Thought For Today

God's idea of Grace is bigger than your idea of karma

And I am greatful.
It is by the grace of God that many of us are here today.

Today I was sent this reminder and I wanted to share it.

Much love and respect,
Thank you for sharing Jane!
I LIKE that, Jane. How the heck are you?
I just wanted to add a couple of things that I read today that I enjoyed....and instead of starting a whole thread for it I hope you don't mind me just putting it here....

A small dose of reality is better than no reality at all.


Strive for progress not perfection.
I'm good Mom how are you? Your getting closer to being a grandma. How that going? Hows your daughter? update me on how your life is going.
I have been through a move and with the weather getting warmer I have been out and about more. Just got back from camping with my family and kids. We did a little four wheeler riding. I have been in four races this year so far. So I am keeping up on my running thing. Its end of the year and finals for my kids, and the horseshow season starting for my daughter. My son continues to push his limits and test my patience. So all in all life is what I consider to be normal. Shwew. Busy.
In my recovery, I have been seeing an intuitive massouse. That is interesting. I get my muscles massaged and she does some life coaching so she helps me think a little differently about things. Because no matter how far in to recovery I get, I still get into old patterns of thinking.
I turn 38 years old tomorrow, and I am more comfortable with my insides and less comfortable with my outsides. So its a bit of a trade off from youth. LOL. So sorry for the book that I wrote on this post. I guess I needed to get all that out.
Thanks for asking...
Much love and respect
PS Rhonda.. A small does of reality That is a good one. Thanks for the share.
I would love a bumper sticker that said that Jane... are things? Still waiting on that text!