Hi Toaster, I read some of your posts and I was wondering how your sub detox was going? I have been on sub before, long term and I didn't have much success so I am curious to see how someone does short term with it. I have been around this board for a while and honestly don't remember ever following a story with short term detox/tapper with suboxone. I got clean last November going ct off any opiate I could get my hands on and relapsed shortly after the new year. I got 6- 8mg subs to detox with and am starting tomorrow or Saturday depending on when the wd starts to really kick in. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me asking, there really isn't anyone else here that I know of who stayed on it less then a month. Actually I can't think of anyone that comes here who was on sub less then 6+ months. My plan is to take as little as possible and tapper down from there. When I was on sub before and going to a sub dr. I started at 8mg and from there jumped down to 4mg with no problems at all. However this relapse I am using way more drugs and way harder drugs so I am a little nervous 4 mg wolnt take me out of wd. I'm going to find out this weekend... And because I can never seem to do anything the right way, I am also going away to my parents this weekend for Easter. Should be interesting...I tried really hard to be clean by now because I knew I would be seeing my parents and I didn't want to be using around them but I just kept saying "tomorrow I'll quit" and it snow balled into this situation. So I got these 6 sub and I'm hoping for the best. I also do think a lot of wd is mental so again, I'm hoping that being around my family will help with my spirit rather then being alone, bored and consumed by self pity (I'm an over achiever when it comes to that. I wish you lots of luck, and thanks in advance for any reply.
Sure i would love to talk with you while you go through this. It also seems to me that i never do anything the right way either, so i guess we are alike in that way. Would you like to just email each other?
Let me know,
Sure i would love to talk with you while you go through this. It also seems to me that i never do anything the right way either, so i guess we are alike in that way. Would you like to just email each other?
Let me know,
Just checking in. Having a real hard time. I took my full 8 this morning and felt out of it for about 30min then better for about 1.5 hours then i got exhausted and went back to bed. Then i got up, felt better again. Then the depression came back big time, and lack of motivation.
I dont want to talk to anymone, go anywhere or do anything. Im just miserable and dont know what to do.
I was researching sub and it seems it helps people with depression, but not me.
So thats how its going here on day 4 crying and miserable. Just like yesterday.
I dont want to talk to anymone, go anywhere or do anything. Im just miserable and dont know what to do.
I was researching sub and it seems it helps people with depression, but not me.
So thats how its going here on day 4 crying and miserable. Just like yesterday.
Hi T, I haven't taken mine yet. I'm thinking I will get up around 5am to drive to Tennessee (I'm in Pa.) I'm going to take a half of an 8mg wait about 35-45 minutes and hit the road. The most I can take is 8mg because of my limited supply and trip time.
I'm really surprised you aren't feeling good. 8 mg's of sub usually takes wd away pretty good. Were you doing H to? Or just pain pills? I'm sorry your not feeling to hot. Well I have to finish packing, I will let you know how it goes in the a.m. I will log on before I hit the road. I hope it works out ok.....I have a 9-10 hour drive ahead of me with 2 dogs in the car FUN..... Feel better and check in when you can, I will as well. I am thinking I will make the sub last 11-13 days. I know a lot of people on this board look down upon what I'm doing, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am the only one that has to walk in my shoes.......take care
I'm really surprised you aren't feeling good. 8 mg's of sub usually takes wd away pretty good. Were you doing H to? Or just pain pills? I'm sorry your not feeling to hot. Well I have to finish packing, I will let you know how it goes in the a.m. I will log on before I hit the road. I hope it works out ok.....I have a 9-10 hour drive ahead of me with 2 dogs in the car FUN..... Feel better and check in when you can, I will as well. I am thinking I will make the sub last 11-13 days. I know a lot of people on this board look down upon what I'm doing, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am the only one that has to walk in my shoes.......take care
Per my drs orders, he said if i felt i need to take an extra 4mg once or twice during the day, it was ok. He actually prescribed me to take 3 tabs, but i HAD to take my morning 8mg and my evening 8mg.
So, as i lay crying i thought, hmmm, why not try a 4mg tablet.
Sure enough, cheered me right up.
So, always learning on this medicine.
So, as i lay crying i thought, hmmm, why not try a 4mg tablet.
Sure enough, cheered me right up.
So, always learning on this medicine.
So what mg is leveling you out? 16mgs? If I had a few more I would take 8mgs for about 3 days then go to 4mgs for 3 days then go down 1 mg a day from there. Unfortunately its going to have to be a little different for me....I feel positive about it and that helps so much when trying to quit.
i Know, everyone looks down on me too.
No i wasnt doing H, but had a large roxi habit of at least 7-8 a day with 10 pill days here and there. I could easily due it but i knew that was WAY in the danger zone. Not that what i was doing was much better. They were 30mg too, so i maxed out at 300mg. Thank G-d i didnt drink with them.
I just dont know.
How much were you taking and for how long? I was taking that amount for about 4 months. Before that it was lorcets 5-7 tops a day. Usually around 5.
I didnt know too much about roxis when i started them. And i listened to a friend (HOW STUPID), about how if i got a habit, i detox with sub. She said it like it would make it so easy. Well, dumb me popped a half in my mouth. But soon, i would just take the whole thing. They are so small, somehow it just didnt register the total milligrams i was actually injesting.
So, thats basically my story. Plus, lots of drama at home. Which is no excuse at all for what i have done to myself and those around me.
Post when you can. I will be thining of you. Keep up the good fight.
No i wasnt doing H, but had a large roxi habit of at least 7-8 a day with 10 pill days here and there. I could easily due it but i knew that was WAY in the danger zone. Not that what i was doing was much better. They were 30mg too, so i maxed out at 300mg. Thank G-d i didnt drink with them.
I just dont know.
How much were you taking and for how long? I was taking that amount for about 4 months. Before that it was lorcets 5-7 tops a day. Usually around 5.
I didnt know too much about roxis when i started them. And i listened to a friend (HOW STUPID), about how if i got a habit, i detox with sub. She said it like it would make it so easy. Well, dumb me popped a half in my mouth. But soon, i would just take the whole thing. They are so small, somehow it just didnt register the total milligrams i was actually injesting.
So, thats basically my story. Plus, lots of drama at home. Which is no excuse at all for what i have done to myself and those around me.
Post when you can. I will be thining of you. Keep up the good fight.
This relapse I have really gone over board. I was taking oc's, percs, Heroin, patches (fenthnal sp?) And my tolerance sky rocketed so fast it was nuts. I really don't care what anyone thinks about me buying sub on the street to detox. Beats the hell out of what I was doing last week. I tried to get into a program but they were full, yeah full of as*hole people who sell their sub on the street to people who really want it and need it. You wouldn't believe the girl I got it from. All messed up on Xanxax and H. To the point where she could barely talk and walk.....nice huh? So the county pays for her sub and she sells it on the street for pills and H.....nice health care system! It makes me sick. You know. I don't know the rules here as far as posting links to other sites? But I found a really awesome site similar to this one minus the drama, high school bulls#it, and popularity contests. I'm not comfortable posting my e-mail here either so we are going to have to "chat" here. I don't mind. I just want to get better. Maybe we can help each other out on here, check in and see how the other is doing?
u can write me at shainehjb@aol.com
I have a couple accounts set up with aol and i can just use this one for you!!! Im hoping to get off the 16 real soon. I think i have some really good advice coming soon. Someone who really knows about sub and he says he wouldnt have someone start out on 24-16mg either.
So, check the board. Write to me and hopefully i will have some answers for us both.
I have a couple accounts set up with aol and i can just use this one for you!!! Im hoping to get off the 16 real soon. I think i have some really good advice coming soon. Someone who really knows about sub and he says he wouldnt have someone start out on 24-16mg either.
So, check the board. Write to me and hopefully i will have some answers for us both.
I took 8mgs, I fell ok. Enough waiting around....I'm out of here.
Day 2, things are going great! Took 8 mgs today as well as yesterday. So down to 4 mgs tomorrow and Tuesday.
I hope anyone reading has a happy Easter!
I hope anyone reading has a happy Easter!
Reading your situation.
Have you ever tried weaning off the sub by taking 2mg 4 times a day.
You may find the 2 mg will keep you out of W/D making your weaning easier cheaper, faster.
Do you attend meetings? In any form of therapy?
There is many ways to get sober. The sub will keep your cravings at bay. But you need to make changes from your past behaviours.
If you guys post your history /story have either of you gone to rehab ever?
You certainly do not have to do this alone.
Lynn if your on 8 mg a day cutting it to 4mg is a pretty large cut.
The way the stuff will work best is if you cut a mg a month and please just read the past posts on weaning off suboxone. But both of you should be if possible under a doctors care. If you cannot well sub can help you get clean if your willing to do the work.
I have heard of some drug companies offering free meds or major discounts?
If your weaning Lynn lots of water bananas no caffeine if possible read up and educate yourself. lots of info about sub and weaning.
Go to NAMSHA google it as well as google suboxone.
I have weaned off the sub 3 times. its a lot better than going c/t
hang in there--it gets easier each day--Jeff
Have you ever tried weaning off the sub by taking 2mg 4 times a day.
You may find the 2 mg will keep you out of W/D making your weaning easier cheaper, faster.
Do you attend meetings? In any form of therapy?
There is many ways to get sober. The sub will keep your cravings at bay. But you need to make changes from your past behaviours.
If you guys post your history /story have either of you gone to rehab ever?
You certainly do not have to do this alone.
Lynn if your on 8 mg a day cutting it to 4mg is a pretty large cut.
The way the stuff will work best is if you cut a mg a month and please just read the past posts on weaning off suboxone. But both of you should be if possible under a doctors care. If you cannot well sub can help you get clean if your willing to do the work.
I have heard of some drug companies offering free meds or major discounts?
If your weaning Lynn lots of water bananas no caffeine if possible read up and educate yourself. lots of info about sub and weaning.
Go to NAMSHA google it as well as google suboxone.
I have weaned off the sub 3 times. its a lot better than going c/t
hang in there--it gets easier each day--Jeff
Good luck Ang.
Never stop trying.
What's going to be different about this time? What are your plans to keep clean and live a life that is free from drug addiction?
Much love....and of course a big hug!
Never stop trying.
What's going to be different about this time? What are your plans to keep clean and live a life that is free from drug addiction?
Much love....and of course a big hug!
Hi Angela and Toaster - Happy Easter and Passover! Keep on fighting girls. You can do it! Angela - You know I can't wait to hear about you going "down the shore" to sun on the beach....clean and sober.
Thanks for the replies. The tapper is going good. I'm at 4mgs and feel fine. I'm down in TN till next Mon or Tuesday so hopefully what I have lasts!
Jeff, I have been to rehab. May of 2006
Jeff, I have been to rehab. May of 2006
Angie... despite the "popularity contests and high school bs", I'm really glad that you keep coming back. Something must draw you here.
You've come a long way Baby... so far from when you first starting posting here. Really happy for you that you are trying so hard to get clean. Are you still drinking?
You've come a long way Baby... so far from when you first starting posting here. Really happy for you that you are trying so hard to get clean. Are you still drinking?
Hi Angela and Toaster - How are you ladies making out?
I talked to a guy today who c/t off of 24mg. of sub. He is clean one month. He's not sleeping well but is up on his feet.
There is a good meeting tomorrow night Angela. Whenever you want to join me I'll be there. Also there is a 10Pm Saturday night in Plymouth Meeting.
I talked to a guy today who c/t off of 24mg. of sub. He is clean one month. He's not sleeping well but is up on his feet.
There is a good meeting tomorrow night Angela. Whenever you want to join me I'll be there. Also there is a 10Pm Saturday night in Plymouth Meeting.
Hi Angela.I agree with Lisa about you.There is a reason you keep trying and that's all you can do.I didn't get this the first 100 times but I was always willing to keep trying.
As far as the cliquiness and B.S? It goes on everywhere.That's not what this board is about.If you look only for that,you find it.
Keep plugging away.I've always appreciated your spirit and never will give up on you.
As far as the cliquiness and B.S? It goes on everywhere.That's not what this board is about.If you look only for that,you find it.
Keep plugging away.I've always appreciated your spirit and never will give up on you.
Well, I just got home from my trip to dads in Tennessee. I am totally detoxed, AGAIN.... So here comes another try. I feel like I have become an over achiver when it comes to the detox part, I'm getting really good at that....as some of you know my routines, its styaying clean that ALWAYS gets me. So I'm going to look into county funded IOP...I don't know what else to do? Any suggestions? Any and All comments are always welcome ...
Thanks in advance to anyone who posts to my lame a$$
Thanks in advance to anyone who posts to my lame a$$
I'l post to your lame a**.I've got faith in you and I hope you put up the cat of nine tails up and quit beating yourself up.You had a relapse,you're going into IOP and all those are positive signs.
Not all of us get in the first time Angela and I doubt 90% of us do.You just keep trying.You have to much of a mean streak to quit.I did IOP for 90 days and I got a lot of help from it.
Just remember a lot of people care about you whether you believe that or not.
Love you Angela.Don't ever give up.
Not all of us get in the first time Angela and I doubt 90% of us do.You just keep trying.You have to much of a mean streak to quit.I did IOP for 90 days and I got a lot of help from it.
Just remember a lot of people care about you whether you believe that or not.
Love you Angela.Don't ever give up.