To Stacey

Good morning-
I've been thinking about you ALOT and you hubby, too. So, I read that you made it to day 5!! OUTSTANDING...WONDERFUL...GREAT JOB...WAY TO GO...GOOD FOR YOU!! How's you're hubby doing on his recovery? It's going to start getting better for you, I promise!! I remember the second week being so hard mentally but, I got thru it...thanks to god and my girls. I have to give my husband credit too. Gotta give credit where credit it due and today I am on day.....29. Sorry, I had to stop and count. And you know what? I feel normal. I feel like I did before I let my health problems and the pills take over and control my every thought, movement....before I let it control my life.

Everytime you look at Kaylin just know that today she may not understand but in a few short years she'll know that you 2 did this for her and her future!!! I am so proud of you!!!

xoxox- Meghan
Meghan, i am not doing too hot. too much stuff happening that has got me REALLY DOWN. my head keeps telling me "you know what will make it better" . I want so badly to take my medicine not even just as prescribed but like once a day. I'm prescribed 4 a day i still think that's a lot, but I would love love to take them when I NEED them. I'm in a constant feud between my brain and my heart.

Thanks for thinking of me.

will you e-mail me? I talk to roe and sue via e-mail and it is helping me. I just don't want to abuse again.

I know. It would be so easy to just "pop 1 pill" but, it's a temporary fix. When that one wears off you're gonna want another and so on and so forth.....I would love to be able to keep a supply on hand and take it only when I need one but, I can't. Just like I told M.J earlier, if I have a bottle of 300, I'm gonna take'em all until they're all gone. So I don't even tempt myself.
PLEASE.PLEASE,PLEASE don't take any!! You've come too far to turn back now. The hard part is ( and I say this because I know) that you have legitimate health problems and pains and need something to make the pain stop but, you don't have the self control to take only what you need for the pain. My last bottle of perc's was a month supply of 300 pills and I took them ALL in less than 2 weeks!!!!! Because I have no self-control when it comes to the pills.

I wish I could snap my fingers and you'd be all better, free of the pills and able to enjoy life again but, it's not that easy. Just keep doing what you're doing. I said it before and I'll say it again, "it does get better, I promise!!!!"

How's your husband doing?

Thinkin' of you- Meghan xxxx
Please listen to meghan.

4 pills? just kick Stacey. Anyone who has the mentality to acheive a balck belt can kick this pill habit up its @SS

Look many ways to do this. Just keep us posted please.

And your husband how is he? I know things are tough. You read my e-mails so were in the same boat.

Its called accepting life on lifes terms. It takes a lot of guts to accomplish what you have done.

Stacey all the people here are fighting deamons. I fight the f-it. If I go on one more run I will DIE--no turning back. Does not matter that i have a great family my disease owns me for life. This I understand.

Do you know how many times I think about what my death would do to my family. This is why I fight so hard for ME so Ican be a better dad__ I am a the best son a mother and father could have.

I love my parents and am truly blessed to have them in my life. I live right around the corne from them. See them 3 times a week. But that disease is cunning.

How to stay positive when the pain is so horrendous. when your favorite activity is sleep and its hard to come by.

My last appointment my sub doctor suggested I go back on percocets..

I could not believe what I heard. After talking me through an operation on my throat using suboxone for the pain.WTF???

Stay focused on the positive--that is what I try to do.


Hey Stac!
Holy s*** woman!! Day FIVE???
That is freaking awesome!! Fan-freaking-tastic! OMG, I am so proud (and a little envious) of you (both)!
If you are thinking of picking up again, try to think of me and my hubby... you don't want to be where we are do you?
Stay strong!! You CAN do this.
Where's that little stubborn fiesty streak in you? Use it! lol

Love you,
I'm going outside to brush my akita, he's blowing his coat and looks like hell (kinda like me in the am! lol) & then was gonna take a few pics of him & post them. All for you, 'k?
Stacey Wax on Wax off, no more pills, just pretend i'm your sensi (-:
Where is she waxing? your a sick demented addict.I LOVE IT You are one funny Junkie.

So i see you just cant stay away. Nothing better to do? Glads maybe you misunderstood me the last time I mentioned NA

Though it was in 1988-89 forgetr the meeting you practice the 13th step. Just go to a few meetings and see what happens. I remember some mighty fine T/A at these meetings. Plus you just might pick up something besides a woman that will help you.

Hope things are cool well hot and cool in good A.Z

Behave Glads--take care--
Jeff i have been to a few NA AA meetings and i gotta tell ya bro there aren't for me, i know they help alot of people, but they depress me, and i find them annoying, but what do i know lol I'm clean and stayin clean, i don't need 20 other screwed up people to tell me i am screwed up, i already know it. When it's broke you fix it, or you go down, were all responsible for our own recovery.
I am not pushing AA on you. I understand exactly where your coming from. May not agree totally but understand.

Its a Pucked up disease--take care funny man
I cannot believe you are telling someone to go to a meeting to 13 step someone. That's wrong and you know it. I like fun as much as the next person but this is off base, man. It's crap like that that scares people away from meetings. People are supposed to go to meetings for recovery, not to get laid.

Iasked the mods to remove it your 100% correct.

I know 2 guys that would go to divorce classes so they pretend they were getting divorced and pick up vulnerable women there. The one guy is now really divorcing his wife so he can be with the one is scammed on. amazing.

Trust me, those feelings will go away. It just takes time. Try to keep yourself busy, anyway to get out of your head. My head was my worst enemy when I quit, but the fog will lift and you will see things clearly and not let those temptations dictate how you feel. Get pissed Stacey, demand your life back. Do you have any hobbies? Can you get away for a weekend to the beach or something. I feel for you, I really do and if you need to talk drop me a email. I left a message for you at the other place too. From one mommy of a Caylin to another, hang in there, you can do this!

Fire I made a mistake but Glads made me laugh kinda impulsive stupid post asked them to remove it.

I ahve no t laughed so hard ABOUT THE WAX ON WAX OFF ITS FUNNY.

Anyway check this out I did a 13 the step went after someone in my complex she had 4.5 yrs so not really 13th step. We met at a meeting shoocked to see her and a fellow New yorker. We had a blast.

We had a date to just go out for dinner and club sodas. Talk program which I like among other things. Spent 4 months at the pool and knew nothing about her.

She was supposedly a student. Turns out she was a maddam running an escort service right in Boca. 4 million last year. She got off here husband got one yr.

Amazing. Oh well I keep plugging along.

People ??
What is a 13 step??

excuse my ignorance, but I have no clue.. I can tell it has something to do with aa? and picking up members of the opposite sex? but is it some unwritten secret thing?

Kathy it was real stupid Men go to meetings to pick up vulnerble woman. Its really kinda low.

I was playing around with Mr comedian and Kat is correct. But people shoud know not to get into any relationship within first i feel 6-9 months but they say a year.

No major changes in your life for a year. My philosophy on the room are a bit different. Man its not N.Y and I moved away from my home group. I am not stupid need to find another.

were all big girl and boys and are responsibel to make common sense decisions.

But that crack offbase and Kat is right. hopefull they will remove it.

Man ithas been pouring for 8 hrs it has not rained here in like a month.

This weather sucks man.
Kat whats wrong with me? Quite simply sometimes I am very impulsive and do STUPID THINGS--Like getting Marrried. I was so immature but this woman god bless her we had 10 good years and I have 2 exsquisite girls.

So it was not totally an assanine move,

But I have to Glads is quite funny and I zoned in on him not thinking about the post. STUPID--so there is my answer to you.

You can say PUTZ

Later kat
Hey jeff.. no problem, I knew it was a joke of some kind, but it just sounded like something that everyone knew what it was except me.. but that would certainly not be the first time or the last I am sure.. lol

so do most people in aa/na know about the 13th step?

I hope your day, your week, your month, hell you life gets better SOON...

you go back to doc tomorrow right??
Please e-mail me; I hope I didn't offend thee. I want you to make it without those pills. It will be a week, tomorrow, for me, and I am dealing with alot of overwhelming mental issues that I feel like numbing out, but I am not. There is me and then there is the addict, which by the way I named Medussa. I am struggling between both of them, but I am not going to give in, because I have wasted so much time on numbing out my feelings. Congrats on five days.
