Today Is The Day; Bring It On!

Hello you guys. I'm so glad that there's a board like this, with people like you. Like me. Know what I mean?

I've been taking Vicodin and Loracet for more than two years, at my worst I was up to 30 pills every day, the one time I decided to try quitting the withdrawals were so horrible I relapsed after 20 days.

Not this time!

I am totally ready to face this, today. As of this moment, I've gone 24 hours without a pill and I've never felt so strong in my life. I have to say, this withdrawal pain is -legendary-, but I'm committed, and today I take back my life.

Wish me luck, it was kind of hard to come post this here. You guys seem to have it together, an I honestly feel like a wreck. Thanks for reading, I've been QUITE the lurker.

I don't suppose there's anything that makes this easier? I feel STRONG, you guys. But my legs hurt really bad, and I feel weepy and "dark".

24 hours and counting. :)

welcome to the board and a new life........

prayers for you during this time.......

please keep posting, as you know there are many wonderful people here..
with alot of wisdom............

Bless you WW.......

Welcome Westwind!


Do you mind telling us how many pills/day you have been using until the time you quit yesterday. How long have you been at that dose level???

Withdrawals are a b****, do doubt...but if you hunker down, you can make it through this.

Do you have support at home? Do you have anyone with you to help you???

Glad you are here with us....I know you sometimes feel like an island during this time....but guess what, everyone here has detoxed! We will be here when you need us!

Not feeling clever (Sarah)

With that attitude you can do this..........and never use again. You sound so determined to get through this, and that is what it takes.

Although physically it is brutal every single day is a day you have chosen your path, and taken control of your life.

There are a few over the counter meds that will help quite a bit...........Immodium, for the stomach troubles, helps alot...............and lots and lots of HOT baths...............I lived in the bathtub while in withdrawals, It takes all the muscle aches and pains away for a while, and just feels soothing.

You are doing great, and Congrats on getting clean...........

Keep posting

The best to you west wind! I know I was determined. Sick as heck but just accept that as part of it, you just have to or quitting will never happen) I posted a lot of detox misery, and was coming off of the nastiest stuff! Compounded Hydor's 1500-325, AND methadone, 50 plus mg a day. Yea I really thought I liked those babies. Thought it was a miracle drug till I tried stopping it. Just keep on posting! Lots of baths, and know that every night you turn in, another day of hell is over. Good luck and welcome!!
Thank you so much for your responses!

I got addicted to Vicodin about 3 years ago, it was just a recreational thing for me. I got up to 6 a day and I thought "wow, I'm such an addict". Little did I know how bad things would get.

Up to three months ago or so I was doing as much as 30 a day, and for the past three months I've been tapering to about 15 a day. Still too much, but best I can do.

Now I'm serious about quitting, and I know I can do it. I'm scared as hell, and the pain is terrible. I appreciate you guys telling me about your own struggles, that helps a lot. Thanks for the tips, I DO really want to take a bath. Actually I wish I could spend the night in the tub, heh.

I've not been to a doctor, I don't really know anything about Methadone. I've heard of Suboxone, but I don't have it. I'm cold turkey-ing it. I can do it.

I know to stay away from caffine, and try to drink water. I'm praying a lot. I'm trying to sound strong, but I really am scared to death. I feel like such a loser, I feel like such a let down.

From where I was at, 15 a day, I'm hoping that I can get a grip on this in a few weeks. I have a light work schedule over the next month, so I've got that going for me.
Other than that, only one other person knows. My best friend, and there's a lot of support there. Just not "in my head" support, you know what I mean?

This is the loneliest thing I've ever faced. Thanks for your support.

hello,west,IM poopie ,IM in day 5 been here 2orso years,and you will be able to do listen very close,,you need to say to your self ,,you will do this ,,dont stay in bed ,,you will get more depressed,when the sun comes up ,,you will feel sad alone scared ,,,but it WILL PASS ,,,you will cry ,,feel wepe.,,but that will pass to ,,I was up to 16 a day ,,was clean 10 or cant remeber..months ,,,now its 10 at night ,,and still feel all alone ..but much better ,,have 3 dogs ,,thank goddness ,,I have a very driffrent life style..long stroy ,,will tell you some time,,but what im trying to say dear in the nut shell,,,it will get better,,and we will help you ,ok,,IM still kinda sick ,,so will be on and off ,,do what you need to do ,,we care poopie,,my mind is still dusty,,hope you will stay ok poopie
Hi WW;

I'm so impressed with your efforts to get clean...just take it a day, an hour at a time. Don't discount getting other f2f support as you go thru this. It is invaluable as your body and mind adjust to life without pills.

Stay strong WW, and keep us the great work!

Thanks poopie, thanks jim!

I'm a little scared right now because it's about bed-time for me, 1:00 am, and I really don't know if I can sleep.
I got through last night but it was the hardest thing I've ever done.

Tomorrow is day two, and I feel so strong. I'm totally going to kick this, there's just no other option. I've decided that the best way to do this is to be as positive as possible, and when I get dark, just think about you folks and draw strength from your struggles. If I can make it another 24 hours I can feel that much better about myself. Bring it on!

As of now (and I hope you don't think this is petty, counting sober hours ) I've been sober for 33 hours. I feel like I want to die, however, I want to live even more than I want to die.

Thanks for the responses.
Hi WW,

You've come to a great place for support. Just in case you don't know about Melatonin for sleep, I'll copy and paste for you. It does help some and it's a natural substance.


"Melatonin is the all-natural nightcap. It's secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size structure at the center of the brain, as our eyes register the fall of darkness." At night melatonin is produced to help our bodies regulate our sleep-wake cycles. The amount of melatonin produced by our body seems to lessen as we get older. Scientists believe this may be why young people have less problem sleeping than older people.

Why take it?

"Studies suggest that... supplements can hasten sleep and ease jet lag, without the hazards or side effects of prescription sleeping pills." Melatonin may have many other uses and has been reported to make people feel better, strengthen the immune system, and reduce free radicals in the body. Current research is underway to determine melatonin's effect as an anti-oxidant, immno-modulator in cancer, delayed sleep-phase disorders, and jet lag. Tests are still under way so there is much to still be learned about melatonin and its effects on the human body.

Hope it will get you through the worst. Not being able to sleep is a real downer because you drag yourself around tired all the time and there's no respite from the horror of withdrawal. You're in my prayers. Don't lose heart! ((((Hugs)))))
WW Im trying to think what would have helped me most in those early hours of sobriety. My only thought is keep posting alot. It helps to know how others felt because if your anything like me you think that your going crazy and your thought patterns aren't right. It's nice to know that others have been there and know EXACTLY how you are feeling....It can get really wierd. Some advice from someone who didn't do it's more like dusting off old experience and making it shiney and new for you. Get some support that is face to face. It will get to a point that you really need it. I'm sorry you are sick right now and going through all sorts of yuck. There is a list on here of over the counter meds to help ease your discomfort. I will find it and bump it up for you. Do stay in the bath and take as many as you need to. That helps alot. There is one all powerful that can help you now. At the risk of sounding religious, and quoting from the big book. That one is God may you find him now! Seriously say tons of prayers. When it gets ruff say the serenity prayer and try to let go. In case you don't know it: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference. My prayers are with you too sweetheart. Hang in there and keep posting.
Jane found the right place, welcome to the board. Your attitude really impresses me, most come here (like I did) so beaten down that it was hard to post more than a line or two. You are amazing. Keep this up and you've got a fighting chance. There are so many things you can do to try and stay comfortable while withdrawing, but just remember, it's not forever. In about 5-7 days you'll start feeling better. After that, every day gets better. Sleep will come. Don't stress over it. Lots of hot baths saved my butt. While this board is great for encouragement and support, it's not enough. You need face to face support. Have you thought about looking into NA/AA or counseling? Getting clean is the easy part, it's the staying clean that eludes most of us. You don't have to do this alone, no one should. Let yourself be surrounded by those that know what you're going through. Check your local phone book, there should be a listing for meetings. Take care and I'm so glad you're here. Cowgirl
I just wanted to say welcome, and I think you are doing great for being a day and a half off of pills. You'll start to feel better in a couple of days. I admire your resolve. You really should consider counseling or AA/NA for some support. I went to counseling when I got clean and I learned so much about myself, my behaviors, patterns, etc. I even had a sort of epiphany and was awakened to the reasons why I was using. Prior to that I believed I was getting high just for the fun of it. I was soooo wrong. I cannot stress enough how much this helped me. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. It was all about self discovery. I hope you will consider giving it a shot. Congrats on your clean time.
West Wind,

Congratulations on day 2.

Keep posting and talking about it. Talking about it really helped me.

Wow thanks so so much for reading my posts and sending me encouragment.

I'm so glad I came here. This is terrifying, not something I want to go through alone.

I'm not good, but I'm still better than I was three days ago addicted to vicodin. I've almost completed 48 hours. I still feel exactly the same as I did hour 1. I'm completely committed to this, it's happening, and I'm letting it happen, and I'm in it and accepting it.

I've been praying for rest. Sleep is just not happening. I will try Melatonin, I've actually heard of it before. Thanks for the info! I know I'm not supposed to drink caffine, and I'm trying to eat light but nothing is good. I'm having stomach problems and I'm sweating really bad, and there's just this feeling of dark, you know? I have goose bumps and I can't stop crying. Seriously I don't think I've cried this much since I was a little kid.

The only thing I feel good about right now is my relationship with Jesus. I feel like I've been hiding from him during my addiction, because of the shame. Now that I'm ready to quit, I feel better about letting him into my life, and my prayers have been really powerful. He hasn't let me down.

FEELIN' STRONG! (an hour at a time)

Everything you are feeling now is normal. Kicked by a mule, drug behind a bus, can't sleep, the big black cloud, all normal.

You have got to force yourself to eat! Your body is being put through the wringer right now. You need to drink water to re-hydrate from the sweating and the runs. I know eating is the last thing you want to do. Slim Fast is a good alternative to food. Slim Fast is a meal in a can and you can just hold your nose and swill it. Enchure is good to. You must do everything you can to keep your strength up. Vitamins, get some vitamins.

Your doing great. In no time your going to be feeling so much better. It takes time.

Just reading your posts have been an inspiration and a reaffirmation of my personal commitment to sobriety. Going through the w/ds were a weekly or closer experience for me but usually they were not the byproduct of my inner self but only the product of running out of dope.
When you related the pain and all the other wonderful sensations to the board my heart went out to you. I realize that as addicts/alcoholics we do not have a monopoly on pain and discomfort but there is something about withdrawal that has to be experienced to be understood.
My personal battle with pharmaceuticals and street dope have been going on for a little over 3 decades so my hat is off to you in your fight for sobriety.
The one thing through all this that I've learned is that in order to succeed you must surrender, which on the outside seems paradoxical but once I started accepting the consul of others and went to some 12 step meetings things started happening for me that I couldn't do for myself.
What I started finding out was that the world didn't revolve around me and I also did not know everything nor was I even knowledgeable of myself.
Please keep in touch with the board and let us know how things pan out and please as the others have suggested find some other folks in recovery in your area to help you and believe me when I say they will be more than happy to help in any way as that is our primary purpose, "to help the addict who still suffers".
west ,,yes the crying ,,was there for me day 6 ,still little ,,I wish you had someone to be ther with you ,,do you?praying for you ,,ooo angel it will get better,,,,poopie feeling your sadness ,,,theres a real good post tim ,posted ,,on how the body and brain ,work in wd on and on ,,could someone get that him to read ,,,it would help him ,,thankyou poopie
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west wind, i wrote a message to you on brendidi last post look it up. take 800 mg of motrin every 6-8 hrs. this will help with body aches. i described it as being hit by a BIG truck. i felt that way for about 2-3 weeks. stay mildly active,but do not over do it. i enjoyed some caffeine, but drank water alot. for some reason v-8 hit the spot. i had no appetite the first 2 wks due to the nausea, then i was ravenous now i'm back on track. i have lost 15 pds. if Blue Sky can help let me know.