Today I will practice saying no.
There have been many times in my life when I wanted to say it but was afraid. Even now, I may still be afraid. But I will say it anyway if No is what I really mean.
When someone asks me a question or offers a suggestion, I will stop and think about what I want before I respond. I will practice saying no to myself first.
Do I really want to do the favor being asked of me? Is it okay with me that friends come to dinner? Is it good for me to attend a party or event?
When I learn to say no to myself in simple matters, it becomes easier to say no to others. There have been times I went along with others to avoid conflict, or because I didn't know what I wanted.
Today I will listen to myself and express myself. I have the right to say no.
I have learned that if I am coming from a place of honesty, saying no is powerful. I am not denying the request, I am saying yes to myself. Honoring my true feelings at the moment and by doing that I will notrersent the other party or myself.
This is one of the toughest lessons I have learned, being a woman, there is so much guilt associated with that word. Simply being able to say "no" and leave it at that, with no further explaination, excuses or empty promises, is incredibly powerful. So for today, I will say yes to myself.
This is one of the toughest lessons I have learned, being a woman, there is so much guilt associated with that word. Simply being able to say "no" and leave it at that, with no further explaination, excuses or empty promises, is incredibly powerful. So for today, I will say yes to myself.
thank you janet.............
thank you janet.............
I don't always post on your thread but I wanted to tell you that I read them daily. You are a constant source of conistent recovery and I appreciate your daily thoughts.
Thanks Janet!!
I don't always post on your thread but I wanted to tell you that I read them daily. You are a constant source of conistent recovery and I appreciate your daily thoughts.
Thanks Janet!!