Hi there
sorry about those last threads. anyway, tell me more about your meditation.
I wasnt going through w/d's when i started meditating. I did them during the 11th step in AA. But then I quit doing it a while ago and now just starting up again. I could never get past the colors though. It was really cool.
When I was meditating I was much more aware of things all around me. I also had much more control of my dreams which i love! For instance I will be dreaming and realize it. I will say "oh cool, this is a dream-- i want to fly" then i would jump up in the air and fly in my dream. I think its called lucid dreaming.
My friend meditates for an hour every morning and has been doing it for the past 30 years. She is awesome. I will be upset and crying at night and the next morning i will get an email and the only thing it will say is "why were you so upset last night?'
Its really weird. I only email her --we never even spoke.
I had a hyperactive first child and was upset with him for years. My brother-in-law paid for both of us to go through the course and it did help somewhat. I had 5 kids and a very small house and when i'd meditate in my bedroom, I'd hear the arguing and teasing going on and feel like I was just observing it rather than being pulled into it. I used to meditate twice a day as we were told....once for 20 minutes in the a.m. and once in the p.m. It was hard to find the time, but I probably did it for about a year or so. I haven't now for a long time, however I learned Reiki about 3 years ago and have replaced the meditation with that to some extent and love it. It gives you the same sensation of relaxing and deep breathing and is supposed to focus energy to facilitate good health. I never had the sensation of colors or dreams as you have had but I'd get occasional periods where I experienced a deep thrill. I never regretted taking either course. They are wonderful things to help you through life.
I didn't have to pay for the Reiki either since I was working for a hospital at the time and they paid for my training. They offered it to patients as an adjunct to their hospital treatment.
It's interesting to discuss this again. It's been awhile. Peace and happiness!!
I didn't have to pay for the Reiki either since I was working for a hospital at the time and they paid for my training. They offered it to patients as an adjunct to their hospital treatment.
It's interesting to discuss this again. It's been awhile. Peace and happiness!!
Thats really cool! You sound great-- I would love to learn Reiki----
Yes, its very interesting! peace and happiness to you too!
Yes, its very interesting! peace and happiness to you too!
There's a great deal about Reiki on the web and it's yours to download free. The hand signs may not be there, but you don't really need them. It's more a matter of intent. Think of your body as a giant conduit with energy flowing in your head and down through your arms and hands and into whoever or whatever you place your hands on. As you concentrate on your intent, you'll find your breathing slows WAY down and your hands start to warm WAY up. This supposedly is the energy which you are conduiting to yourself or to another. The first course just tells you about this. The other two are more about making hand signals to your greater power and thanking Him/Her for the power to focus energy. Try it, you'll like it!!! You can do it for as long or as short a time as you wish. It helps a lot when you can't get to sleep, but does take maybe 20-30 minutes to get there (at least for me). If you can't find it, I'll go to the attic to find my handouts and see if a site is posted on them. To take the courses, it's about $500 I think. As I said, I got mine for free and am so glad to have it. It's similar to healing touch in many ways.
Good to talk with you.
Good to talk with you.