To Jewels


it started with an NA meeting last week where a woman was completely blasted for being on Suboxone.

Never seen that happen as this person would be asked to stop any negative tone

i started this topic to be able to comment on Lisa's post about na and sub.
please lets not get this thread closed too.
Lisa that comment you made is soooo true.
my first sponsor and my present one and NA will not let me share my success story concerning sub. they keep reminding me that NA is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs, ok, i say but i take paxil, diabetes med etc so i am not clean because i take all those meds????

Jewels being on Sub does not make you OY VEY--'UNCLEAN"

Your first sponsor is Gone Thank you---IDIOT

my former sponsor literally ripped me a new a**hole over the phone because she was trying to reprimand me for going against her belief that i should not share sub at meetings, she screamed at me on the phone and said her stomach was in knots when i shared. i am told that i am supposed to be honest open minded and willing, that was my intention when i shared, i am also told that we are not to be around people places and things where using is involved and one member with a considerable amount of clean time lives with her boyfriend who drinks and gets drunk around her???????

Jewels this person is out of your life correct?

the NA program is wonderful but i believe that some areas need updating and that is accepting sub. why is something that can save lives considered to be so wrong?

Anybody who has a problem with Sub and being clean etc is 100% off base and totally ignorant and a Loser where you want to hang with the 'WINNERS"

for me, it was my last hope shot after all other avenues were exhausted, what a relief to have this new tool and why do some people have to bash people who have chosen this last chance at sobriety and life. my meetings where i attend have a few NA Nazi's.-

Please lose the word Nazi Its a disgusting formation of our alphabet.

although i do try and respect that they are my predesessors but.....
i finally got the courage to share last Tues, but i cant tell the group how i got this far in my recovery, others tell me dont worry what they will say, share what works for you, but they have made me fearful to open up, especially when the AA oldtimer bashed me and the NA member bashed me for rambling because i had talked a minute past 9 oclock! we had a moment of silence at one meeting for Jenna who died from "just one more time' with heroin, i had just attended her wake and i had in my hand a scroll where her name and the footprints were printed on it, i decided how nice it would be to honor Jenna and read the "footprints" in the sand. at the meeting, as i started to share this i could see my former sponsor put her head in her hands and was shaking her head like i cant believe she is saying this, i asked her whats wrong? she says NA is not associated with outside issues!!!!! all i was trying to do was honor a fellow family member of NA who tragically died from using. no wonder i have been so afraid to open up.

Jewels find a meetings at your major hospitals and definitely seek an all woman's group--all AA I am not a fan of NA what so ever but that's this addict Jewels and I have my reasons or would not post a negative like that.

Jewels the day you stopped the pills /drinking etc wit h sub or without is your birthday if it means something to you. Being on Sub does not have squat to do with your clean time.

I am really tired about the ignorance of any addict commenting on something they have no clue about.

How are you doing today? Jewels its all about today


jeff, you have always been a supporter of sub, thanks for having my back on this one, i do attend meetings at our local hospital, AA is where i really got bashed so i prefer NA.
i am doing ok, thanks for asking, i went thru a really dark period but i learned that i am so caught up in resentments and that is making me stay sick so i am trying to learn how to get over who and why i resent them.
i know that word nazi is not a good word to use, i was just quoting what someone told me how she referred to the some people in our NA group.
Jewels what is your plan on weaning offthe Suboxone? Your on 6mg?or 4mG?

i am on 4 mg of sub. tapered from 8mg, with the exception of this latest increase for which i told my therapists last wed.
my plan is to gather enough tools to hopefully be able to live life on lifes terms, i am hoping once i finish working the steps that i will acquire what i am hoping to be my new revelation.... a new julie. how long were you on sub?
Jewels it took 8 months give or take a few days.

Jewels please do not ever raise your suboxone as all you did was waste some of your Money.

I am not aware of your issue's other than your an opiate addict or why else would you be on suboxone.

Your doctor should have a weaning plan Jewels. If you have no plan then its time to get one.

How long have you been on suboxone?

If you can go 30 days on 4 MG then you should think about 3mg --discuss with your doctor about the concept of taking 1mg 3 times a day.

AA/NA and therapy -how do you see these tools in your future recovery?

How many days clean are ? Figure 3-4 months to come off the 4 mg so add 120 days to your current clean date and you should have some quality sobriety. Your brain 3-4 months from now will be working much better. Life's problems all of a sudden do not seem so hard to deal with as your a different person.

Start off with the next 30 days and again I forget are you taking the correct vitamins are you eating correctly and exercising--If you need to lose weight do it as you need to fix your body after all the years of abuse.

People can joke all they want but for ME if I did not change my awful diet and lose weight by getting used to exercising I would still be in depression and maybe relapsed or dead.

Your diet is so so important to your recovery At least for Me it sure is.

Take care--Jeff