To Kaela

A cowboy walks into the dentist's office and after the dentist examines him,
he says, "That tooth has to come out. I'm going to give you a shot of
Novocain and I'll be back in a few minutes."

The cowboy grabs the doc's arm, "No way. I hate needles I'm not having any

So the dentist says, "Okay, we'll have to go with the gas."

The man replies, "Absolutely not. It makes me very sick for a couple of
days. I'm not having gas."

So the dentist steps out and comes back with a glass of water. "Here," he
says. "Take this pill."

"What is it?" asks the cowboy.

The doc replies, "Viagra."

The cowboy looks surprised. "Will that kill the pain?" he asks.

"No," replies the dentist, "but it will give you something to hang on to
while I pull your tooth."
bwahahah That is soooooo cute. You are something else. You gave me my first smile today.... thank you. Still being a puss about the dentist (haven't made an appt. yet0. But I am getting my mind right to do what I need to do.
Be brave Sweetie!
Heck, I gotta be... this could cause alot of serious health issues, I swear I had no idea teeth could kill you. HA!
I've worked in the dental field for 25 years, and I see people come in all the time who have let their teeth go because they are terrified of dentists. Believe me, there are tecniques out there now that make you very comfortable. And you're right, you've got to get that infection out of your body.
The slight loss of feeling in the corner of my mouth on the bad tooth side is what has me scared the most. I pray it will come back when the tooth is removed. Will it?
I've not heard of numbness before a tooth is pulled; it can happen after a lower tooth is removed and the nerve gets bumped (it's called parasthesia) and the numbness usually goes away with time.

Get that nasty tooth out, girl!
Kaela Please go to the dentist or local ER if you can you really may have an infection present and it really concerns me. You need to start antibiotics to fight the infection. The numbness you describe is also concerning, because that is not the usual symptoms related to infection, a tooth can Die and the tooth itself becomes necrotic and then you would not feel anymore pain, but if you are describing the tissues feeling the sensation of numbness I could not tell you the reason for that. a Rx for a good antibiotic will begin to work immediately within 24 hours. If you cannot get to a dentist see if you have any remaining prescriptions for an antibiotic , I know it is important to finish any antibiotic to comletely fight infection , however I know that myself I have not always finished the course prescribed once feeling better. Please keep us informed. How has the tooth been feeling?? Still aching? Do you notice an bleeding around from the gums? are the gums receding?? Or do you notice a cavity in that tooth, how about a bump along the side of the tooth that hurts on the gum tissue?? I am Not a Dentist but if you describe symptoms a bit more in detail I may be able to tell you more.. as well as the other woman on this board, she has been working with dentists alot longer than I have. I hope you are feeling better.
Well, it started about two weeks ago with the entire side of my head hurting so badly that I couldn't even tell which tooth hurt. I used ALOT of that numbing stuff and in a day or two it went away like nothing happened. It is my 2nd bottom molar, right side. If I touch the gum by the tooth I feel alot of nerve feeling in the jaw and a little on my face. There is also what feels to be like a VERY small lypnode feeling thing on my gum by the bad tooth (I am assuming this is probably a small absess forming, although no drainage or anything like that). Thank god it is only a loss of feeling and no paralization. Just pisses me off man, grrrr. I don't need s*** like this worrying me when I am tapering! It angers me! Er, sorry :(. I just thought for a few days that my side of my mouth was just numb from OD'ing on oragel. But a week later and it is still numb... not numb more like coming off of novacaine. Thank you for keeping this topic going, really makes me feel better.

You definately have an infection, possible serious , from what you describe, the bump ( abcess) is right on the money, you have infection in there and that is how it will escape, that lump may begin to drain slightly sometimes they wonts but the dentist wont even treat that tooth until infection is clear.. Antibiotics is the first line of business, a tooth that infection will not accept local anesthetic, that tooth will be immpossible to get numb to treat until the antibiotics cool it down.. You have a very HOT tooth, and the infection sounds to me as if it is spreading, you describe your entire side of your face hurting throws red flag for serious infection, this will spread through your entire system and can make you very deathly ill. you have to get that under control and then have that tooth removed or whatever dr rec. unsure if tooth can be salvaged with out seeing it myself..If your lower side of jaw and cheek begin to blow up and swell get to the ER or DENTISTs... tell any dental office you have to be seen immmediately so they will get you in that day. I am sure with active infection you will not be treated that day you will be sent home with antibiotics and pain meds, and asked to return for treatment no sooner than 48 hours, possibly more time for infection to calm down.. You POOR girl.. I am so sorry for you.. toothaches are the woorst.. dont apply the OTC oragel or any brand to often it can damage the tissue.. lots of ADVIL or mortin or the generic up to 12 a day, take 4 at a time RX strength to help reduce inflamation. will help some.. Please let me know how you are.. My last patient last week, was and emergency with major infection his cheek was swollen so badly he looked as if an orange was in his cheek.. we couldnt do anything, the infection interferes with the anethetic so we sent him home with Clindymyacin and percocet.. he will return in 4 days for extraction.. if symptoms worsen we told him to go to ER, because of the infection present could turn into more tha n a dentist is qualified to treat.. so please dont let this go.. Thinking of you Angie