frist of all, why would you even bring that up when it happened a month ago and you already knew the asnwer and as far as atlas and ali go I wrote them an apology and they said it was over with but have I heard from them since. Hell no. and as far as the GLADIATOR. what a name! you can tell he is such a man.
As far as you go you knew exactly what you were doing and have we not alll gone over that a month ago. So please just get off of my back.
My god did you even read my post to see what I was going through. If that is all you have time to do is point out someones past mistakes then so be it. just leave me the hell alone. I really hope your recovery is going good. Sincerley,
I'm sorry to admit April, that I don't read your posts all the way through. They are too long, too rambling and I guess because I'm an addict in the worst ways, I don't have much of an attention span. I'm not the only one. You might want to try saying what you have to say in shorter form.
So, no, I didn't read the whole post. I just saw the part about your clean time and the pot. I was curious, that's all. Wasn't judging you, really. This is a recovery board and we all have to be careful about what information or advice is out there. Some take it literally. I truly was just curious and wanted to know why you thought the way you did. You can't put all of the information that you do, out there and not expect people to question you. If you're looking for a place to just journel, try writing it in a book.
I'm not judging you, April. Not the way I've been judged this morning. Defensiveness isn't a good thing for a recovering addict. It usually points to something very wrong.
Take care
So, no, I didn't read the whole post. I just saw the part about your clean time and the pot. I was curious, that's all. Wasn't judging you, really. This is a recovery board and we all have to be careful about what information or advice is out there. Some take it literally. I truly was just curious and wanted to know why you thought the way you did. You can't put all of the information that you do, out there and not expect people to question you. If you're looking for a place to just journel, try writing it in a book.
I'm not judging you, April. Not the way I've been judged this morning. Defensiveness isn't a good thing for a recovering addict. It usually points to something very wrong.
Take care
Lisa, I am sorry that you dont like how long my post are but that is just you. I will not write them any shorter if I feel I have something I need to say. So lets jsut please agree to disagree. I really dont have time to worry about you and how you think I should work the program. Sincerely.
p:s All we all really have is today anyway. just curious since it bothers you so much about my clean time. How long do you have from drugs?
p:s All we all really have is today anyway. just curious since it bothers you so much about my clean time. How long do you have from drugs?
You're clean time doesnt' bother me at're missing the point here. And yes, it's better to agree to disagree (although I'm not sure what we are disagreeing about, all I did was ask a question) and let this go. I think that you and I could have worked this out just fine, had we been left alone to talk about it and explain ourselves. But, that's water under the bridge. I don't want you to change your post length for me...just a bit of advice if you want others to read them.
I've been clean almost 2 years. But you're right, all we have is today.
I've been clean almost 2 years. But you're right, all we have is today.
Thank you, I know I am right about all we have is today and if you think we could have discussed this outside without others around then why not offer me your email address or ask me mine. Why even ask me such a question when you could have gone back and looked it up on the message board. congrats on your two years
<post removed>
This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. This is your one and only warning.
The moderators.
This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. This is your one and only warning.
The moderators.
You should be ashamed of yourself!! That's not what this board is about. I have watched you start sooooooo much trouble. Please Go Away!!! If you don't come here to help, why come here?
You should be ashamed of yourself!! That's not what this board is about. I have watched you start sooooooo much trouble. Please Go Away!!! If you don't come here to help, why come here?
suzie i'm a guy thats what we do (-: not wot we do...just men like you mate....there could be other lesbians who have drug problems who might of wanted to post on here and be honest about their sexuality with it....they,ve got no chance of being taken seriously while your about..
I too have been left insulting
To each his/her own and whatever makes you happy....
To each his/her own and whatever makes you happy....
aye mate (-:
I was raised up with five older brothers and that is not the way REAL men act! Fatherofone is right, What if there are others, who choose a different lifestyle, and are on this board looking and really needing serious help. And what if they were to read this? We could lose the opportunity to maybe help them or maybe even save a life.We are not here to judge anyone, we/I just need to get support from others who have been in the same position/situation we are in. Please stop what you are doing.I will not ever post to you again, as I see it, you are just looking for attention and to keep things stirred up on here and you should be ashamed of yourself !!!!!!!! May God bless you in your recovery.
I was raised up with five older brothers and that is not the way REAL men act! Fatherofone is right, What if there are others, who choose a different lifestyle, and are on this board looking and really needing serious help. And what if they were to read this? We could lose the opportunity to maybe help them or maybe even save a life.We are not here to judge anyone, we/I just need to get support from others who have been in the same position/situation we are in. Please stop what you are doing.I will not ever post to you again, as I see it, you are just looking for attention and to keep things stirred up on here and you should be ashamed of yourself !!!!!!!! May God bless you in your recovery.
Ok Susan i'll miss you addressing me, i will be saddened you have shunned me, what will i do?? )-:
You know gladiator you have no idea about me and me being e lesbian and it is truly sad when you bring that card in when you were trying to hurt me. I know you are a very insecure man by the things you say. I am alesbian and damn proud of it. I know you are probably just jealous because you cannot get a goodlooking woman or any woman at that. You dont even know what I look like and if you did and we were at a meeting. You would be one of the first people that would be trying to thirteen step me. So you can make your little comments and I am sorry that the newcomer has to see all this but making fun of me being gay is a very low blow. I am not worried about it because it looks like you dont have a woman in your life. So are you gay? Why say things about my sexuality when you dont even know me.
I know who I am today and I get hit on all the time by men like you and they make me sick. They think if they cant have me then they will dis me. So is that what this is about. Do you want me mr gladiator. I will send you my pic if you would like me to. I am sure you would love that. I am not your typical looking lesbian. I am all woman and I am with a woman who is all woman also. So please if it is that you are wanting me then I am sorry I only date woman. I think you might have a little crush on me. Is that what it is. I know now I would never send you my pic because you would really want me then. So please try and reframe from making all your little insecure lesbian jokes. I promise you I have been with more prettier woman than you have or have you even been with a woman. or is it that you are gay? I know it is hard to deal with. I did not come out until my first fourth step when I was 19 years old. So I can understand you having a really big hangup on lesbian. Especially when you cannot deal with your own sexuality. So what is it. are you gay and or are you homophobic or is it that you want me but know I am a lesbian. It is one or the other. Sounds like you are just jealous because I have a girlfriend and you dont. I am sorry for you and I hope oneday you will grow up and stop acting like that little boy on the playgound who pulls your hair and runs away because that is the only way they know how to get a womans attention. I will be praying for you.
I know who I am today and I get hit on all the time by men like you and they make me sick. They think if they cant have me then they will dis me. So is that what this is about. Do you want me mr gladiator. I will send you my pic if you would like me to. I am sure you would love that. I am not your typical looking lesbian. I am all woman and I am with a woman who is all woman also. So please if it is that you are wanting me then I am sorry I only date woman. I think you might have a little crush on me. Is that what it is. I know now I would never send you my pic because you would really want me then. So please try and reframe from making all your little insecure lesbian jokes. I promise you I have been with more prettier woman than you have or have you even been with a woman. or is it that you are gay? I know it is hard to deal with. I did not come out until my first fourth step when I was 19 years old. So I can understand you having a really big hangup on lesbian. Especially when you cannot deal with your own sexuality. So what is it. are you gay and or are you homophobic or is it that you want me but know I am a lesbian. It is one or the other. Sounds like you are just jealous because I have a girlfriend and you dont. I am sorry for you and I hope oneday you will grow up and stop acting like that little boy on the playgound who pulls your hair and runs away because that is the only way they know how to get a womans attention. I will be praying for you.
April, sooner or later you will realize that you cannot let people like gladiator get to you. Live your life. Dont worry about those who wish to slander you. We are here for a short time, live the life you want.
Dear donnatwo, That is one thing that has never bothered me is people talking about my sexuality. I am so ok with who I am today where before I came out I was so against gay people and made fun of them and jokes just like the gladiator is doing. It took alot of courage for me to admit to myself and others that I was gay for a long time but the more I did it the more respect I got and I have always noticed men getting a kick out of two woman being together. So that is why I was talking back to gladiator. I was jsut f----g around with him. Making light of the situation and he reminds me of me before I came out. So I was jsut saying if you are gay then its ok. I understand the feeling of not being excepted by others but in all my life I have never been talked about or made fun of or have had anything of that kind of thing being honest about my sexuality.
I know there are alot of homophobes out there and will try and deny there feelings and they do that by making fun of gay people. Why are you telling me not to let him bother me and not tellling him not to let me bother him. I am totally ok and I am sittting here reading all of this to my girlfriend and she is laughing.
Why does it offend you if I am taking up for my sexuality. That is one thing I will not sit back and tolerate. Not for me but for the person who is dealing with there sexuality and wanting to come out. I thought there was no way I could be gay. I was to pretty and all the guys loved me and I surely never wanted to date any of the lesbians I had seen on t.v that look gay and not normal.
So please forgive me If I am just taking a stand for the person who is stil trying to deal with there sexuality. I know how hard it is especially when you dont look gay and have always dated men. So it is just like when people are making fun of addicts. would you sit back and watch someone say jokes about addicts and not defend them. I hope not. I know who I am today and it took me a long time to come to terms that I was actually gay and never really have had a problem with someone making fun of me. Then again, I have never actually met any of you on here outside the computer. So please understand this is something I will always do and it is for the person who is not dealing with there sexuality. I know alot of gay woman who you would never know they were gay if you met them and I am one of those. But most people like me date guys because thats all we know and that is normal. So the people I do know that are gay that choose to stay in the closet and pretend to be straight and date woman on the side is a very hard life. Try being two people and see if you like it. It is not a very fun thing to go through. I know alot of woman who are miserable because they are living the straight life and cannot be honest about who they are. I am sorry but that is onething I will not sit back and tolerate. I wished there was someone that looked like me and dressed like me and was as outgoing as me that would have told me they were lesbians. It sure would have made things easier for me if there would have been. I know today that I am ok with who I am and I have met guys like gladiator who can not stand lesbians and pretty lesbians at that because they are so insecure about there own love life. So please dont ever tell me not to take up for being who I am today.
I know there are alot of homophobes out there and will try and deny there feelings and they do that by making fun of gay people. Why are you telling me not to let him bother me and not tellling him not to let me bother him. I am totally ok and I am sittting here reading all of this to my girlfriend and she is laughing.
Why does it offend you if I am taking up for my sexuality. That is one thing I will not sit back and tolerate. Not for me but for the person who is dealing with there sexuality and wanting to come out. I thought there was no way I could be gay. I was to pretty and all the guys loved me and I surely never wanted to date any of the lesbians I had seen on t.v that look gay and not normal.
So please forgive me If I am just taking a stand for the person who is stil trying to deal with there sexuality. I know how hard it is especially when you dont look gay and have always dated men. So it is just like when people are making fun of addicts. would you sit back and watch someone say jokes about addicts and not defend them. I hope not. I know who I am today and it took me a long time to come to terms that I was actually gay and never really have had a problem with someone making fun of me. Then again, I have never actually met any of you on here outside the computer. So please understand this is something I will always do and it is for the person who is not dealing with there sexuality. I know alot of gay woman who you would never know they were gay if you met them and I am one of those. But most people like me date guys because thats all we know and that is normal. So the people I do know that are gay that choose to stay in the closet and pretend to be straight and date woman on the side is a very hard life. Try being two people and see if you like it. It is not a very fun thing to go through. I know alot of woman who are miserable because they are living the straight life and cannot be honest about who they are. I am sorry but that is onething I will not sit back and tolerate. I wished there was someone that looked like me and dressed like me and was as outgoing as me that would have told me they were lesbians. It sure would have made things easier for me if there would have been. I know today that I am ok with who I am and I have met guys like gladiator who can not stand lesbians and pretty lesbians at that because they are so insecure about there own love life. So please dont ever tell me not to take up for being who I am today.
Gee, I leave for work for a few hours and all hell breaks loose.Makes me want to go throw back a few pills (NOT) I just wanted to say I really look forward to coming home and reading all of the post but this is just plain ignorance. Shantel
Lisa nuttin wrong with being a lesbian, i told you i was one to, i'm just trapped in a mans body (-: but you have to admit the lesbian joke was funny lol
Damn, I hope I am reading this wrong, Donnatwo writes a post that is compassionate and full of wisdom, or that is how I took it, then you go after her in a negative way? Please tell me I am wrong on this, April
I have been wrong many times..
I know Donnatwo can speak for herself, not defending her, I am trying to understand what just happened based on her post. Hoping to learn from this, and I hope I am wrong in my perception.
Thank you.
I have been wrong many times..
I know Donnatwo can speak for herself, not defending her, I am trying to understand what just happened based on her post. Hoping to learn from this, and I hope I am wrong in my perception.
Thank you.
I was also wondering the same thing. I dont understand why in the world this person want's to jump all over anyone and everyone that posts to her.
It seems very strange to me that every fight on this board lately always centers around one person, but this person always says they are just focusing on recovery and helping the newcomer.
I dont get it.
It seems very strange to me that every fight on this board lately always centers around one person, but this person always says they are just focusing on recovery and helping the newcomer.
I dont get it.