To The Goos Group

goos luck today brina................

i love you and dont forget it............

thank you for being here for me brina.......and helping sort things out about my father............for some reason, its so easy to talk to you about it..................

and aunt carol...........goos moning.........

janet...........still praying for your mom............
atlas......stace......stephy...........KIMBER POO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and all the posters here at ARG.................goos morning...........

your all beautiful and i thankful to be here...........with you all.......

God Bless each and everyone of you............

hey !

am i the only one in the goos group?


**sad face**
Looks that way thumps lol jacxx
No Thumper,i think its a much bigger group than that,lol.

How are you ladies this fine morning?

Im off to work,then will get my grandchildren for the afternoon.I dont know what we'll do to keep busy?

MJ,I hope things are getting better for you.Each day you seem to be stronger and stronger,thats the woman we all know and love!!!!!

Thumper,you are so happy and carefree these days,im so happy to see it!

Have a good one ladies!~KIM
((((((((((((((((((KIMBER POO, jaxxxx, mj,))))))))))))))))))))))

thanks kimber.

yes i am.

life is finally really good !

its 7 am and the sun is so bright and the air outside smells so good and summery..........

looks like it may be a hot one............

Enjoy every second of it,you deserve it!

I'll try and do the same.

Take care,talk real soon~KIM

(as usual,im here too long,then im late for work,lol)
Hi Everyone!

MJ - I'm not sure what test you're having but I wish you the best of luck! Hang in there, girlfriend!

Thumps, you ole sweetheart, you! Your constant support, positive comments, and just plain ole sweetness always cheer me up!

JJ's Gram - how are those babies doing? ANd how are you doing too?

If I forgot someone, I apologize. My brain is swiss cheese. (Gee, I wonder why????) And it's the kind of swiss cheese with the big holes too!

Carol, where might you be? I'll call you today, I'm at yet another property. I'm surprised I even remember where to go each day my schedule has been so crazy, and always changing!

You guys have a nice Friday!!!!! If anyone has a hot date tonight, please post DETAILS tomorrow so I can live vicariously!!! (kidding)
Hey Ladies & THANK YOU for remaining true the the original GOOS!!!
I never got back yesterday because after my test I found out my X FIL was in & visited him which made me sad.SO after I played MOM TAXI I desided to lay in the pool (which Im paying for today!!!)
The test lols are to try & find out why Ive lost 28lbs in mths & for female issues.Ill be 40 next month so I suppose getting the plumbing checked is a good idea huh?.

Ill be here for a bit if anyone wants to talk.
Kimber THANK YOU for seeing the results are some hard work,I am feeling stronger & more like Sabrina everyday!!!!

Hey Goos Gals, count me in!! Since I responded in the garden, I had skipped this one, sorry.
MJ, Did you get the results yesterday? And yes, you and all women should stay current on their female check-ups!!! Glad you finally had these done.
I just recently had a mammogram, and bone density test, tons of blood work which included cholestorol (sp) testing. My insurance company doesn't pay for most of this, which I think is ludicrous, but it was worth every penny to know I am healthy.

Thumper, As always, your light is shining bright! I see the change in you, and I love love love it! I couldn't be more proud of my favorite niece. :-)

Loooolaaaaaa, looking forward to hearing from you later. I have the hair appt at 11, but can talk anytime! Did you check out the NAABT?

You all have a lovely Friday!!
Carol Hey my friend....I wont know much until next Thurs when I have my GYN appt.Im hoping for the best really.Anne & I have talked about this(because SHE actually got on my case yesterday about being so thin)(GO FIGURE)Anyways,I really am hoping that between the Chrons the stress with Mikey & me & working my tail off THATS the reason for weight loss.The female issues...again Im hoping they just need to "clean the decks"(DNC)LOL
I was suppose to go for chest xray & bloodwork today,but for bloodwork I need to fast for 12 Hr & well my morning coffee blew that.
What was so odd yesterday was that I drank 60...yes 60 OZ of water & my bladder wasnt full so they had to give me the "Other"kind of ultra sound.

Did you see on the OTHER spot about Amandas dads GF?Carol...something in my gut tells me it was him????
Hey Lady I took it upon myself to move your GOOS to here I hope thats ok.
My Anne is waiting for "the love of her life"to call so I must sign off but my plan today is after being "MOM TAXI" to be here at home cleaning,listening to music & just allowing myself time
Time to work out(again)
time to give thought to stuff
Time to reflect on the woman I am & how much I have to offer those who need help
Time selfishly....for me.
I love you guys.
You beaners have always been by my side never putting me down,always here to share good & sad times.Never with a knife behind your back...etc
If that isnt what friendship is about I dont know what is.
Im truley blessed to have you as a part of my life
Love Your MJ

HELLO BEANERS!! Hope you are happy and busy this lovely Friday morning!

I have some great news, and once again, it is because of this board. Do you ever stop and think how much this board has affected our lives? It sure has mine, and although I get upset and discouraged sometimes, when I stop and look at the far reaching results of having found this place, I am very thankful.
Here's why.........

Sharon/Shabee's daughter is coming down to GA to spend a week with us! She and my son, Cade, have become very close, as a result of us having spent a week together at Disney World last year, and our visit with them at their home in MN in May of this year.

It is amazing to Sharon and I how these two clicked from the moment they met. They couldn't be more cute together, and they are both so happy when the other is around.

I know they are young, 11, and although they call it "love", us parents view it as a very close friendship. LOL

They are both jumping with joy at the thought of Brooke visiting us at our home. Of course she has heard a lot about his life here, and his friends, and Cade is thrilled to get to show her around and have another full week of fun with her. I am almost as excited about it as he is. I love her dearly, and it will be nice to have a little girl here to do "girly things" with. She and I get along wonderfully, and I know we are all going to have a blast.

Also, after she goes home, a week later, her big brother is coming down for his week with us. Sharon insisted we schedule their week long visits separately our of concern for me. LOL Cade and he get along great, too, and have a lot in common, so again, those two are psyched and have made tons of plans for all the places I can take them and things they are going to do.

I just think it is amazing that these 3 kids are getting to have these life experiences with each other as a result of this board. It's positive benefits are far reaching, and look how many lives have been touched by a simple little website.

Thank you ARG and God, for bringing us all together.

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. You know where to find me if you need me (hint-hint).
Love, Carol

Hello Ladies!
Hey sweet MJ, how are you today?

Thumps, I miss you! Thanks for thinking about me.

Much love to everyone this morning. I gotta go get some work done. Tata!!


Good morning everyone! I'm so new here and I'm not even sure what the "goos group" is but I feel left out already. I'm sure that if all of you ladies are who makes up this group, it must be a pretty cool club. Can I play too?

Hugs to Catherine, Kee Kee, Sarah and....whoever, (whomever?) I forgot!


Callie...very nice to meet you.Im mollyjean,MJ or Sabrina.
Though I cant talk right now I just wanted to say that the GOOS has ALWAYS welcomed all not just certain people.We try to kinda wake up together,have cyber coffee,talk family,recovery whatever.The ONLY requierment is to be a truthful non BS starting person.But the GOOS is for all
You should of seen it when it first started,we'd get easy 200 hits.But people started to work,& other things .But please know you are ALWAYS welcomed.As I said we only ask for non trouble makers & people who just want to enjoy the GOOS.You may not get a reply right away because so many of us have done so well in our recoveries that we now work & do things other than sit here all day.But know if ever you need shoulders to lean on...well you wont find more honest classy people than us beaners.
Take Care
Talk soon So glad you think you want to be a part of us & our can be fun just discussing life,family etc.

MJ Molly Sabrina...oh heck....just....ME

Stacey I pinky Ill catch up soon my life has been very busy as you know,being a mom working & getting back into recovery after a slip.But hopefully tonight Ill get sometime to write you the LONG catch up letter you deserve...LOTS to tell
Goos morning BEANER!!!!
I just got back from my beloved river.Been up since 5:30 but it was worth it,though Mikey caught alot more & bigger fishies than I did.
What a BEAUTIFUL day here in NY.

Hey is my JodiGirl around???
How is everyone else???
Hey...I just want to say "Goos" to the goos
I hope you all have a great day!!!...

Its so cool to see you on here.
Funny I got an email just the other day saying you could post under a different name,but beings I havent been around much I truley didnt know!!!
How are you doing
Whats Up
Whats happening
I'm doing great...How's my wicked witch of the east
I love and miss ya all the Goos Beaners.

Big Hugs.