To Cowgirl

I am always very impressed with your maturity and honesty. The board is lucky to have you. You are a constant in just plain stupid times. You don't take sides and are an avocate for the addict. I have no desire to post my opinion on the recent goings on--It simply is of no relevance, but I wanted you to know that your consistancy and truth are very important and needed.
I truly don't want to take sides... I just want everyone to understand that we can't afford to turn our backs on anyone at anytime. If it happens to us, it could be deadly.

I literally couldn't get clean without the help of this board. Why shouldn't each and every addict have the same effort? So what if they're a pain in the butt...aren't we all in our own special way.

Sorry u had to get in the middle of battle this am but i have posted an apology. u seem to be a great champion on getting clean.
I lik u too!

lol..I like you too Charlie!

Kyra... acceptance and forgiveness are the 2 greatest gifts I have been given since getting clean. Life is so much easier that way.
