Hi everyone- hope your doing well--thanks for ur help to those who emailed me and helped me.
I was just searching thru some old posts and reading them. One of them was on the
TV SHOW house.
I looked at the date- it was Jan. 31, 2007.
I MUST BE GOING NUTS, I COULD SWEAR i WROTE THAT POST LAST MONTH not last year - I still sort of remember some of my thoughts thatt day & my intentions when I posted it.
Time really does seem to flow differently at different times. Tangentally (sp)
when I think of unpleasant experiences (wds, or heartbreaks or other negatives) it now seems like they went quick, but while they happened they seemed long, almost outside of time.
Hello.....................your so right...............time goes by sooo fast....
seems like the older we get the faster it goes by...................
seems like the older we get the faster it goes by...................
There is a psychological reason as to why time passes more quickly as we grow older.
Danny -
I would love to hear it - I always just blame it on age - now I can't even remember what happned last year or 2-3 yrs ago - I do remember what happened when I was a little girl - I think that means I'm brain damaged.
I would love to hear it - I always just blame it on age - now I can't even remember what happned last year or 2-3 yrs ago - I do remember what happened when I was a little girl - I think that means I'm brain damaged.
Quite simple. It has to do with your frame of reference of "time" and it's duration.
As an example, when you are 20 years old, 10 years has been 1/2 your life in terms of "time" where when you are 50, 10 years is only 20% of your total time reference, and therefore seems quite a bit less and shorter. That is why when you are 10, Christmas seems like a long time away and when you are 50, it's always right around the corner.
As an example, when you are 20 years old, 10 years has been 1/2 your life in terms of "time" where when you are 50, 10 years is only 20% of your total time reference, and therefore seems quite a bit less and shorter. That is why when you are 10, Christmas seems like a long time away and when you are 50, it's always right around the corner.
I hate this part of getting older. My mother always told me that the older we get, the faster time goes, she wasn't kidding. Do you remember being a child and having to wait for something? Like Christmas, your birthday, a special outing? It would take FOREVER. Not now. I cannot believe that we are already home from our trip. It's like we just left yesterday. Or the fact that my babies are now grown men and the oldest has children of his own. When did he get to be 27? I'm not old enough to have a 27 year old, dammit!
I know that death is immenint but I think I'll be 70 before I know it. That's why it's so important to do something ever day that scares the hell out of you.
I know that death is immenint but I think I'll be 70 before I know it. That's why it's so important to do something ever day that scares the hell out of you.
That's why it's so important to do something ever day that scares the hell out of you. |
Every morning in the mirror is scary enough
Danny -that makes so much sense - honestly it's like I just woke up, looked in the mirror and there's a 51 yr old woman there - I don't mind getting older -
I just want it to slow down.
Lisa I have thought the same thing - I'm afraid I'll wake up another morning and I'll be 70 - and saying that 70 is the new 60 lol
I'm not old enough to have a 33 yr old - gosh he's close to middle age - I was a child bride.
Thanks Danny - glad you're back
I just want it to slow down.
Lisa I have thought the same thing - I'm afraid I'll wake up another morning and I'll be 70 - and saying that 70 is the new 60 lol
I'm not old enough to have a 33 yr old - gosh he's close to middle age - I was a child bride.
Thanks Danny - glad you're back
Lisa, Come on over and clean my kids bathroom. If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, nothing will. LOL
Your only as old as the number you want to be. We get old when we stop playing, and get caught up in responsibility. Now if you will excuse me, Jake has fresh batteries in his light sabers and were off to kill Storm Troopers. May the Force be with you.
Your only as old as the number you want to be. We get old when we stop playing, and get caught up in responsibility. Now if you will excuse me, Jake has fresh batteries in his light sabers and were off to kill Storm Troopers. May the Force be with you.
LOL, well, there ya go. But no, I'm not cleaning your bathroom. They can come live me though, I would love a house full of kids again.
I know what you mean Jean, 50 is the new 30. I can live with that.
I know what you mean Jean, 50 is the new 30. I can live with that.
My life is nothing like it was when I was 30. I would rather be 30 and know what I know now.
Me too Danny, I think there is so much that I would have done differently. Some, would be the same though...But you couldn't pay me enough to go through my teens and 20's again. It was too painful.
Come on Lisa, you know you want to play a game of "Kick the can".
"Red Rover" was pretty cool too.
So was dodge ball! LOL
They won't let the kids play dodge ball anymore in school. Someone might get hurt. Please. LOL
They won't let the kids play dodge ball anymore in school. Someone might get hurt. Please. LOL
How about Mother May I? I remember all the kids in the neighbor hood playing until it got dark. I guess my childhood wasnt' all that bad...
Hey, I loved dodgeball!
That's practically a crime to take it away. I admit, we all did play to blast whoever we could, lol.
Do you remember "Snake?"
You made a long line of kids and ran in different directions. The poor kid at the end usually got sent flying, lol.
We played "Red Light Green Light," and "Mother, may I?" but those were so tame in comparison.
When I was growing up the best time to play street games was at dusk.
I bet I know one you don't, "One foot off the gutter." Kids were on either side of the street and the person who was "it" was in the middle. You could put one foot off the gutter but more than that and you could get tagged. The object was to run to the other side of the street.
Another was "Fish in a Can." It was like hide and seek only backwards. One person hid while the others looked. If you found the person, you had to hide there with him. The last one to find the group lost.
A shame my kids live in the woods and will never be able to play all those games. It probably wouldn't be safe to let your children out for hours until dark now, anyway.
I forgot Freeze Tag, lol.
I didn't see you, Lisa. What are you doing home? You're supposed to be having a massage. I know, you just couldn't bear to not email me. >grin<
That's practically a crime to take it away. I admit, we all did play to blast whoever we could, lol.
Do you remember "Snake?"
You made a long line of kids and ran in different directions. The poor kid at the end usually got sent flying, lol.
We played "Red Light Green Light," and "Mother, may I?" but those were so tame in comparison.
When I was growing up the best time to play street games was at dusk.
I bet I know one you don't, "One foot off the gutter." Kids were on either side of the street and the person who was "it" was in the middle. You could put one foot off the gutter but more than that and you could get tagged. The object was to run to the other side of the street.
Another was "Fish in a Can." It was like hide and seek only backwards. One person hid while the others looked. If you found the person, you had to hide there with him. The last one to find the group lost.
A shame my kids live in the woods and will never be able to play all those games. It probably wouldn't be safe to let your children out for hours until dark now, anyway.
I forgot Freeze Tag, lol.
I didn't see you, Lisa. What are you doing home? You're supposed to be having a massage. I know, you just couldn't bear to not email me. >grin<
Everything got changed...we're going at 4:30 instead. My sink was leaking and Jon needed to get it fixed. We were going to have a little memorial tonight but changed that to next week. A couple of folks couldn't make it.
Do you remember "kick the can"? It was like hide and seek too. When the person who was it was looking for you, you made a run for it and kicked the can that was in the middle of the street. Then you were safe. But if they tagged running out of your hiding spot, you were then "it". I loved that game.
We played army alot too. I remember this one girl, she was such a princess, but she wanted to play because of boys. When she would make gun noises? It sounded like "shimpow, shimpow". Used to crack me up.
Do you remember "kick the can"? It was like hide and seek too. When the person who was it was looking for you, you made a run for it and kicked the can that was in the middle of the street. Then you were safe. But if they tagged running out of your hiding spot, you were then "it". I loved that game.
We played army alot too. I remember this one girl, she was such a princess, but she wanted to play because of boys. When she would make gun noises? It sounded like "shimpow, shimpow". Used to crack me up.
Lisa, In the movie The Twilight Zone, there was a episode about this old man who came to a nursing home and had some of the people play "kick the can". They all turned into kids again, but then they were sad because they weren't old anymore. All of them but one returned to old age.
My all time favorite was "King of the Hill". I still play that with my kids. We love to do it the winter, when the snow plows have made big mountains of snow. I've managed to send all the kids of the neighborhood down the hill, but a few of the parents sent me sprawling. LOL
Kat, we used to blast the hell of people in dodge ball, but that was in middle and high school. I really can't see where a second grader can throw a rubber ball hard enough to cause any serious injury. Politically correct I guess. Let kids be kids. We also played the "snake" game, but we called it "crack the whip".
We played Marco Polo in snake, leech and turtle infested ponds. I think having a leech suck on you is one of the most unpleasant experiences one can have. LOL
My all time favorite was "King of the Hill". I still play that with my kids. We love to do it the winter, when the snow plows have made big mountains of snow. I've managed to send all the kids of the neighborhood down the hill, but a few of the parents sent me sprawling. LOL
Kat, we used to blast the hell of people in dodge ball, but that was in middle and high school. I really can't see where a second grader can throw a rubber ball hard enough to cause any serious injury. Politically correct I guess. Let kids be kids. We also played the "snake" game, but we called it "crack the whip".
We played Marco Polo in snake, leech and turtle infested ponds. I think having a leech suck on you is one of the most unpleasant experiences one can have. LOL
I remember that episode!
Now that you mention it, I think we called it "crack the whip" too. I don't know why I thought it was "snake".
Lisa, if you got tagged, did you have to cover your eyes and hit the can on the pavement ten times? Meanwhile everyone you had caught got to hide again and you had to start over. I loved making a dash for it and kicking that can as far as I could, lol. Someone could be "it" forever.
We also drew chalk hopscotches and played double dutch.
Now kids have electronic toys that play with themselves. I think we had it better.
Now that you mention it, I think we called it "crack the whip" too. I don't know why I thought it was "snake".
Lisa, if you got tagged, did you have to cover your eyes and hit the can on the pavement ten times? Meanwhile everyone you had caught got to hide again and you had to start over. I loved making a dash for it and kicking that can as far as I could, lol. Someone could be "it" forever.
We also drew chalk hopscotches and played double dutch.
Now kids have electronic toys that play with themselves. I think we had it better.