To Elvis

Hey! I haven't been posting on this board long- just curious though. How many mgs have you been taking? I have a lot of experience with that stuff- way more than I care to admit. I'll tell you about it if you want. The only way I can have that time in my life make sense or have any meaning is if I share it with someone else. Benzos
seem like such an innocent thing but they are brutal!
hey renee yeh i know all too much about them too, for around 12 yrs ive been on and off, im getting off for good this time, cuz once im off now no doctor in his right mind with my history would put me back on them.
well i was on 12 mgs originally and i got down to 8mg and from 8mg i got down to 4mg and sort of stopped there for a while but then i went back and saw my psyc and he gave me a goal of sept 1st to get off them, im on the 2mg bars so im coming down 1mg a month which means (they are going through a chemist) i get a weekly dose which my nan keeps and gives me each days worth everyday bless her, not the bottle, out of reach and all that u know?! the chemist just breaks a bar in half to give me 1mg instead of 2mg, im on 15 mg of valium while im coming off the xanax, app its a good idea to do that cuz ive had grand mall seizures in the past coming off them so thats what the valium is there for. ive come off 1mg, so im on 3mg now, once im off the xanax i just come off the valium which im guessing wont be as hard as coming off the xanax and that will be the end of my benzos!!
thankyou so much for posting, im off for a little while now, but i will check back in later, take care xoxo
hey! I'm not sure what you were saying about the chemist and all that. I got the part about your Nan giving them to you. I've also had a grand mal seizure coming off of that s---. This was about 2 years ago. I tried to cold turkey from about 8mg(bars)
as well as some lorcet and alcohol. I ended up in the hospital after my boyfriend did CPR to get me back. I thought I could tough it out. I wasn't in my right mind. You would think after an experience like that, I would've never gone back- but I did.
Anyway, I'm not taking any benzos and havn't for several months- however, I was in a car accident and starting taking lorcet, so this is my latest struggle. I'm trying to quit. The valium are NO different than the zanax. They are very similar in chemical make up. Have you talked to your doctor about librium? It's also a benzo and that's what they gave me in detox. It did the trick. I'm not saying that you can't make it the way you're doing it. I just know that when I went to my cousins ranch to try to "taper" off, ( she said she felt like Nurse Hatchett) it didn't work- AT ALL. I had to check in.
I was taking 8 to 10mgs daily. Couldn't get below 6mg- I only weigh 105 and most people would be in a coma at the rate I was going, but I had insomnia , so go figure.
hey renee sounds like u have been through quite alot with them too. the only good thing about the valium is they last longer in the body, so i guess they stabilise ur mood a bit better, not as short acting as the xanax. about the chemist thing sorry i didnt explain properly, i just meant they are going through a chemist and they look after them and give my nan a weekly amount, instead of a whole bottle so i cant get my hands on too many of them at once. so whenever im going to come down 1 my doctor rings the chemist and they give less, they give the amount out that the doctor has told them too, as having the bottle at home in the past has been too much of a temptation for me, its nice of them to do it actually. im down to 3mg xanax now and thats from originally 12mg!! :))
actually i knew i had it too easy! i had a bit of a panic attack, am just getting over it now.....i think my body is finally realising ive come down 1mg.....cuz im not taking anything else! so ive tried what my psych said to do the breathing wonder its only 1 down a month, its taken about a week for my body to catch up with the change! suppose i had to get a symptom sometime, oh well i will simply have a cup of tea, perhaps listen to some music and get through it! take care
"Benzos seem like such an innocent thing but they are brutal!"

Never have I heard I truer statement.
Good morning. Sounds like you're doing really well if your down to three. That's excellent! If you stopped at this point and switched to librium for a week and then quit, you would be fine. I'm not a doctor though and also if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't want to do it anyway. I've been through three medical detoxes for xanax.
I know how pathetic that must sound to most but it's the truth. The first two places detoxed me with librium and that was relatively easy but the last one I went to detoxed me with phenobarbital. I can't tell you what a nightmare that was. Had all the psychological symptoms of a ct withdrawal plus the side effects of a barbituate.
Very nasty. The doctor was 25 years sober- very old school. The 3rd day into it, I told the nurses that I was sure that I would either die or end up in a nursing home.
They assured me that they had never lost a patient- I think what they meant to say is they waited until the patient was hauled off to the actual hospital to pronounce them. Anyway, hang in there Elvis. I promise you will feel better soon. Being a slave is no fun. By the way, are you British?
hey renee no im Australian, I live in Australia or as i usually say the land of Oz lol! i have some british friends though.
librium i havent heard of......and i dont think my doctor would want to change the plan he and my specialist have scheduled out for me. but thankyou so much for ur support and advice!! xoxo