To All My Wonderful Friends

To all who have taken the time to write & call I have sent emails to all of you.
I pinky promise Molly will be om in the morning!!!!
Im so sorry Ive been MIA & I know you'll all understand when you get the emails.
Your neverending love & friendship just help reinforce just how blessed I am
Annes BF is here for dinner so I must sign off but I hope more than you know we can all talk in the morning!!!!
Thank you again for your love.You all are so much kinder than my real family!!!!
love molly
MJ,im glad to see your cute little kitties! I look forward to "seeing" you in the morning!~KIM
Im glad to see you post also. Many of us dont have one on one conversations but time does do something to make us all feel connected in some way. I think often of those that dont post for awhile. Some I figure are just taking a break or dont need the board for now, others I worry what is going on. Glad you're ok and that you know those here who know the "inner" you, miss you.

miss u

I have missed seeing you post on the board.