To Everyone......

I'll say this, I'm an addict, I went through withdraw, I had the stomache cramps,
the s--ts, sweats, shakes etc..I was dope sick and felt like dying. But I got through it, with help, and I can honestly say I feel great today, high on life, my worst day clean and sober still is 100% better than my best day high. I don't need a pill or a line or a drink to get out of bed today, and today when I wake up my feet hit carpet not concrete, I don't have to duck people today or keep looking over my shoulder, my heart doesn't jump when I hear a siren or see a cop car. I don't have alot of money or material possetions, but I feel like the richest man on earth. I'm clean and sober, I have a loving family and good friends. Any person here can have that with nothing more than a desire to do what it takes. NONE of us is better than the other, and we all may not like eachother but I love you all because of this comon disease we share, and it can be put to rest with a little work and alot of honesty. I'll continue to pray for us all.
Take care.........................................God bless...................................Bob
Good post Bob! I agree. We all have different paths but we all have the same goal. Life is so good clean and sober. I wouldnt trade it for anything.

love ya
Nice post Bob! I think it's really important to show people how nice it is to be clean. Sometimes caught up in active addiction it's hard to see that. Love, Kat
Yeah Bob this is a great post. It's good to hear how it is on the other side. I remember feeling like that too when I was clean for a good almost 5 years until I relapsed "Again." I'll get that back.

dear Bob Im learning that day by day...Thanks for giving me something to look ahead 2....mj
oh look all my girls on one thread....oh i mean and bob ; )

hey great post. you certainly can't put any price tag on that bob. thanks for another great reminder.

I like the part about not having to hide in shame over anything I've done, stupid or illegal. I don't have to sweat waiting for a friend or relative to call and accuse me of taking thier pills...

Good post Bob...
hi bob,
what a wonderful post. good things do happen to those that live clean and sober.
great post.
thanks Bob-thumbs up!

i can still beat you though at bat the penguin!!


Dear Bob..........

Thank you for this post.......As usual you make people think........and that is a very good thing! Thanks for being there for many of us...........

God bless, Rus
rofl bat the penguin...did you get them started on that, cause now you have my a.d.d. sucked into it..

Hey Terrianne,
My score now is 308.9....I love watching the penguin flying through the air....LMAO....too funny....the little things that occupy me

love yas,
gina :)
Hey Gina...........I cannot seem to get a score higher than 150...........But I love this game!

Hey Bob,

Wow! Those words were powerful. I'm going to cut & paste and print them, keep them next to me as I go through this. Honestly, thank you. You're giving me inspiration.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. It's nice working recovery with you all.

Take care..........................................God bless.................................Bob