
I no this sounds ,a little strange,,,,but I always had a feeling you never cared for me ,I just had to vent ,please forgive me if IM being selfish by asking ,poopie ,you are a very intellgent person with great insite,take care.
No,it doesn't sound a little strange.....it sounds a lotta strange,Maybe you could be a little more specific? I don't recall any reasons to dislike you.
Can I butt in? Poopie, my impression of Tim is that he always "tells it like it is." He never BS's and will give you his exact opinion.

I have run into many people like Tim in NA and people like him usualy have the strongest recovery and the most no-nonsense advice. He has had to use this strength to survive and will not "soft soap" anything. His sobriety depends on it. Sometimes we women like to hear gentle words and friendly words of encouragment, but believe me, that's not what's always best. Don't take it personally Poopie!

Tim, I don't mean to speak for you, but from what I have seen you post on the board, I wouldn't hesitate to come to you for your advice. Your story touched me and I truly admire how you fought your way out of a seemingly impossible situation.
AddictMom=That was incredibly kind.Thank You.

I stll don't know what Poopies refering to? I don't think I've ever had a conversation with her so I'm totally confused.
I wish people would just say what they mean instead of playing these guessing games.
I also have to add that whenever anybody is writing rather than speaking, it's easy to misinterpret the tone of the writing.

I used to have a boss that I couldn't stand, so every e-mail that was sent from her I interpreted as hostile! On the other hand, every e-mail I get from a friend on this board, no matter what is said, I interpret as loving and supportive.

As with any situation in life, take what you need ( the best and most positive) and leave the rest.

Tim- yeah, hate the guessing games. And you're welcome!
tim IM very sorry.misunderstanding on my part,please forgive me,IVE been gone ,so again sorry.your a very nice person.what was I thinking.poopie
oo my goodness addictmom,didnt mean to get you upset for tim,please forgive me to ,no guessing games ,im so very sorry . oboy ,really didnt mean ant harm .poopie
Relax Poopie.Nobody dislikes you, at least I don't.Enjoy your Saturday.
Not sure where this came from Poopie..Tim hasn't even addressed you..was it maybe someone else and you got confused on the name? Happens to me all the time, it's cuz we're old. lol

I got your mother's day email, thank you so much. You are so sweet.
Happy MD to all you beautiful and stuning women on this site whether it be Valentines Day,Christmas or Hannukah.

I would like to give all of you a big bear hug and let you know from the bottom of my heart that
any words that I may have used that has offended you in any way please let me know,If you feel more comfortable e-mailing me,do so,please.I can't apologize to you if I don't know?

We all are from different places in the world,have different languages and even interpret things in unique ways.We are black,white.asian, gay,straight,bi,and yet we all share this one thing in common.

My goal this year is to try and see beyond some of my own pettiness about certain people and start looking for common bonds.That's not just on this board either.It's everywehre I go.This board is a good place to start.

I know in the past I've made some pretty harsh criticism of people on here.Ali,Carol,Tropical,Sabrina,Jim,Lisa,Doug,Brooke,and many other who are all intelligent,bright people who if I listen to always leave learning something.Brooke especially has blown me away this year.Her growth has been phenonmenal.My achilles heel has been my stupid,ego based fears that make no sense.I know it's foolish to think I'm going to do a 360 degree but I am going to give it my best shot.If you see me starting to get hateful.....................call me out on it.I noticed Lisa's pretty good about that. I didn't say I like it but it sure makes my life easier.
and that's what it's all about Tim, making our lives easier. That's what recovery has done for me. When I stopped fighting it, I got better. Love you buddy.
Nicely said, Tim. Ditto that for my everyday life.
Oh Tim... Some of those people deserved it. LOL

.........and some of them didn't.
LOL. Not talking about YOU carol...
Tim, I have never really posted to you before and I do know that I can rub some posters the wrong way with in your face type of communication, I know that doesn't work for everyone. I guess for me my biggest growth is not the need to comment on everything I read here. I really have learned more by keeping quiet and reading.

Take Care


LOL Stac, I had to say that.

Carol, Hey Girlfriend!!! (((((((((((Waving and blowing kisses!))))))))))))))
How are you and Mom? Get in touch when you have time, I miss you!

This doesn't apply to you, but it is always better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt......or so "they" say.
Hey Tim,

Thank You for the kind words. Takes a lot to admit to things as you have done, felt, and it says a ton about your character.

Hell we all can be critical of each other. Nature of the beast. I know for me, I have been critical of others, a work in progress, and I am no where near where I should be.

Talk about growth, what I have observed as a huge positive over the years from you and others have become so much more open minded or more accepting when at one point there was less tolerance of how people got clean or their views on the subject. I hope this is coming out right. I view this as a sincere motion of all of us accepting each other where we agree or not.

And it doesn't matter, what matters is, we are all individuals that walk our own line. It doesn't matter how we got here, as long as we did.

I readily admit I took the easy way out, after I had gone through WD. To me subutex got me out of the habit of taking massive amounts of pills a day, but getting off sub was no picnic either.

I believe that we do have the will power to get sober and stay that way. If it weren't for our internal will to stop the madness we would keep using. I know for some this doesn't hold true, but it is what I believe. I believe in giving ourselves credit not relying on the fact that it is a disease that will never go away. I will not accept that for me. I am not terminal.

Yes I can have a beer or mix drink and not wake the dragon. I have no fear of that.

I would think we are smart enough to use what we were born with to get clean, some need AA , NA, PA, Triple A, others need sub, some people just say, no more. Some taper, some keep using because the drug has taken over so strongly that they do not see any way out. There is always a way out. We need to pull from within to get the ball rolling. Ask for help, can we do it alone? Some can, some cant. I needed to be around medical professionals to feel safe. I could not do it alone. but my will took me to detox, my will got me off sub, my will keeps me sober today.

Kind of got off topic here with the above, but my point is Tim, I hope you have seen the growth/change in yourself. I certainly have.

Again Thank you.
I think I tend to NOT really say what I want for fear of hurting someone or offending someone. However, I've noticed lately at work I've been doing a lot of complaining about people behind their backs. That doesn't do a damn bit of good, and I know better. I feel rotten about it at the end of the day and I bet everyone is sick of me complaining. I feel like a gossipy backstabber.

There, I feel better for admitting this and I vow to do better.

On the other hand, when my husband gets home, I'm gonna rip him a new one for forgetting to pay the dentist bill!!!!!!!!
you're so cool Brookie..nicely said.