I got my package late this afternoon and I can't believe how quickly you got it to me. Tomorrow those bad boys go right into my newly weeded and groomed garden. I will think of you every time I see them and send out little blessings to my long-distance landscaper friend. THANK YOU =) You made my day...my week even.
You are special, Tim.
Peace out~MomNMore
You're welcome and good luck with them!
Ahhhhh......the joy of gardening. It wouldn't be what it is if you couldn't share it with other gardeners.
That was very nice of you, Tim.
You're so right Carol...yesterday we were at a birthday party and about 20 people trooped over to the next door neighbors yard to check out his garden. Never even met the man until yesterday, but always game to talk dirt =)
It's funny, I didn't know jack-squat about gardening until I started digging and now my neighbors come for advice and people stop while driving on our street to ask questions...some of my most animated conversations are with other gardeners. I thank God I found this form of therapy...I look forward to digging and planting...even weeding...for the rest of my days.
Post a pic if you've got one, Carol. Have a dirty day...
It's funny, I didn't know jack-squat about gardening until I started digging and now my neighbors come for advice and people stop while driving on our street to ask questions...some of my most animated conversations are with other gardeners. I thank God I found this form of therapy...I look forward to digging and planting...even weeding...for the rest of my days.
Post a pic if you've got one, Carol. Have a dirty day...
If that's a pic of your garden, it's gorgeous! I've always envied people with a green thumb. I can't seem to make anything but weeds grow in my yard. I have the perfect area in my front yard to plant something but I have no idea what to plant. When I was a kid my grandma used to grow tulips and they are now my favorite flower. They have to be planted in the fall right?
Shelly-It depends on where you live.We plant them in late January.early Feb. but we don't get much blooming time.A week and a half at the most.The further north you live,the better.
It's mostly a rich man's plant here.I love tulips and daffodils but unless you have the money it's not really worth it.
It's mostly a rich man's plant here.I love tulips and daffodils but unless you have the money it's not really worth it.
I live in southern West Virginia very close to Virginia. My grandma who grew the tulips lived in Wisconsin. That's probably why she was successful with tulips. So do you have any suggestions on something for beginners to plant? Something easy to maintain. Thanks.
Hi Shelley~
Daylilies are unkillable and columbine is easy and very airy and pretty. Hosta is also lovely, gives good coverage (large leaves) and comes in many varieties for shade to part sun.
Daylilies are unkillable and columbine is easy and very airy and pretty. Hosta is also lovely, gives good coverage (large leaves) and comes in many varieties for shade to part sun.
coleus,gymphronea,lantana,daylilies,it doesn't have to look like Versailles...How the hell am I going to go through another summer without central air?
What's gymphronea? I googled it and I got the "did not return any results" message.
OMG...Houston without central air...there's a place in heaven for you. My husband and I are having our annual AC fight...I want it, he doesn't. I will win or die trying...or kill him and make it look like he died of heat stroke.
OMG...Houston without central air...there's a place in heaven for you. My husband and I are having our annual AC fight...I want it, he doesn't. I will win or die trying...or kill him and make it look like he died of heat stroke.
LOL............It;s gomphrena
globe amaranth
I made it sound like veneral disease.

globe amaranth
I made it sound like veneral disease.
Try some different "thunbergia grandiflora".They wil be seasonals down there but blue flowers are my favorite

I got a new bok for you mom.Being as far north as you are I think you'll lile this one.
Send me your address again,timlincoln@aol.com
Send me your address again,timlincoln@aol.com
I just sent it out.I don't know if you are Familiar with Rosemary Verey's but she's the prima donna of English Landscapes and borders.When I was there I got a chance to see Great Dexters Garden and Barnsley's house.
Sorry to bore you with all this but the English are the masterpieces of this art.Although we have wonderful gardens here,the antquituity and their affinity with mixed borders surpass anything we have.
I have to deal with neveau riche who assume if you throw enough money at it,it gives them class.I shouldn't b****.It keeps me in business? Although some of these women in 20,000 designer rags from Neiman Marcus, still can't disguise the fact from their husbands they use to work at Hooters.
I'l put that on my resentmet list today.
I have some remarkable people I work for and love.
Sorry to bore you with all this but the English are the masterpieces of this art.Although we have wonderful gardens here,the antquituity and their affinity with mixed borders surpass anything we have.
I have to deal with neveau riche who assume if you throw enough money at it,it gives them class.I shouldn't b****.It keeps me in business? Although some of these women in 20,000 designer rags from Neiman Marcus, still can't disguise the fact from their husbands they use to work at Hooters.
I'l put that on my resentmet list today.
I have some remarkable people I work for and love.
That blue thing, looks similiar to morning glory, is it a perenial, does it climb, or is it more bushy...
I like blue flowers too, victoria blue salvia is one of my favorites...
I like blue flowers too, victoria blue salvia is one of my favorites...
Tina,It's a thunbergia but it does climb.Not as rampant as a morning glory.It's not freeze hardy.Thunbergias come in orange too.You can grow them from seed.
I love it man
I love it man
Not as rampant as morning glory...
I will have to look for seeds as it grows in orange as well, even if it won't survive the cold, I am sure it will love the hot, humid summers.
So it can be a perennial or is it...sorry for the questions but something like purple cone flower that I started from seed didn't flower until second year...worth the wait but will this flower first year....
I will have to look for seeds as it grows in orange as well, even if it won't survive the cold, I am sure it will love the hot, humid summers.
So it can be a perennial or is it...sorry for the questions but something like purple cone flower that I started from seed didn't flower until second year...worth the wait but will this flower first year....
in illinois we plant tulips and all spring bulbs in spring and at least a month from the first freeze in the fall.
i didnt know it was a rich mans plant tim.
omg! i wish you could of seen my neighbors tulips this spring, masses of them planted! it was so beautiful to see everyday.
speaking of morning glories, they can really become a nuisance. i love them alot but trying to pick off all the dead foliage in the fall off a cyclone fence can be tedious, whats strange is the seed package says they are annual but they come up every year. i havent planted them for a few years now and already they are coming up, also in places where they shouldnt be like the lawn!
my peonies are getting ready to blossom and my clematis too, i have 6 clematis, they are breath taking! i have one climbing up the trunk of my tree!
hostas are a good beginner plant, mine are huge and need dividing, wish i could share them with you guys. day lilies are good too, need full sun, i thinned mine last year.
tim have you any suggestions as to how to kill a plant?
i planted this ground cover a few years back and its become a nuisance this year. and its the only plant that i have that i forgot to write down the name of it in my garden files.
yesterday i weed wacked the $&#$* of it and got it reduced to a small mound, its got thin runners on it and its always has green foliage and never flowers, the runners took off like crazy this year and they tried to grow under the bottom boards of the house next to the foundation! i dont like killing living things but this one has to go! any suggestions i would appreciate.
it tried to take over my ferns,lavendar and it kept my creeping phlox from creeping.
i get great satisfaction to see how everything has matured this year, it takes great patience and time in illinois for things to reach their greatest beauty.
i keep checking my double holly hocks and nothing has sprouted yet,
i worked hard yesterday, my sons helped open the pool, thank goodness the water is crystal clear after my son removed the cover. the water is 50 degrees! my youngest son jumped in! brrr! his girlfriend tried but changed her mind, they helped me get all the winter covers put in the shed and then those darn helicopters from the maple trees are everywhere.
mr and mrs mallard duck were very mad at me, they squawked and squawked at me! every year they enjoy swimming on my yucky winter cover on the pool, and they come at dusk every night, love them! so last night at dusk they came flying over the pool and were ready to land and they saw the cover was gone!
mrs mourning dove tried too, but she just landed on the top rail of the pool.
my neighbor had this massive tree removed and it has brought so much more sun on my pool, but it was not fun to watch these inexperienced tree removers, all these massive logs came crashing down and put a hole in their roof, dented their pool, took down a cyclone fence, damaged the telephone line and dented their brand new gutters, unbelievable! all the neighbors watched in horror! everything has been fixed now except for the gutters.
i have been so blessed, my mistake was putting a pool in a backyard that was a forest! in 13 yrs i have tried everything to warm up my water, 5 massive trees, over 30 yrs old were taken down by my neighbors and today after this last tree removal i have sun on my pool all day until around 7 pm. before i would only have full sun until around 1 pm.
it is 48 degrees this morning! my flowers arent liking this. i feel for you tim with no a/c, we have a/c but cant run it much as the electric bill will be way over $200.00. we had this old fashioned pool heater and it warmed the water so good but my gas bill was in the $200.00 range, so couldnt run that too much either, it konked out last swimming season.
all these beautiful flowers really help to lift my spirits.
i didnt know it was a rich mans plant tim.
omg! i wish you could of seen my neighbors tulips this spring, masses of them planted! it was so beautiful to see everyday.
speaking of morning glories, they can really become a nuisance. i love them alot but trying to pick off all the dead foliage in the fall off a cyclone fence can be tedious, whats strange is the seed package says they are annual but they come up every year. i havent planted them for a few years now and already they are coming up, also in places where they shouldnt be like the lawn!
my peonies are getting ready to blossom and my clematis too, i have 6 clematis, they are breath taking! i have one climbing up the trunk of my tree!
hostas are a good beginner plant, mine are huge and need dividing, wish i could share them with you guys. day lilies are good too, need full sun, i thinned mine last year.
tim have you any suggestions as to how to kill a plant?
i planted this ground cover a few years back and its become a nuisance this year. and its the only plant that i have that i forgot to write down the name of it in my garden files.
yesterday i weed wacked the $&#$* of it and got it reduced to a small mound, its got thin runners on it and its always has green foliage and never flowers, the runners took off like crazy this year and they tried to grow under the bottom boards of the house next to the foundation! i dont like killing living things but this one has to go! any suggestions i would appreciate.
it tried to take over my ferns,lavendar and it kept my creeping phlox from creeping.
i get great satisfaction to see how everything has matured this year, it takes great patience and time in illinois for things to reach their greatest beauty.
i keep checking my double holly hocks and nothing has sprouted yet,
i worked hard yesterday, my sons helped open the pool, thank goodness the water is crystal clear after my son removed the cover. the water is 50 degrees! my youngest son jumped in! brrr! his girlfriend tried but changed her mind, they helped me get all the winter covers put in the shed and then those darn helicopters from the maple trees are everywhere.
mr and mrs mallard duck were very mad at me, they squawked and squawked at me! every year they enjoy swimming on my yucky winter cover on the pool, and they come at dusk every night, love them! so last night at dusk they came flying over the pool and were ready to land and they saw the cover was gone!
mrs mourning dove tried too, but she just landed on the top rail of the pool.
my neighbor had this massive tree removed and it has brought so much more sun on my pool, but it was not fun to watch these inexperienced tree removers, all these massive logs came crashing down and put a hole in their roof, dented their pool, took down a cyclone fence, damaged the telephone line and dented their brand new gutters, unbelievable! all the neighbors watched in horror! everything has been fixed now except for the gutters.
i have been so blessed, my mistake was putting a pool in a backyard that was a forest! in 13 yrs i have tried everything to warm up my water, 5 massive trees, over 30 yrs old were taken down by my neighbors and today after this last tree removal i have sun on my pool all day until around 7 pm. before i would only have full sun until around 1 pm.
it is 48 degrees this morning! my flowers arent liking this. i feel for you tim with no a/c, we have a/c but cant run it much as the electric bill will be way over $200.00. we had this old fashioned pool heater and it warmed the water so good but my gas bill was in the $200.00 range, so couldnt run that too much either, it konked out last swimming season.
all these beautiful flowers really help to lift my spirits.
Wow, Tim...I do know her, a friend of mine does walking tours of England three or four times a year and has brought me photos of some of the gardens she sees out in the countryside. I couldn't agree more about their style...I love those gardens that appear wild, but are cultivated carefully to appear wild...it's a real art form. I am psyched to be getting the book and I thank you for your generosity. Is that venereal plant a shrub? It's quite funky. LOL on the Hooter wives...they really are so clueless...those you'll find asll over the country.
Tina and Tim, blues are my faves also, they just set everything else off so beautifully and that one is gorgeous in both form and color. I have two gi -normous hydrangeas that are a true bright blue, much the same color as the grandiflora pictured, but they are temperamental and only flower when they feel like it...they're looking good for this year though...they like a lot of rain. Tina, what part of the country are you in? I haven't had much luck with cone flowers for some reason, but I'm still trying. I wish we could grow tropicals as more than just annuals, but they do not winter well indoors around here. I love mandevilla which is viny like a morning glory, but with heavier, waxier foliage and more colors; it made it indoors until March then was assaulted by mealy bug (nasty).
Tim, I heard from a friend that rather than dig up the caladia every year I can put it in deep pots and bury them then just dig up the pots. I may just buy a string of nice ceramic pots and leave them above ground...I like mixing ceramics and statuary in with my stuff. I didn't get to them over the weekend as I was rototilling and putting in my annual herbs, but I am going to bury them one way or another after school today along with some lantana and knockout roses.
Hooray spring!
Tina and Tim, blues are my faves also, they just set everything else off so beautifully and that one is gorgeous in both form and color. I have two gi -normous hydrangeas that are a true bright blue, much the same color as the grandiflora pictured, but they are temperamental and only flower when they feel like it...they're looking good for this year though...they like a lot of rain. Tina, what part of the country are you in? I haven't had much luck with cone flowers for some reason, but I'm still trying. I wish we could grow tropicals as more than just annuals, but they do not winter well indoors around here. I love mandevilla which is viny like a morning glory, but with heavier, waxier foliage and more colors; it made it indoors until March then was assaulted by mealy bug (nasty).
Tim, I heard from a friend that rather than dig up the caladia every year I can put it in deep pots and bury them then just dig up the pots. I may just buy a string of nice ceramic pots and leave them above ground...I like mixing ceramics and statuary in with my stuff. I didn't get to them over the weekend as I was rototilling and putting in my annual herbs, but I am going to bury them one way or another after school today along with some lantana and knockout roses.
Hooray spring!
Cone flower does real well in my yard, mandm. I got seeds just peeking out some in pots, some in the ground, kinda experimenting to see where they will tolerate.
I am in jersey, live on a sand pit so it doesnt make it real easy to keep things aliveJust planted some lantana for this reason, full all day sun and it likes to dry out between wateringwhich will be daily where they arenever did them before so I shall see..
I use to have a full shade back yard, planted all this beautiful stuff and then two neighbors stripped their land of trees, I was pissed cause now I got full sun from about 11 until 7. so my project for the past few years is figuring what grows, and comes back through the winter and what annuals will make it through till fall
I like the forest look, everything wildbut my gardens are over wild this year. I spent all morning in one trying to contain some Virginia creeper, really nice vine that I am thinking of trying to move with the day lilies that took over to much.do day lilies really need full sun, my ones now get maybe an hour early morning sub and thrive.
Morning glories have nice hardy seeds Julie where they fall they regrow a lot of times
I am a seed saver, especially zinnias, no one should replant them year to year with store brought packs, or buy new onesyou should dry out your flowers and then pull the petals for the seeds most would be shocked at the different colors year to year.
There is a new zinnia out just the last few years around here, smaller leaves and flowers, kinda daisy like, grows bushy get about a foot highif anyone likes zinnias these last all summer, into fall and seem to have less mold issues late augustThey bloom constantly and if they seem to shut off, you just cut them back and they start again like crazy.
narrow-leaf zinnia
Happy gardening...
I am in jersey, live on a sand pit so it doesnt make it real easy to keep things aliveJust planted some lantana for this reason, full all day sun and it likes to dry out between wateringwhich will be daily where they arenever did them before so I shall see..
I use to have a full shade back yard, planted all this beautiful stuff and then two neighbors stripped their land of trees, I was pissed cause now I got full sun from about 11 until 7. so my project for the past few years is figuring what grows, and comes back through the winter and what annuals will make it through till fall
I like the forest look, everything wildbut my gardens are over wild this year. I spent all morning in one trying to contain some Virginia creeper, really nice vine that I am thinking of trying to move with the day lilies that took over to much.do day lilies really need full sun, my ones now get maybe an hour early morning sub and thrive.
Morning glories have nice hardy seeds Julie where they fall they regrow a lot of times
I am a seed saver, especially zinnias, no one should replant them year to year with store brought packs, or buy new onesyou should dry out your flowers and then pull the petals for the seeds most would be shocked at the different colors year to year.
There is a new zinnia out just the last few years around here, smaller leaves and flowers, kinda daisy like, grows bushy get about a foot highif anyone likes zinnias these last all summer, into fall and seem to have less mold issues late augustThey bloom constantly and if they seem to shut off, you just cut them back and they start again like crazy.
narrow-leaf zinnia
Happy gardening...