This is similar to a post I put on two different threads, but I thought that it might deserve a thred of its own:
First off, Please reconsider!!!!!
There are so many great people on this board, but that is what makes this board so good, there are SO many people, not just a few. I think one of the main reason this board is succesful is just that, many many great people with such a vast range of experience for all those that are in need(me being one of them). To anyone contemplating leaving, I know that not a one of you are in need of being begged to stay, but if there is one that would stay if they are begged, I will beg for that person to stay. As I said, I think that is the reason this board is so good.
Please, don't anybody leave, or if you do, please don't stay gone for long, we all need each other!!!
ok, I'll stay.
(actually I wasnt going to leave, but your post will make me stay if I change my mind).
(actually I wasnt going to leave, but your post will make me stay if I change my mind).
lmao tom, you card! i'm staying too, unless someone can figure out how to come into cyberspace and drag me kicking and screaming. so there! nannynannybooboo!
Comming from you, I appreciate that. I certainly don't have the name recongnition that you have, but I did feel like saying what I posted, like I said, I don't want to lose anyone to the "it" that has been happening.
That goes for you to bump!!!
Comming from you, I appreciate that. I certainly don't have the name recongnition that you have, but I did feel like saying what I posted, like I said, I don't want to lose anyone to the "it" that has been happening.
That goes for you to bump!!!
The "it". I love it. Thats what we will call it. Kinda like a stephan King novel.
You get the prize for coining the phrase.
You get the prize for coining the phrase.
sounds like a winner! the "IT"...all its missing is a little sh....
I'll stay if Tom, Trying and Bump stay
grabbing onto ain't going nowhere gal!
please read the addicted to e thread, its very disturbing to me that people are sanctioning use of the drug as a passing phase
please read the addicted to e thread, its very disturbing to me that people are sanctioning use of the drug as a passing phase
and no one even has to beg
...and I like my nose.
I just bumped up a post for you.
I just bumped up a post for you.
I'm not going anywhere..I need everyone and I hope to be strong enough one day to be a HELP to someone...
thanks Tom, never saw her thread.
speaking of "it"............TAG! you're it!
AWE MAN, Now I'm It (the good kind of it though)
redd and tom
I have seen you all play tag before, are there any rules, or can anybody play?
I have seen you all play tag before, are there any rules, or can anybody play?
anyone and everyone is welcome to play, no rules, at least none that I know of although Tom may make some up as he goes along......
remember, hes presently "it", so be careful around him, hes pretty good at sneaking up on ya' when you least expect it.
If you see him, I wasn't here.
Thought I'd stick around too for awhile if that's ok. I came on this morning and really liked what I read. Guess you guys are stuck with me because I need this board.