Today Is Day 24, I Took My Last Dosage 4 Weeks Ago

Today! I remember going through all the stuff, gosh, I drank a gallon of orange juice (the pulp kind) a day, wierd craving uh? It sure was a slow go but I'm on the other side now and it's great. I still think about the pills, not wanting to take them, just stuff I used to do, then the guilt shame and etc set in, how much $$ I spent, the chase to get them, making sure I had enough for today, tomorrow and forever at any cost. What a relief it is to not worry about that anymore!
I still have some w/t feelings and restless leg.
Has anyone had tingling ankles? I have one that will NOT let me sleep. I've got a few Ambien but I'm trying not to take them unless I really need to.
Just a note, I've never had a problem with valium, xanax, any kind of sleep aid, just those darn Hydro's bit me in the butt!
I do take magneseum that a health place said would help for Restless leg. At least it's not my whole leg like it was for a long time!

Anyway, life is sooo much better. Now I'm living like the people I used to envy when I would see them out in the evenings or with their familys, I'm one of them now! Charlie!
Yay! Good Job. It can only get easier. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
I'm always around, just reading and taking notes. You sure can be humbled listening to everyones story. I just wish I knew the answer for each individuals addiction. I've never had to beg, borrow or steal for my pills, but I can see how a great person can be changed in a second. I saw a piece on the news last night about Meth users, before and after. That was REALLY scarey! I'll try to find the web site and post it.
Hope eveyone here has a pleasant day and someone please tell my ankle to settle down! Ha!!!
hey Charlie, Congrats on your 24 days. Isn't it great to be past the hell of chasing the pills? I know the hell you have been through, I was there, too.

These days I have to stay vigilant to keep those thoughts of using out of my head.

What are you gonna do to stay clean? Maybe it won't happen to you, but many of us found the mental stuff came crashing down around 3-4 weeks clean. I hope you escape that part. Take care! Enjoy the weekend!

I honestly do not have the cravings. I hurt so bad for those few days (day 4 & 5 for 24/7) that I never will go back there. It's just not worth it at all. Plus I'm a financial tightwad and I am really enjoying the extra money! I got my pills off of the street (from a guy who worked for me) and it was nerve racking having to hound him to get me the drugs. I hated that. It felt so good to tell him NO MORE!
Actually another employee of 13 years has been addicted for 10 years. I had a serious heart to heart two days ago (positive a** chewing) because now I can see everything more clearly and he needs help. He came to me yesterday, said he needed to take at least a week off, he has looked in the mirrror and seen what I told him. He said he is going to his Dr and going to get cleaned up. Hopefully he will. I told him to call me day or night (he probably want) but anyway, pray for him. My addiction was around 2 years and stopped at around 100mg a day of hydro. I assume his is alot more than that.

God Bless you guys!


My suggestion to you is to write all that stuff down, all the hell you went through in WDs, and periodically look back on it, It has helped some here to do that... And BTW congratulations on the 24 days, you are through the woods WD wise, now comes the mental stuff, get yourself some tools to deal with it...

Best Regards,
Thanks Tom,

Don't cut me short, 28 days!!! ha! That's a great idea because I can still remember vividly, the pain, sleepless nights, doubling over and crying! (I lost a good friend right in the middle of all that w/t stuff. They found him at the bottom of a lake. He was a police officer, injured on the bomb squaud and on all kinds of pain pills! The verdict is that he fell off of the dock and hit his head. He was missing for a week. What was bad is that I wasn't able to be there for his family, I was screwed up! I did get well enough to go to the funeral and be a pall bearer. What a bummer.

Thanks again, I'll go through some of my old post on another board and write all that down, I guess I could just print it out!

Thanks again,

I screwed up, it is 28 days today. ooops! Yeah!
Charlie, Yeah, I noticed I was a few days short right after I posted... I wouldnt want to short you, they were hard fought days indeed, I know. So sorry to hear about your friend, things like that seem to hit us when we are at our lowest, I too had to deal with a whole lot of stuff my first month, it really does make us stronger though, and I may add, without the pills, it allows our brains to deal with the emotions the way it was meant to, not postponing them, ya know.

Best Regards,
Hey Charlie

Sorry for your loss. I too know what it's like to lose a good friend. Congrats on 28 days. Stay strong.

You are an inspiration for me.

Your friend.

I have not had tingling ankles, but I have had tingling fingers and wrist. Every morning when I wake up they are like that....Pretty wierd it never happen before so I just figured it was one more side effect to coming off of pills. Congrats on your clean time keep up the good work it's all worth it.


I know u dont know me but I wanted to say GOOD JOB. I am so glad to hear when someone wins the battle. I am still weaning.

But u should be so proud of yourself. I am.

Thanks, I am so thankful that I (with God) was able to quit this mess. I just could not see the end of the tunnel if I continued. I have a great family and a great life and the pills were taking that away from me. I feel like the w/d 's were a boxing match and for about 3 days it was a close battle.
It can be done and it feels great! (Still have yukky days but nothing as bad as the good days on the pills!)
Good for you Charlie and great you are helpong someone else as well! I read many posts but dont write as much as I should. I am on less than a week clean and my legs ACHE horribly.Not shaky but achy.I try to ignore it, take motrin, exercise etc. I keep it in my mind..this too shall pass..not sure how long but I am hopeful. Everyone on the boards have really helped to keep me on a positive track and mind set. I am proud of your accomplishments and I look forward to STAYING clean and Clear headed as you are!