To Women Whose Hubby Looks At Porn

I jsut wanted to say, most men look at porn. Its' in their nature. I have been a snoop on our computer and have found many things that have to do with porn and bother me. We would get in fights and I;d be hurt thinking that when were making love he's thinking about the women on the internet. It's an insecurity of in all of us. I've been in Playboy myself and look just as good if not better than most the women he looks at. I guess it's just something new for them, something different. I have learned to just except it. Just know it's not you, your not alone.
It's true, all men do look at porn. Its whether or not its an obsession when it becomes a problem. I've caught my boyfriend looking at porn on the internet and it does bother me, even though like you said, I look just as good as those women..he even says he's lucky to have someone like me, that I'm out of his league (well I agree, he's an addict, everyones out of his league). I don't know one guy who doesn't like to look at porn and naked girls. I mean I myself love looking at hot men!