To Current Opiate Addicts. You Can Do It.

My name is Chris, I have been an opiate/vicodin addict for nearly 3 years, and currently in recovery. Today is my 12th day.

AS I said above, I was nearly an opiate addict for nearly 3 years. Why so long? Fear of W/D. I asked on this board, how to limit the W/D when quitting, how to make it easier. For christ sakes, for any folks who are still addicted to opiates there is no getting away from it, you need to quit, and you will be punished by your body, you deserve it(as did I, going throgh HELL the first 4 days).

Now here is the god news. Once you get through the w/d symptoms, and around day 7 or 8...most of the pain will be gone, and what little pain(mainly leg cramps) can be helped greaty by potassum.

When you get into the double digits, do whatever psyches you up. Natural highs. Music. Movies.Action flick. Even sex(with a respectibe and agreeing partner that is.) Think of al your favorite things you did before you became an addct(leaving out the part of how ou got there) and and do those things. 8 days ago I NEVER thought I woud want to play softall again, I cant wait for my first game on Sunday. My girl and I have been a lot more "active", I forgot how amazing it felt. Forgive me for being so forthcoming, but these thing are a part of life, as I'm sure at least a few addicts here have loved ones. Opiates kill your sex drive, and there is no better high to me now than making love to the woman I love dearly. AND Man, do I have my appetite back, eating a lot better too.

What I am saying is that we need withdrawal to remind us how bad this poison is to us. Withdrawal is our body's way of saying "Dont do this s*** to us again, do you want to die?" When you first touch a hot iron, you yell ouch and never do it again.

Now that W/D is over, I am so very glad I went through it. I know I am not completely recovered, but I'm starting to have fun again. I'm joking with my clients. I have a better facial complexion.And feel a calm I have never felt before. And if I'm not recovered yet and feel this good, it can only get better.

Do not taper. Go cold turkey if you can. Once you get through it, an reach double digit days and look back at that horrible pain, you can stand proud and say you beat the first part. While the recovery part is far from over, meetings can be a next step. I'm looking forward to my first meeting this monday(possibly tomorrow, my friends may arrive late)

This is what I have gone through so far. Think of it this way. If someone tried to physically or psychologlgy hurt you, or someone you loved, would you let them? Would you intervine? Would you knock them on thier a** before they hurt you or your loved ones. If you are an opiate addict, that is what is happening now, even if you are keeping it a secret, they know..they know something is different about you. Plus you are hurting. Because all you think is about maintaining that high, which neglects the ones you love. If you have pills, flush them. I flushed over 400 pills, nearly $2500 worth of them in one flush when I realized I was going to quit.

Keep in mind, this is what has worked for me. I in no way want to offend anyone here, but I want you to be mad, not at me, not at yourself, but the addiction. The addiction is your enemy, and make no mistake, if you do not do anything about it, you will deeply hurt the ones you love, along with yourself, and might even die.

While I'm a novice at this(It has only been 12 days after all) I'd be willing to share my experiences with anyone, answer any questions I may not have put out there, there is nothing that is off limits. A lof of people here have helped me get through this, and all I want to do is return the favor in kind. Take care folks, and if you want to see MY reason for living, click on my web page below. The girl on the right. Although she does not know I am in recovery, she is happier. I can tell she is, and that smile is something I never want to go away. Take care guys, and again thank you for your support. - Chris
Nice post. It is great to see how far you have come. I have been reading your posts for a while and I am glad you are doing so well. Keep up the good work ;-)

That was a great post for me to read today. I have tried to qyuit several times and it hasn't worked because the WDs are "too much." I have a family/job etc. and there is never time to deal with this s***. Strangely....I know that I must payback for the abuse. I am about a year-and-a-half in, but now the amounts I have taken are way up.....20 pills/day...10mg real buzz to speak of.

For months, starting in September I have been gearing up to deal with the Hell of quitting, telling myself, "you deserve it," but I have not just gotten through it. I have made it as far as day four, but then I just want to end the misery. So here I am again: the uncontollable emotion, the fatigue, the s***ting, the pain. I don't know if I'll make it. I cannot say that if I get the opportunity to pick up, I won't. I only have a couple of resources and nothing is available for several days.

Anyway.....Your message was encouraging to me this morning. Thank you.
WAY TO GO CHRIS!!! I have been clean for almost two years now and that was very inspiring even to an old recovering Addict. Stay possitive....STAY POSSITIVE. That is what kills most everyones abilty on this board to get and stay clean. Don't give in and don't let them tell you that you have to admitt you are hopless against your adiction. You can win if you really want to...most don't.
You are my new hero....way to go, dude!