Do you think by chance that you could clean up Bryn's thread and put it back up...well I know you guys can so how about it.
I don't usually ask questions, and throw random thoughts out really wanting answers, but in this thread I would have loved to re-read Bryns response and see if anyone else came in and shared some....
Oh and None if you happen to see this ( forgot earlier ), the skins made the playoffs, Yep I am smiling, betting you might be as well...
I agree, but doubt it will happen. Bryn had some really great stuff on that thread. Some others did as well. It's a shame to see it gone over such...well, it's a shame to see it gone.
I'm smiling too.
I'm smiling too.
Thank you Mods! For putting up with us....<BEG>
LMAO Kerri, the mods love us all, they just won't admit it. We're the apple in their pie, the whipped cream on their cocoa, the end all be all of their lives! A true love affair that would have made Hemmingway and Shakespere weep.
LOL @ Michelle...thank you mods for putting it back and cleaning up the's a really good thread.
Which thread, people? I feel like I live in a cave even though I was just here last night...
It's back Mom..."I shouldn't be here" by Bryn. It's a great thread.
If Bryn starts a thread, it's got to be good. Her writing is so compelling.
I don't know if any of you ever noticed it but once she wrote about brushing her daughter's hair. That could have been an ordinary post but it struck a nerve in me that I won't soon forget. It was just so Bryn. She can make you laugh or cause tears to well up in your eyes.
I don't know if any of you ever noticed it but once she wrote about brushing her daughter's hair. That could have been an ordinary post but it struck a nerve in me that I won't soon forget. It was just so Bryn. She can make you laugh or cause tears to well up in your eyes.
She is a gem.
I surrendered trying to figure out the mods along time ago. When an addict goes off the deep end so to speak its IMO recovery. Yes certain times if some idiot gets nasty and curses etc? but man they the mods have IMO deleted a lot of good recovery by censoring us. I recently posted a direct post to Danny about sending a nurse? Come on ? It was posted in good fun but they deleted it. Warning Me? Hey I have stated this time and again its there game and they make the rules live or leave.
Accept them for what they are trying to acheive. A support board. And it sure has a l ot less 'DRAMA then past years so maybe they know exactly what there doing.
I choose toi give credit to the posters getting healthier all of us--either way its POSITIVE
Mods mean well but there not perfect . Only I am Perfect. Just kidding I make a mistake a day if not two or three.
JMHO- Jeff
Accept them for what they are trying to acheive. A support board. And it sure has a l ot less 'DRAMA then past years so maybe they know exactly what there doing.
I choose toi give credit to the posters getting healthier all of us--either way its POSITIVE
Mods mean well but there not perfect . Only I am Perfect. Just kidding I make a mistake a day if not two or three.
JMHO- Jeff
The mods are rooting for all of us. You know they are.
They have to remain objective. But they care...
Otherwise they wouldn't reply to personal things. Or they wouldn't joke when we try to joke with them. Or they wouldn't ignore me every time I ask to be banned. LOL
They want the best for all of us. I really believe that. Or else I'm really naive.
They have to remain objective. But they care...
Otherwise they wouldn't reply to personal things. Or they wouldn't joke when we try to joke with them. Or they wouldn't ignore me every time I ask to be banned. LOL
They want the best for all of us. I really believe that. Or else I'm really naive.
I have to agree with Jeff 100%
Vicious name calling,pornography and blatant attempts to cause trouble are obvious and yes they should be deleted.I've made some of these and totally agreed with the censorship but...............................
Conflict and getting out some pent up resentments can be healing.Yes,it should be monitored closely but what if people are able to get to some sort of resolution? That is what recovery and trying to live in a different way are all about.If people are immediately censored then all that happens is that it's just stored away for later use.There is a strong undercurrent of bitterness on this board.I don't even know how far it goes back but when it blows it's so ugly there isn't any way there can be healing.
Maybe conflict and confrontation are so terrifying that people don't think there will be a way out if it starts.I grew up in a home where it was not o.k. to get mad.All that did was fester a lot of anger that presented itself much later in life.Then it sure wasn't pretty.
I don't agree with that thread being pulled the other day.[Bryn's}.Maybe Tropical[Carol's} post needed to be said.It's how she felt.I have more respect for that than all the innuendos thrown around.It doesn't mean she's right but I'll be the first to defend that she has a right to her opinion.........and she doesn't even like me.LOL
One of the first things I was told by my sponsor is that you are not going to like everyone in these rooms.Man,did he get that right.But he said that you must respect everyone's right to be here.He also said that those who you hate the most would drop what they were doing in a heartbeat and come talk to you if you needed help.I have changed my opinions so many times about people in meetings I got to know.
Don't let pride keep you from some awesome friendships.I am being as honest as I can *& I can tell you there's not one person on this board I wouldn't enjoy meeting in person.It still doesn't mean a friendship would occur but today I'm willing.
but man they the mods have IMO deleted a lot of good recovery by censoring us . |
Vicious name calling,pornography and blatant attempts to cause trouble are obvious and yes they should be deleted.I've made some of these and totally agreed with the censorship but...............................
Conflict and getting out some pent up resentments can be healing.Yes,it should be monitored closely but what if people are able to get to some sort of resolution? That is what recovery and trying to live in a different way are all about.If people are immediately censored then all that happens is that it's just stored away for later use.There is a strong undercurrent of bitterness on this board.I don't even know how far it goes back but when it blows it's so ugly there isn't any way there can be healing.
Maybe conflict and confrontation are so terrifying that people don't think there will be a way out if it starts.I grew up in a home where it was not o.k. to get mad.All that did was fester a lot of anger that presented itself much later in life.Then it sure wasn't pretty.
I don't agree with that thread being pulled the other day.[Bryn's}.Maybe Tropical[Carol's} post needed to be said.It's how she felt.I have more respect for that than all the innuendos thrown around.It doesn't mean she's right but I'll be the first to defend that she has a right to her opinion.........and she doesn't even like me.LOL
One of the first things I was told by my sponsor is that you are not going to like everyone in these rooms.Man,did he get that right.But he said that you must respect everyone's right to be here.He also said that those who you hate the most would drop what they were doing in a heartbeat and come talk to you if you needed help.I have changed my opinions so many times about people in meetings I got to know.
Don't let pride keep you from some awesome friendships.I am being as honest as I can *& I can tell you there's not one person on this board I wouldn't enjoy meeting in person.It still doesn't mean a friendship would occur but today I'm willing.
Tim you are right, sometimes these things need to be said.
I was not thinking of anyone but myself and I hurt a good friend (Carol) because I asked the mods to delete her post. I was being selfish, I wanted to try to integrate the several cliques on here with some good will. I felt that Carol's post ruined the thought that I was trying to portray. I was wrong, Carol deserved to have her voice heard, no matter if I or anyone else liked what she was saying. I have apologized to her and several other people for my selfish behavior. I hope that Carol will forgive me.
I haven't been myself lately, I'm having med problems and they are making my bipolar condition so magnified. I have been selfish and self centered. I was so wrong.
I agree, we may not always like what is said, but sometimes we need to remember that others deserve to voice their opinions.
Mods, sometimes I don't understand your motivation, but I guess you have your own set of guidelines to follow.
I was not thinking of anyone but myself and I hurt a good friend (Carol) because I asked the mods to delete her post. I was being selfish, I wanted to try to integrate the several cliques on here with some good will. I felt that Carol's post ruined the thought that I was trying to portray. I was wrong, Carol deserved to have her voice heard, no matter if I or anyone else liked what she was saying. I have apologized to her and several other people for my selfish behavior. I hope that Carol will forgive me.
I haven't been myself lately, I'm having med problems and they are making my bipolar condition so magnified. I have been selfish and self centered. I was so wrong.
I agree, we may not always like what is said, but sometimes we need to remember that others deserve to voice their opinions.
Mods, sometimes I don't understand your motivation, but I guess you have your own set of guidelines to follow.
To answer Jeff's question, I have a nurse here 3 days a week and she is annoying as hell. LOL
Is she even a little pretty Danny?
Janet...........Sorry you're having a rough time.You made ammends and that's all you can do.
Janet...........Sorry you're having a rough time.You made ammends and that's all you can do.
Tim, even if she was (which she is not), there isn't a lot I could do about it..hehe
Stil, not a bad a one or two I had in the hospital..
Stil, not a bad a one or two I had in the hospital..
Some will automatically "connect" with others. With some, it takes work to develop a relationship. With others, personalities will just not mesh. This is a fact of life in any situation. This happens every day in real life. It will also be true here.
I am not saying that it is right or wrong. It is just the way it is. When people allow resentments to fester to a boiling point the proverbial shat may hit the fan. One has to check there own motives for even being here and partaking. You may find that your intentions aren't what they should be and perhaps time to re think why you stay. This also happens in real life situations every day. At home, in the work place, at social clubs. Even in recovery groups!
Every situation here is as different as the person behind the screen. Perhaps in a perfect world there would be no "differences". What a boring world this would be.
The common thread here is addiction. That is why we are all here to begin with. It is that one thread that will link us in a way that no Normie will ever understand. We have got a bunch of addicts at varying stages of recovery and there is just no way possible that each and every person here will see eye to eye on everything and that is okay as well. Hell, some may not even be here for recovery, maybe just a morbid curiosity into the world of an addict.
When others point fingers and are judgemental about others, feelings will get hurt and people will lash out it's only natural.
Just like every civilized society people have to learn to be function without betraying the true spirit of this board. That is for everyone that posts here. This place has seen it's fair share of growing pains. People have come and gone. Some of us have stuck around and made this a part of our recovery plan. Not the be all and end all....but certainly a great way to connect with other addicts and a quick to solve a problem, get a good laugh, hear an opinion, or just hang out and be in the comfort of other addicts when you just can't do anything else.
It's a like opening a little present every time I come here, because I just don't know what I am going to get! It should never take the place of any f2f recovery, but it has it's place.
The mods, have a tough job, one that I wouldn't want (lol, even if I am keemod) you would almost have to be schizophrenic to keep up with all the plots, and sub plots!! I commend them for doing their job with all fairness and impartiality that it takes. Have some threads been deleted when they maybe shouldn't probably. Have some threads been left up that some thought should have come
Thanks for taking care of us mods...some days it must seem like a glorified daycare...LOL.
Have a good one everyone <wink, wink>, yes that means you too mods!!
I am not saying that it is right or wrong. It is just the way it is. When people allow resentments to fester to a boiling point the proverbial shat may hit the fan. One has to check there own motives for even being here and partaking. You may find that your intentions aren't what they should be and perhaps time to re think why you stay. This also happens in real life situations every day. At home, in the work place, at social clubs. Even in recovery groups!
Every situation here is as different as the person behind the screen. Perhaps in a perfect world there would be no "differences". What a boring world this would be.
The common thread here is addiction. That is why we are all here to begin with. It is that one thread that will link us in a way that no Normie will ever understand. We have got a bunch of addicts at varying stages of recovery and there is just no way possible that each and every person here will see eye to eye on everything and that is okay as well. Hell, some may not even be here for recovery, maybe just a morbid curiosity into the world of an addict.
When others point fingers and are judgemental about others, feelings will get hurt and people will lash out it's only natural.
Just like every civilized society people have to learn to be function without betraying the true spirit of this board. That is for everyone that posts here. This place has seen it's fair share of growing pains. People have come and gone. Some of us have stuck around and made this a part of our recovery plan. Not the be all and end all....but certainly a great way to connect with other addicts and a quick to solve a problem, get a good laugh, hear an opinion, or just hang out and be in the comfort of other addicts when you just can't do anything else.
It's a like opening a little present every time I come here, because I just don't know what I am going to get! It should never take the place of any f2f recovery, but it has it's place.
The mods, have a tough job, one that I wouldn't want (lol, even if I am keemod) you would almost have to be schizophrenic to keep up with all the plots, and sub plots!! I commend them for doing their job with all fairness and impartiality that it takes. Have some threads been deleted when they maybe shouldn't probably. Have some threads been left up that some thought should have come
Thanks for taking care of us mods...some days it must seem like a glorified daycare...LOL.
Have a good one everyone <wink, wink>, yes that means you too mods!!
I just hope that the moderators are getting college credit...a sentence reduction, extra day of vacation....something of benefit for doing what they do. hee hee!
Have a lovely, lovelies!
Have a lovely, lovelies!
Hopefully "sentence reduction" is not one of them...LOL