It is more profitable to turn away thine eyes from such things as displease thee than to be a slave to contention.
--Thomas a Kempis
Focusing our attention incessantly on matters that disturb us, keeps us disturbed. And our obsession with our problems leaves no room for their solutions. However, we are only powerless in the face of difficulties if we choose to be. We are always free to search for the good, which is lost in a tangled situation. We can be certain that our progress in life is equal to our capacity to let go of our problems and move ahead with the momentum of a positive attitude.
All too frequently, we fail to recognize opportunities for growth and success because we have chosen to be trapped by circumstances that are beyond our control. We may not realize this but we are never tied to problems. Solutions are always within our grasp. However, we must let go long enough to gain a responsible perspective on the situation.
Problems need not stifle my growth today.
thank you janet...................
HI Janet(bumps)~~~hope this message finds you and family healthy &
happy the way we expect life to be but the way we all know too well
isn't, certainly not as often as we'd like it to be. With that being said, I
just wanted to thankyou once again for posting your 'Thought For The Day'
even though I'm not posting as I had been, I do continue to read and I so
much enjoy reading your daily 'Thoughts'. each and every one of them
hold a meaning of their own and a person can certainly take from it and
apply somehow within the structure of their day I'm sure. Thanks again
Janet, much appreciated.
People need People~~~Tye.
happy the way we expect life to be but the way we all know too well
isn't, certainly not as often as we'd like it to be. With that being said, I
just wanted to thankyou once again for posting your 'Thought For The Day'
even though I'm not posting as I had been, I do continue to read and I so
much enjoy reading your daily 'Thoughts'. each and every one of them
hold a meaning of their own and a person can certainly take from it and
apply somehow within the structure of their day I'm sure. Thanks again
Janet, much appreciated.
People need People~~~Tye.
Thanks from me also.
I like reading these everyday.
I like reading these everyday.