To All Newcomers

Hi and welcome to the site of hope i call it that simply because we are all in the same boat here and together there is hope, and i hope you make this day your first day of your lives. We that have clean time here know how difficult things are to get clean and stay clean we have all been through the excuse stage il do it tomorrow, poor me etc so we understand and try to be patient but sometimes our frustration spills out simply because we know how much better life can be, we have all been where you are now the excuses the denial etc. we dont always say the right things at the right time but we are all human. The caring people on this site endeavour to reach out to as many people as we can everyone here as a place not one person has nothing important to say its all important why because once we have moved on our posts are here for the future, its so unfortunate that that is the case but i there will always be addicts.
This purpose of this post is to reach out to anyone wishing to make a change in their lives anyone wishing they could be brave enough to post make the new year a new year for yourselves and let us all help you reach your potential. Take care clean for today jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey WackyGirl!
Merry Christmas, stay safe, stay healthy & keep in touch ya hear

hey sav where did you spring from lol wow glad to hear from ya hows things hun email me jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jacky -- nice message! Hope you are doing well and enjoying the season. M.
Hiya none yep i sure am having the time of my life right now why because im clean and im thinking straight i cant think of a better reason to be so happy.
(((((hugs)))))) jackiexx
Jacky, you said:

"because im clean and im thinking straight i cant think of a better reason to be so happy."

A great reminder for me -- amidst the stress of Christmas prep and year-end work crunch -- that I have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks.
HI i'm a abu I have been through so much I have a son and he's one years old. His dad got sent to omaha for 2 years and now he is back. It's been so hard he can't stay off tweek. He says it's because he can't get a job he got put in for burgulary. He threatens I can't leave him or he'lll go back to stealing . help what do i do.
Let him take his own self down. He is the one making the dicision to get into trouble if you leave. If you realy want to go then go...
At least the next time he does something like stealing , you will be in a better place without him.

Your Friend. Christina
Hi vall sorry hun only you know the answers too your question. sometimes when things are going bad we know what to do we just look for conformation without knowing all the details i dont think im qualified to help in any way. Each relationship is so different things go wrong for all number of reasons but in the end we need to decide to do what is best for us as individuels and has you have a son that must be your foremost consideration. life is never easy do you have close family you could chat too? sorry ive not been much help but for me to make a judgment on your relationship would be foolish and irrisponsible. take care jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I agree with Jacky, but you may also want to post in another Forum on this Board -- for Friends and Family. You may find some good support there as well. Just go to the top of this page, click on "main categories," then scroll down to the Friends and Families forum. Good luck.