please let us know how you are doing.
Hi Guys..... I am doing ok, surviving, some days good and other days worst... My pc still isn't fixed! I miss everyone, and regularly think of evryone on this site..... Phil if you are reading this I thought of you in the last couple of weeks as I know it was 6 months.... My heart is still with you & your family. As well as others who've sought refuge and peace here. Dora
there you are. hey girl !
Hi Bob, Thanks for checking in on me.... I appreciate it. Unfortunately I haven't been able to log in that much as my accessibilty to the net these days are minimal!!!!!! That should soon change...... I will catch up on the posts, though how have you been, your son, your family...... I am working, keeping busy.... As I said some days better than others. Family and friends have been a great help during this period. I finally have my cat at my Moms' which is giving me comfort and company while she is away. I am officially moving out everything that is left from my and my late bfs' apt. this week. Kind of bittersweet, for me I think saying good bye comes in many chapters, different actions..... As mentioned I can not live there as there are too many memories, and although they will always be with me it's just hard to let go, and realize that I am alone now and will eventually start rebuilding my life for that. I do have hope for the future, though it hurts when I think now it's me and not us. He was an amzing person and I think of him everyday. Say hi to Brownie!!!!!! LOL Dora
good to hear from you. brownie sends a meow and his best regards.
going away for a few days on a little trip to the coast. back mid-week. much needed R&R.
going away for a few days on a little trip to the coast. back mid-week. much needed R&R.
Bob, Enjoy........ Every minute of it. Have a safe and happy trip, all the best D