To Misteyes And Badatt

hello my sweetheart... how are both of you and the kids doing...hope well has can be ... still clean but the other day my spouse wants back no no no .... the way I feel is cant take hes lies bi polar attuide is ...hes plain cooo cooo ....and I dont want the mixed feelings and hes bad habits ..... im thinking better about life without him ...alot I havent told here ...but I believe my chuch freind I can discuess that part of my life withthem and recovery here.. love you both wanted to say hello to kat molly gina bob cg littlbeach and all ooooooooooo my little maria how are you? love you poopie
Hey Poopie,
Well things are back on track.....Bad has over a week clean and is doing some stuff different in a good way, so it looks like progress. It will be hard at times for him, he has to go all the way back to the beginning and start over, but maybe this time he will find more help and understanding into some of the things going on.....the kids are all doing good too, with the weather warming up life has gotten so much more busy.......I am just loving it.....

So I see that you stuck to your guns and told your hubby that it is over. I hope that you heart wasn't affected to much by it and that your head is in a good place with all that has been going on. I was gonna write you today anyway cause I seen what you posted about the man Darren you take care of.....Not sure what post it was in but something jumped out at me.....You know I have met people like that, no matter how well you treat them, they just hurt your heart back.....It could be that you are treating him like no one has before.....that he feels when it comes from you, you are being sincere, not might scare him in a way and he is putting up walls to lock you out, to protect himself from being hurt again.....I know it may sound strange, but I have seen this happen.....some whos lives are so tragic that they have lost all capacity to trust again......the fear of being hurt is so present that they would rather live without any good, and wallow in suffering. Something to think about.......

You take care sweetie....
hello sweety.. so happy about bad getting better and your attuide still so amaze me ....I called this morning to talk to my boss..about darren ..and she said dont worry ..hes gone they kicked him out ...he was on meth.. now I told her I DONT WANT NO HARM .. to come to him ..but I prAYED HE WOULD BE GONE.... is that bad yes ..forgive me lord ..but my heart was being ripped apart really.... so that is that .... and boy the pills souned good ... at the time .. I have to do something about my oversesitve heart... I take things to heart ....and it crashes it .... he want to the hospital...I hope he is ok ...well love you and thankyou for posting to me love badatt and mistyese love poopie...
Hey Y,
My attitude is positive for 2 it has to be it is that simple.....and 2 I have this great support system and a very special someone(well 2 actually) that I can dump all my worries to. That is the most important thing, being able to get the sh*t out and then letting it go.....
Don't worry so much about wishing Darren was gone.....I think no matter how hard you may have wished it that was not the reason he went.....It was just that he was suppose to go and nothing else.
You keep that heart of yours safe and try to let the little things go....And never let the thought in your head that the pills will help, because you know that they won't ever, for any reason....
....this just in.....

Beluga whale spotted in schoolkill river....

I know I saw that.....
It is amazing that he won't leave.....
I never got to see him the first time, will be in Philly on Sunday, maybe will have a look. Got some good shots though of the Delaware....
I hope that things are well with you......

Things are very good, thanks for asking! How are you? And Bad?
I spent the day in Atlantic City, working :( I had a job right next to tropicana that I had not finished from last year lol... Nice view though. Did manage to lose 100 bucks though

I am hanging in and Bad is too.....for today he is clean.....and now for him that seems to be the most important thing, each day....

AC...I am heading to the beach Saturday rain or shine....need some boardwalk pizza and Johnsons popcorn.....
I am glad to hear that you are well, you keep the good fight up....
hello sweety how are you tcccm hope your feeling better and the cell phone did you trow in the lake..... well have fun at the beach ok.....eats some popcorn for me and pizza yuk I dont care for that...meatball oooo yes ....german food we were raised on that.....darren had infection and will be comming back ...have to find driffrent jop...... he noes he can get by with murder with me sad..he sleeps with the door open...hes rm mate saids he is so scared of dieing....hes a little boy age35 but a bully to me I will have to talk to him or something...he wants control like sweet sharon said......when will I ever learn not to love this people..and just walk in work and walk out for the day I take them all with me in my them pop to candy to undergorments xecuse me for that pivate tail feathers....I just want to be loved and love the world all my children....are like my pts I love tro hard and want the best for you all here at work and in the world...... clean today and no thoughts of the pills today I went to 1\2 meeting at my dinner hour today filing for divorce....crying again.... oooI went to my blazer and in the glove department were 17 percacets...I throw them off the be that the devil DID NOT WIN test done 1 one thankyou love poopie love you all old and bye the way redd your posts are well wriiten your a succes to me ..and many young newcommers... theres good teachers like cg treasa sharon bob gina liz kat ect love you all
about the pills MY SPOUSE put them there I went to get incrace papers out and he put them there some how that day ..he has extra key so what should I do about that he thinks if I get her started i will get weak and want him and hes pills sick yes ...well thank you for listening all of you love poopie
Oh Poopie,
I can't believe that your husband put those pills in your truck. That was evil......
I hope that you see that he is looking for anyway to get back into your life, to try to gain control. I am so proud of you for throwing them in the lake......that's just where they belonged. It was a big test and you passed in fine fashion, especially with everything else going on in your life.
Your heart, well it will be hard to shut it down and not let things effect you.....When it is open like that and you love unconditionally, pain and hurt is possible. Usually though it is those that are held closest to it that hurt us the most.....Be patient with yourself, love like you always do, and know that those who push the most, act the worst, are mean.....tend to not even love themselves, so how can they love another....
You take good care of yourself and try no to worry to much or anticipate things for today, and enjoy all the beauty in it....

Yes, when your heart is opened like it is, you are opened to hurt, but you are opened to so many greater things as well, things that are so much stronger than hurt and pain.

Best Regards,

Gosh I am so proud of you. What a test of strength there, not many people could have done what you did, gf. You are amazing. I'm so sorry that your husband is giving you such a hard time. Just hang in there and keep up the good work, both at the job and at life.

Love you and God bless your kind spirit,