Told My Dr. About Tapering...

Well, last Fri. I confessed to my Dr. that this is out of control and that I want to taper down off my meds. and once and for all get clean. At first he went into this speach about my back, and that this is a life long condition, and that I will always have pain. 'Why suffer" he asked me. But I told him that with out the pills now I get sick, and by no means do I want to live this way anymore. Long story short, he agreed with me and said he was glad I had the courage to tell him.
For a little over a week now I have been trying to taper on my own, as my fear of getting sick is overwhelming. I have had success with that but not to the point of where I wanted to be by now. My Dr. took me down from 10/325's to 7.5/325's and cut my script down by half. I blew all the work I had done Sat. by taking too many. But yesterday got back on the horse and kept to my new schedule, which is alot more aggresive than my Dr.s. I have full intentions of being done in one week. This morning I am anxious and my hands shake so bad it's almost immposible to type, but reading this board helps so much not to use. Seeing the strength you all have helps make me a stronger person. I also bought last night alot of the OTC meds so many of you suggested.
Thank you guys so much for going back to focusing on our recovery, and no more bickering between you guys. I hated all the fighting last week. As a new comer even, it hurt to see you lovely people hurting each other. I was very happy to see a truce :) Thak you all again for your support, words of advice and encouragement.
Kitty, wow you are a strong tell your Dr what you did, and stick to it. Keep up the great work, you are doing Awesome..Kim
Thanks Kim. It was sooooo scary. It would ave been way easier to to get my regular script and go, but I really am sick of being sick. This has to stop!
Dear Kitty I just want to say first I think its awesome that you fessed up to your DR.I was so scared when I did but so glad I did.I also wanted to wish you luck.I myself COULD NEVER taper I always blew it & ended up doing more.Im on suboxone since Jan 05 & havent had my DOC since the day I started the sub.I too do need some sort of pain control for medical reasons & Ill tell you the 2 sub I take a day IS ALOT BETTER THAN THE 15+ pills I was taking.Anyways good luck to you If you ever need to talk Im ALWAYS on in the mornings.TAKE CARE...mj
Way to go, Kitty. Your strength is so clear in your words. Glad you are working with your Doctor to wean off them. It's the safest way. If you don't mind my asking, how much were you taking per day before you started to wean? Also, can you give the pills to someone else to hold for you, and dispense daily? The latter will help avoid another "Saturday," as does keeping just enough to complete your taper schedule and flushing the rest. Unfortunately, if there's more around, we tend to take them.....that's the power of the mental addiction. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing.
I was taking about 20 per day. As far as someone else holding them, no there is no one. My fiance abuse them too. But Sat. night he brought me his bottle and told me to hold them. He is weaning now too. His problem is worse than mine, and I have to be the stronger person. It has actually helped me see the light better, and I'm a much stronger person for it. I took 1 this morning to help w/ the anxiousness, and even though it's not enough to feel normal, I really, really don't want to take another one. Sounds strange I know, but I'm just that fed up!
Kitty that is good so far 1 is alot better than I said I think what your doing is awesome & my thoughts & good vibes will be on you.mj