This Site Is Starting To Be A Waste

This site changed as I see it as many just using it as a telephone,just gabbing B.S. It has lost its real meaning. Im Bored with some of these people get a phone or a life
Roger.... Please go and read Day 6 Without Vicofriends
Roger, you seen to run hot and cold. I hope you can get what you need from this site, and leave the rest.

I remember when I first joined, people started talking about Disney movies and I couldn't believe it. I wanted to talk about and get help with addiction!!!

I've come to know fellow addicts here and many of us use this site for friendship, cameraderie and sharing. Sometimes we post about addiction, sometimes we don't.

Please keep on posting. If you need help, lots of folks here are awesome and ready to help with the serious stuff, as well as be there for light-hearted conversation.

Sometimes laughter helps everyone. I for one will get serious as soon as someone posts and asked for help. As a matter of fact I was just doing that with Vicky. What I don't like to see is when someone post for help and they do not get a response. I don't see that happening very often..

I think that you may be missing something important about being here......This site may be about and for addiction, but it is also about lives, yours, mine, all of ours.....One of the most important things I learned from here is that stopping the dugs is the easiest part......staying off is the hardest. That means a change of people, places and for some that means everyone they hung with talked to they must now avoid and have to start all over with new friends, people to vent to, to just redirect the daily stress that might jump in and try to pull them back to old habits...You have single moms with kids at have some that feel different now that the drugs are gone, less social, un-confident....and for those without family behind them I can imagine it can be very lonely....For many here it is nice to have someone who just gets it and understands.....and some days are very sad know that someone out there is hurting so bad, or is on the brink of death because of what they may be doing to themselves.............But others are funny and lighthearted and someone that needed it may have got a good laugh and thier day made better.....Life can't always be about heartache and pain, some times you just gotta sit back relax and have a good laugh, even if it is at your own expense......
Oh and I am sure the moderators may need a good laugh every now then too....
You take care,
If its so boring Roger, then why dont you contribute something that'll spark yours and others interests in getting and staying clean or something else thats going on in your life??????? a lot of people get a lot of support here, havent you in the past?
Hi roger i do hear what your saying although i dont agree with it. Can we be positive about things hun i think its great that everyone is getting on and not fighting what a achievment, people are banding together getting to know one another and truly there for anyone. Gabbys right hun why not start a topic of your interest an see or why not even join the coffee club that was started by 3 of the warmest most loving individuals i know. ((hugs)) jackie xxxxxxxxxx
This is the way I see it. Yes you know I just love to talk. You have told me that before. If you have something to talk about people here will be more than willing to give you support. I for one think talking about withdrawls all day wil make them worse for some. All we can do is give advice and sugeestions to those who need help right now.People here are a different stages. Some are still using, some are weaning down their dose,some are clean and some are helping their loved ones. Bottom line is everyone is still human and getting to know one another helps us better understand what there going through. If I can help you or anyone I will. I always try to encourage people and give them hope. Sometimes I tell my story about what I have been through. Sometimes I joke around and have fun but it's not to offend anyone. I am sorry this board is not benefiting you anymore but it does help me focus on my recovery and for today I am clean. Rae
Instead of criticizing, why not be part of your own solution? You get what you give.
I agree with all the above posts, its about real people and their lives , those still using , some in wds that need support and those clean that are doing well , which is an inspiration to all and some clean that are having a hard time. I actually enjoy the lite hearted posts some of which have nothing to do with drugs, but the fact that the people who are starting theses posts and those responding might have been , just a couple months ago suffering terribley are able to joke and laugh is also a blessing and give inspiration to everyone. I hope you doing Ok and can come to view this board with a differnt mindset, as if not you MIGHT be cheating your self out of the opprotunity to empathize with others and appreciate the kindness that is expressed here. I have also noticed in the last couple weeks that the " fighting" has stopped. Best wishes Ramon
"Get a phone or get a life?" How kind and supportive. Besides not being allowed to simply communicate with each other about whatever we want, can you tell me the other rules you have determined we must follow for this web site to be appropriate.
And when you say a "waste"- exactly what is it that we are waisting?
The pain pills forum has been really positive the last couple of weeks.. no infigting, lots of sharing and many making reaql progress.

Lets get back to the business of helping people.. I think this thread has run its course. The best way to move on is for this to be the last post.

best wishes to you all
Got ya last, (knuck, knuck, knuck)
Roger is there any way i can help you hun ? i kinda guessed you were hurting hun ((hugs)) jackie xx
Glad you're still here, Roger. Anything we can do to help?

Dear Roger Im so sorry you feel crappy.Maybe you should try & make the coffee club.Yes we do joke around alot and we have alot of fun.Comedy helps alot of things.On the other hand if you or ANYONE is having a hard time I know for a fact that all of us will do what we can to help.So I understand that you were bi--hy & thats OK its part of the addiction.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GET UP REAL EARLY & TALK ABOUT SILLY STUFF WITH US YOU MAY ENJOY YOURSELF>>>>>>>mj
To u all,

Great comments, I read alot sometime and a good laugh can really help u to break up some of the bad stuff. I get serious and also try to help people. But a good laugh hurts no one. It is actually recommended by many doctors and I. It lifts the spirt when it is really down.

Roger hope you feel better soon and write about what is really bothering you. We are all here to help if you give us a chance. Never is it a waste to reach out to someone, let the bad and good be a source of help to you.

hi roger, I think this is the best place to come when you need to let it all out,you can talk about anything no one gets offended by how you feel we all have things in common we are all going through alot this is the best place to get stuff out that you cant tell your family or even your friends,no one judges you we all have bad days,every day is a bad day for me coping with depression anxiety and a herion habit life is a b**** same s*** diffrent day,look after your self.
hello there roger,i couldn't agree with you more i mean where in the hell does these people come up with this crazy s***,espically that guy named vinny what does he think he's doing any how?i don't know about you but if i ever find out who that guy is i'm going to kick his a**,i might need some back up though i hear he is a real bad a**,you know what i mean those italian type might have some kind of wise guy friends,anyways i will make sure no one laughs or smiles on this board again!!!!!!!!! from here on out we will talk about how miserable and depressing our lives our,and there will be no exceptions for anyone espically that vinny,so be warned happy people it's time to turn that smile upside down...........vinny...........i mean john doe.