the first post here says it to a t.... As addicts how can we be given a rx for 15-30 days worth of sub with out trying to "feel better" by taking extra??? If anyone here can say they never took more sub then rx'ed I would be the first one to call their bulls#it.
hello sweetheart,Lynn I no this is crazy yes,,,my Dr said no no no to me over and over,,hes a very old world Dr,but what can I do 10 years addicted to pills ,I used to take 20 to 30 pills ,I take 6 to 7 pills and I NEVER GO OVER THAT ,WERID needless to sat people say you have it under control ,well we no better,the pill of time is the good way ,and sweety what ever works for you is the rite way ,but Dr are not god,and yet the seem to have so much control,over our human mind and bodies,yes ,well much love to you poopie
This is useful information because it can be that way. My experience was much different.
I was involved with 12-step meetings and individual counseling. The sub was a wonderful tool because it allowed me to hit the brakes and change my behaviors. My doctor was involved.....he didn't just push scripts......and he helpedme taper. I did feel some wd symptoms, but I had spent so much time working on recovery that I was prepared.
Sub is a powerful opiate, but I was abusing strong opiates. My life is much better than ever and sub was a part of the recovery road I am traveling. This is just my experience with suboxone.
Good luck!!
I was involved with 12-step meetings and individual counseling. The sub was a wonderful tool because it allowed me to hit the brakes and change my behaviors. My doctor was involved.....he didn't just push scripts......and he helpedme taper. I did feel some wd symptoms, but I had spent so much time working on recovery that I was prepared.
Sub is a powerful opiate, but I was abusing strong opiates. My life is much better than ever and sub was a part of the recovery road I am traveling. This is just my experience with suboxone.
Good luck!!
IMO.........all drugs have a place.They are not evil or a nefarious entity we should despise.Even OxyContin has it's place.The problem is when profit becomes the motivating factor and doctors as well as pharmaceutical companies become whores to greed.Incorrect information is then filtered down to the public.All it takes to prescribe Suboxone is an 8 hour course for doctors.
It would be ideal if everyone could afford seasoned addictionoligist who had some savy when prescribing Suboxone, but many have to rely on impersonal clinics and dufus doctors who only want to make a buck.Addicts are in a precarious position,especially today."White Collar Junkies" are more the norm than the exception.A lot come in with disposable income and good insurance policies.That little fact does not go unnoticed within the addiction medicine community.It's booming.
Desperate with money will bring out a lot of sycophants who will be more than willing to help you.
There are people like Jer,Jeff,Brooke and others who have successfully tapered off Sub but it sounds like they had excellent doctors.It also sounds like they followed instructions and didn't do a lot of up-regulating.Even a responsible and diligent doctor has so much control.Once you leave that office with a prescription,it's up to you to monitor yourself.I don't like this blame game that people put off on their physicians anymore than I like unscrupulous doctors.
OxyContin was first promoted as a safe,non-abusable narcotic because of it's time released mechanism.Doctors were prescribing it from everything to minor sprains to cancer.We all see where that went.
Methadone was touted as a wonder drug for heroin addiction.Listen to stories of people who became prisoners to that.Yet it helps otherwise chronic relapsers who would live a life of crime or develop AIDS or a plethora of other health problems.
We are all responsible for own condition.Do not ever rely on someone else to call the shots.Do as much research from both angles.Don't just seek out what you want to hear.Share your story whether good or bad.It is up to each individual to come to terms with what's true.
BTW....Congratulations Jer.I have followed your story and I think you've done brilliantly.
It would be ideal if everyone could afford seasoned addictionoligist who had some savy when prescribing Suboxone, but many have to rely on impersonal clinics and dufus doctors who only want to make a buck.Addicts are in a precarious position,especially today."White Collar Junkies" are more the norm than the exception.A lot come in with disposable income and good insurance policies.That little fact does not go unnoticed within the addiction medicine community.It's booming.
Desperate with money will bring out a lot of sycophants who will be more than willing to help you.
There are people like Jer,Jeff,Brooke and others who have successfully tapered off Sub but it sounds like they had excellent doctors.It also sounds like they followed instructions and didn't do a lot of up-regulating.Even a responsible and diligent doctor has so much control.Once you leave that office with a prescription,it's up to you to monitor yourself.I don't like this blame game that people put off on their physicians anymore than I like unscrupulous doctors.
OxyContin was first promoted as a safe,non-abusable narcotic because of it's time released mechanism.Doctors were prescribing it from everything to minor sprains to cancer.We all see where that went.
Methadone was touted as a wonder drug for heroin addiction.Listen to stories of people who became prisoners to that.Yet it helps otherwise chronic relapsers who would live a life of crime or develop AIDS or a plethora of other health problems.
We are all responsible for own condition.Do not ever rely on someone else to call the shots.Do as much research from both angles.Don't just seek out what you want to hear.Share your story whether good or bad.It is up to each individual to come to terms with what's true.
BTW....Congratulations Jer.I have followed your story and I think you've done brilliantly.
Thanks Tim!
I had success with sub BUT......and it's a BIG BUT......(Ha, big but!)........I am working a program. My sub doc monitored my sub intake. He drug tested me regularly which helped me avoid even the thought of relapse. The point is, I used sub while working an intense program with the goal to be completely drug free ASAP. When the time came to taper, I was prepared for discomfort. For me, sub worked only as a part of my program. It was like it allowed me to slow things down. I admire all people who get clean. I recognize the strength it takes to quit pills ct.
I think sub, like anything from candy to sex to gambling to narcotics is abused. I believe some people think of sub as an easy way out. I tried to do research and read as many sub horror stories as I could. When the wd symptoms went away after I took that first sub dose I thought, "OK, I feel good because I took an opiate......I still need to get clean." I learned alot about my addiction while taking sub and I changed my behaviors and thoughts. I tapered slowly.
I also encountered many people at 12-step meetings who were more than willing to share their negative feelings about sub with me.
I had success with sub BUT......and it's a BIG BUT......(Ha, big but!)........I am working a program. My sub doc monitored my sub intake. He drug tested me regularly which helped me avoid even the thought of relapse. The point is, I used sub while working an intense program with the goal to be completely drug free ASAP. When the time came to taper, I was prepared for discomfort. For me, sub worked only as a part of my program. It was like it allowed me to slow things down. I admire all people who get clean. I recognize the strength it takes to quit pills ct.
I think sub, like anything from candy to sex to gambling to narcotics is abused. I believe some people think of sub as an easy way out. I tried to do research and read as many sub horror stories as I could. When the wd symptoms went away after I took that first sub dose I thought, "OK, I feel good because I took an opiate......I still need to get clean." I learned alot about my addiction while taking sub and I changed my behaviors and thoughts. I tapered slowly.
I also encountered many people at 12-step meetings who were more than willing to share their negative feelings about sub with me.