danny IM sorry for what I was thinking you had to post your piuture to prove a point to all of us what was I thinking I truely care about your well being please forgive me dear forgive me all postes I didnt mean iy like that I meant well poopie I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me for my ingnorese poopie
Y-, I'm cool with everyone..well most anyway..I am with you though
danny thank you very much for your fougivness I feel better now and you no what I actually delitedd it but it went to page can not be found and this morning when I woke from my beauty sleep ha ha it was here and I coused a mess sorry poopie and you are a good looking man
I think some people are not being totaly honest on this thread, I gave a longer version earlier but have come to my senses. Like Misty said that accusation caused a lot of trouble in the pased and people who it was not intended for got hurt. Why post the address on this thread if it was just "of interest"
first offf...
i am glad you came to your senses.... but i did see your first longer version.... and I am glad you cleared the air of what you truely think of me... thank you finally your getting honest....
as for long ago... I was not involved with all the nonsense.. I came on the scene as that was blowing up...and was thrown out of one of the online groups for no cause which put me in it...
as for me being totally honest.... that is a matter of interpretation isnt it?.... i remember a time dear paul... but I digres... and yes I have been hurt as your longer version illuded to ... so this just might be part of the new and not so improved me... and as far as my 'program' goes...I told someone not so long ago... dont blame the program for my shortcomings... the blame belongs squarely with me and the cause is partly the product of... well why place blame right?..... anyway sometime you just have to deal with it.... but honesty is a funny thing right....
as for being honest on this thread... i was honest... i was confused... why was certain people getting involved if things werent blowing up and if they had been cleared and all was amended?... that was my confusion... that was honest... was that my inventory..?.... just a question... let me leave this all now.. cause I am about to start a new ball rolling and that is not my intent... I am trying hard really to be good... cause we all now that i am bad right?... you as much as said so.. so I dont want to disappoint...
but I am truely glad you got that off you chest even if I was the only one to see it...
have a blessed day paul..
i am glad you came to your senses.... but i did see your first longer version.... and I am glad you cleared the air of what you truely think of me... thank you finally your getting honest....
as for long ago... I was not involved with all the nonsense.. I came on the scene as that was blowing up...and was thrown out of one of the online groups for no cause which put me in it...
as for me being totally honest.... that is a matter of interpretation isnt it?.... i remember a time dear paul... but I digres... and yes I have been hurt as your longer version illuded to ... so this just might be part of the new and not so improved me... and as far as my 'program' goes...I told someone not so long ago... dont blame the program for my shortcomings... the blame belongs squarely with me and the cause is partly the product of... well why place blame right?..... anyway sometime you just have to deal with it.... but honesty is a funny thing right....
as for being honest on this thread... i was honest... i was confused... why was certain people getting involved if things werent blowing up and if they had been cleared and all was amended?... that was my confusion... that was honest... was that my inventory..?.... just a question... let me leave this all now.. cause I am about to start a new ball rolling and that is not my intent... I am trying hard really to be good... cause we all now that i am bad right?... you as much as said so.. so I dont want to disappoint...
but I am truely glad you got that off you chest even if I was the only one to see it...
have a blessed day paul..
This link that was posted was not done with good judgement IMHO.
That very link and topic has caused so many hurt and angered feelings.These feelings are spilling still all over the net.Thank God i wasn't directly involved but yes i am indirectly.I know exactly what happened.It isn't even over yet.Far from it.Terrianne,from what i know you are very upset over all this.Why would you want to post that link in a thread where it is implying that a person is suffering from this?Didn't in fact someone show you this link in regards to lady M and you felt betrayed by it?I am so sick of this muchousens BS.Sorry people but this isn't face to face and unless you can see someone face to face and they chose to share they are lying about their illness you either need to believe or walk away.You cannot be 100% certain.How would you feel if you got cancer and decided to turn to this group for support and someone posted this link in your thread?
my God isn't once enough?
look at the lingering effects it has from the last time.Wasn't one disaster enough for you.We want to keep putting blame and keep the anger fresh don't we?
How can you be so bold to even say someone could be suffering from that.Do you know how rare Munchousens really is?I am so angry about all of this and to come here for my daily read and seeing this yet again posted but made to look like it is just for info blows my mind.I will NEVER EVER post about a health related issue here.Well heck i don't even post about my personal life here or about my addiction because of the attacks here.It is sickening.This group neads a leader a more active moderator to take the lead.Damn,i need to chat with my sponsor because this just made me blow.
I feel sorry for all that this has affected.
good luck to you all.
That very link and topic has caused so many hurt and angered feelings.These feelings are spilling still all over the net.Thank God i wasn't directly involved but yes i am indirectly.I know exactly what happened.It isn't even over yet.Far from it.Terrianne,from what i know you are very upset over all this.Why would you want to post that link in a thread where it is implying that a person is suffering from this?Didn't in fact someone show you this link in regards to lady M and you felt betrayed by it?I am so sick of this muchousens BS.Sorry people but this isn't face to face and unless you can see someone face to face and they chose to share they are lying about their illness you either need to believe or walk away.You cannot be 100% certain.How would you feel if you got cancer and decided to turn to this group for support and someone posted this link in your thread?
my God isn't once enough?
look at the lingering effects it has from the last time.Wasn't one disaster enough for you.We want to keep putting blame and keep the anger fresh don't we?
How can you be so bold to even say someone could be suffering from that.Do you know how rare Munchousens really is?I am so angry about all of this and to come here for my daily read and seeing this yet again posted but made to look like it is just for info blows my mind.I will NEVER EVER post about a health related issue here.Well heck i don't even post about my personal life here or about my addiction because of the attacks here.It is sickening.This group neads a leader a more active moderator to take the lead.Damn,i need to chat with my sponsor because this just made me blow.
I feel sorry for all that this has affected.
good luck to you all.
Hi Terasa
I am glad you saw the first edition, I will gladly put it back if you seem to wish, seen as you have brought it all back up. You were not the only one to see it and I have emails of testimony that others saw it. You mentioned that I said what I truly thought of you? I certainly dont remember assessing your character at all just commented on the way you were playing around. But of course we are all against you right? As I said you have been hurt around here so can understand to some degree why you keep lashing out.
Nowback to your honesty and you hinting about me in the past, good grief are you going to bring something that I may have said literally months ago when you claim you were not really on the seen so would just be your interpretation.but interpretation is a subjective thing is it not?.....I can digress too.and make hits to a non story.
You often mention your shortcoming are yours but not the programs.why sell a program so much that does not seem to be doing you any good? I think AA is fine if you work it it will work.you must try harder.
Dont even know what taking an inventory means lol that psycho babble to me so would not know how to do it.
Finally you seem to end a lot of posts stating that your intent is not to start anything..funny that! Oh but not as often as you threaten to leave.
I have not said one thing in disagreement since at least last October, I have changed I am happy but could not resist just one last go lol.
I guess I have really had it now?
Hope you have a blessed day
oh and terraine I am, like I said previously, really suprised at you starting this I do believe you knew what you were doing Boo, hope this does not come between us too much.
I am glad you saw the first edition, I will gladly put it back if you seem to wish, seen as you have brought it all back up. You were not the only one to see it and I have emails of testimony that others saw it. You mentioned that I said what I truly thought of you? I certainly dont remember assessing your character at all just commented on the way you were playing around. But of course we are all against you right? As I said you have been hurt around here so can understand to some degree why you keep lashing out.
Nowback to your honesty and you hinting about me in the past, good grief are you going to bring something that I may have said literally months ago when you claim you were not really on the seen so would just be your interpretation.but interpretation is a subjective thing is it not?.....I can digress too.and make hits to a non story.
You often mention your shortcoming are yours but not the programs.why sell a program so much that does not seem to be doing you any good? I think AA is fine if you work it it will work.you must try harder.
Dont even know what taking an inventory means lol that psycho babble to me so would not know how to do it.
Finally you seem to end a lot of posts stating that your intent is not to start anything..funny that! Oh but not as often as you threaten to leave.
I have not said one thing in disagreement since at least last October, I have changed I am happy but could not resist just one last go lol.
I guess I have really had it now?
Hope you have a blessed day
oh and terraine I am, like I said previously, really suprised at you starting this I do believe you knew what you were doing Boo, hope this does not come between us too much.
i didnt get completely through whole post only long enough to know that thats sammy place to voice a beef if she has one. but whatever. i was using it in the same good intensions that sammy was. do i feel bad? nope. cause on both accounts was never an accusation on my part. only an observation. given the informative education i was given as a tool myself. its on you all for rehashing what was none other then petty mind games in the first place. and i do believe thats all i have to say about that. ladybug i have never spoken to you in my life. so whatever you know about me and any other situation regarding me is all hear say. as is anything i read on line.
i didnt get completely through whole post only long enough to know that thats sammy place to voice a beef if she has one. but whatever. i was using it in the same good intensions that sammy was. do i feel bad? nope. cause on both accounts was never an accusation on my part. only an observation. given the informative education i was given as a tool myself. its on you all for rehashing what was none other then petty mind games in the first place. and i do believe thats all i have to say about that. ladybug i have never spoken to you in my life. so whatever you know about me and any other situation regarding me is all hear say. as is anything i read on line.
My point exactly Terrianne.Isn't it all about hear say?
Nothing can be proven can it?
Nothing can be proven can it?
this post is for danny please dont post here no more IM hurting for posting please I beg of you no more postes please I hAD NO INTENTION FOR ALL THIS im sorry to all of you stop please let it go boo treasa and all please I didnt mean the post to be like this sorry again all my beautful postes sorry danny look what Ive done oooooooooopoo poopie
absolutely not ladybug i agree, and where did i say that this was the case. i said this was something i found interesting to read. so we can go round and round about all the possabilities but i preffer just to leave it as such. i posted something i found interesting with same intensions that it was passed along to me.
your right yspering,
i apologize.I just couldn't hold it in today.It is a lost cause anyway.I also don't want to argue with anyone.I really care about all these people.
I will stay out of your thread. your intentions were pure.
i apologize.I just couldn't hold it in today.It is a lost cause anyway.I also don't want to argue with anyone.I really care about all these people.
I will stay out of your thread. your intentions were pure.
so.......you found an article on Munchausen's Syndrome that you found interesting and just decided to drop it in a Danny thread but you had no intentions of mischief? ooookkk! lol
I only know of the 'situation' from what I was told ... fact... second... my program is doing me good.. I am clean and happy... fact..... I am no longer hurt and contrary to your assessment I am not lashing out...I was commenting on your saying that you 'have come to expect that sort of thing from me'... those were your words.. so you think that of me.. you have not come far from the 'old' days of when we had issue between us... fact and btw.. I couldnt care less if you repost it or how many email you have in testimony.. lol... oookkkk..... third...I was not bring up anything that you said in the past figuratively or litereally I was commenting of your mentioning my honesty or lack of as if you are always honest and I am not being honest now.... and fourth.. you have in the past went to meeting I thought and should know what an inventory is... if I am wrong let me inlighten you... an inventory is like judging someone elses faults... whilest forgetting our own... thus taking my inventory is saying I am dishonest and unhappy. while implying you are honest and fullfilled... forgetting you have faults... that is taking others inventory...
we all do it... it is nature. but that is what is meant by taking others inventory.....
lastly I leave for a break and come back ... that is the circle of life here... that is how it is done....
as for terrianne... what is your problem with her... she appologized for the misunderstanding ...what more do you want her to do for you... paul... stand on her head and whilstle ... whilst pleading for your very forgiveness...?... give me a break... leave her inventory alone too....
I only know of the 'situation' from what I was told ... fact... second... my program is doing me good.. I am clean and happy... fact..... I am no longer hurt and contrary to your assessment I am not lashing out...I was commenting on your saying that you 'have come to expect that sort of thing from me'... those were your words.. so you think that of me.. you have not come far from the 'old' days of when we had issue between us... fact and btw.. I couldnt care less if you repost it or how many email you have in testimony.. lol... oookkkk..... third...I was not bring up anything that you said in the past figuratively or litereally I was commenting of your mentioning my honesty or lack of as if you are always honest and I am not being honest now.... and fourth.. you have in the past went to meeting I thought and should know what an inventory is... if I am wrong let me inlighten you... an inventory is like judging someone elses faults... whilest forgetting our own... thus taking my inventory is saying I am dishonest and unhappy. while implying you are honest and fullfilled... forgetting you have faults... that is taking others inventory...
we all do it... it is nature. but that is what is meant by taking others inventory.....
lastly I leave for a break and come back ... that is the circle of life here... that is how it is done....
as for terrianne... what is your problem with her... she appologized for the misunderstanding ...what more do you want her to do for you... paul... stand on her head and whilstle ... whilst pleading for your very forgiveness...?... give me a break... leave her inventory alone too....
thank you ladybug boy I will never do that again love you all