To Danny Confused

dannt frist of all please my sweete poste IM just so confused I looked back at all youe postes looking for that link I asked you for your busy so I went ahead a looked for it. anyway you say one thing and change to another you hate the dog your kids are gone then there not sweety you dont talk about your soberity and on and on I feel upset about all you say iam so mixed up about you and what your trying to acomplised here on the boared I guess I just dont understand you at all totally confused but I think you like it that way thats what scares me I want you to be happy and clean love are you being true to yourself I feel like you are very lonely poopie
Y- no more personal stuff...I'm sticking to getting healthy..please don't take offense. No disprect intended, but I WILL continue to post jokes too..

By the way Y- if you want to email me, it
not worth it..
gee... what a shocker....
i found this site i thought it might be of interest to some, just some interesting reading. i dont know if it will help or hinder but maybe clear up some confusion? who knows but for whatever its worth.
I certainly do not have Munchausen. Here is a pic of me two years ago (on the left), and this is what I look like now that I got sick. I'm pretty ugly in both, though.

user posted image
That link caused a ton of grief in a bunch of people's lives, and I for one never wanted to see it again. Danny has just posted his email here, maybe it would have been better to accuse him of that privately. I would have thought we had all learned a lesson about what publically accusing someone of that can do. I guess I was wrong.

I am not defending anyone, nor am I trying to start anything. I am trying to stop it. I have not posted here for a very long time because of all the crap I saw going on here, and today is my first day even looking in quite a while. I just wish that link would die the horrible death it deserves.

I think enough people have been damaged by that, so please, lets just leave that link out of this board. If you don't have solid proof, it is best not to accuse. Look what has happened because of that. Please lets all just stop. For the love of God.

What has happened that people think it is ok to do that?

What gives any of us the right to make accusations or judgments?

I do mean any of us. I have seen everything just this morning, and I have to say it was looking like the peace was restored. What happen to make it vanish again?

Everyone was pulling together helping one another. I thought it was beautiful, and wow, just fantastic. Everyone of you put your gripes aside to help a few of the members here out. They were at their lowest, and I saw people come together, almost like a family would, and offer their hands, shoulders, and ears. Lets not stop that.

Keep it pure, keep it helpful, and keep it kind. We all saw everyone hold each other up, lets continue it. Please. If we do not have each other, then really, who do we have. We are the ones who really understand what the other is feeling. We have all been in each others shoes at one time or another. Is it so hard for some of us to remember certain points of our recovery? I don't believe that for a minute. I have seen the good sides to everyone here, and I know they exist. Why do we all hide them now? I refuse to hide anymore, but I will be careful of posting here. I don't want to employ myself in the drama, but lets stop it before it gets like it did a few weeks ago. Please think about it.

Lady M
now I am confused...?
me too...huh?
Wow I am not confused......please people just let it go......Sometimes words meant for someone in particular have a way of hurting others..........Late at night on here threads seem to have a way at times of disappearing. It is better for all of us to let the little things go, trust me on this one.......
I must say my eye brows went down and I became very confused too,LOL but that happens naturally to me..LOL What up T-Dawg? Rae
please forgive my ignorance on this matter....I'm going to follow your advice Tina and let it go....have a good one guys

Hey Redd don't get upset, it is just that strange stuff has happened on here at times......some see, some don't.........threads go poof, everyones confused.....taking is not good for the soul.....I happened to have been involved in what is being talked about, wasn't meant for me.......but who was I to know........Just a bad situation that shouldn't have been brought up on here in the first place.......
You have great day!
hey rae-dawg...
lol... hey i am good.... how bout yourself....

but I have a question.. though my brows came up too and they dont naturally I am curious about that pic... wow if I looked like that.. I dont think I could get on a bike let alone ride 10 miles!!!!!!!!!! but about that one post after from lady M and misty.. if posts get 'missing' or deleted from late at night why try to bring them back to the light of day by post a rather lengthy post and blah blah blah.... ?... wondering now.. what the 'missing' stuff is all about... wish I could get enlightened...

here again is my theme song....
I got a lovely bunch of coconuts...
here they are standing in a row...
big ones, small ones, fat ones, skinny ones,
yellow one, red ones. blues ones,

I love that song.... you got a song rae..... ?

hey i am in chat come join if you can ....and what happened with the situation we talked about..?

love ya..
hey i apologise, i wasnt accusing anyone of anything. i was just posting a site that was passed over to me at one time. i found it to be educational and interesting reading. sorry to offend.
Well T,
I can't think of a song right now. I mainly listen to the 80's,rock,hard rock and some country but can't think of a song off hand.I liked your little song...Anyway about the subject we were talking about the other day. she is still with me -14 days. She is going to her Dad's long story but it is going to work out, I think. I hope and pray...Thanks for asking. I will talk to you soon gotta run for a few, hope to catch you later! Rae
Boo I just clicked on the link and read it. I know you weren't implying anyone has it. Wow some defensive people here.. When I clicked it I read but didn't feel the need to post about it and how much I hated it. That's weird Lady M why would you take offense to it??? Odd?I am not trying to be hateful if you have it or something we are all here for you!! Rae

I take offense because I was accused of that, and it hurt me to no end. It was brought our when I found out about my cancer, and this is when it got generated about me. It was cleared up, and I am just not happy to see it posted again. It has hurt enough people. It needs to go away for good please.

Lady M
the web site?
that would be an issue for the administrators of that particular website wouldnt it...?

I am not a scholar of free speech things but I know when they tried to get some explicit site taken down about how to make bomb and shot up and stuff those sites are protected so i dont see how that site can be made to go away for ever.....

just thought i would mention that ..

btw.. how is your dog doing ...?
Lady M
Thanks for responding. I didn't realize you got accused of having a M.syndrome but you shouldn't take so offense to it really. If you don't have then you don't need help for it. Maybe someone else that has it can learn more about it by going to that link. I know Boo it's me had no intent to hurt anyone by it... Just pray to the lord and thank him you don't have it. Rae