Tonights The Night

Good morning friends

I am bursting at the seams here. I have a burning desire to share :-)

I am getting my 60 day chip tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Technically today is only 59 but tonight is my home meeting. I did it!!!!!!!!!!
I am a mushy person and I've said this quite a few times in the last month on here (only a month, wow, seems like a million years at times) but THANKS ALL for your ongoing and continous support, the great advice and for just "listening" when I needed to vent.

I honestly never thought when I first started this journey to getting clean that I'd make it HERE!!! I wasn't sleeping, just completely exhausted all the time. Foggy head. Angry at times, alot of times actually. Just didn't think feeling good was possible. I really realized its "the climb" (have to check out "songs" thread to know what I'm referring to)

Have a great day everyone. Think "clean" thoughts.
(wiping away a tear..a happy one)

love and hugs,

ribbet ribbet (had
Congratulations and you have evry right to be giddy! The only drag will be that I won't get to see you pick it up.

Enjoy this Froggy. You have worked hard and have done a great job of trying to change everything to assure a good start in a drug free life.

I hope you will let people in your home group know in advance of the actual meeting so that they can celebrate with you. BTW, you can pick up a chip at each meeting you attend. I picked up another one just yesterday.

Hey--What have you done this week to locate a sponsor????
Awesome Froggy!!!!

Oh an by the way.

That just happens to be one of my favorite Albums by my favorite Canadian Neil Young.

Tonight's the Night..

This may or may not interest you,

When unfolded, comprising a whole side of the insert was a lengthy article printed entirely in Dutch and is in fact a review of a Tonight's the Night live show by Dutch journalist Constant Meijers for the Dutch rock-magazine "Muziekkrant Oor". In 1976 Young said he chose to print it "Because I didn't understand any of it myself, and when someone is so sickened and f***ed up as I was then, everything's in Dutch anyway." Also, Neil Young told Constant Meijers during a week's visit he made to Young's ranch in California, that he chose the article after some Dutch girls who were visiting him translated the story and made him aware of the fact "that someone on the other end of the world exactly understood what he was trying to say."

Welcome, Keep Coming Back

Sooner or Later, It ain't Dutch anymore.
Thanks Tim, It mean the world to me for everyone to watch me get it. :-)

August, I just make it seem so easy don't I? I'm kidding of course. Sponsor, good question. Wish I had an answer for you. The ones I'm close to at my meetings all know and are going to be there cheering me on. Congrats on the chip. My home meetings give out the actual chips and the other meetings give out keychains so ya, I'll be picking up a Ribbet

Dead, funny you should mention Dutch. If you seen my last name you'd know

Thanks all

Congratulations Hillary! You deserve to be thrilled. 60 days is awesome. Keep up the good work. You will find it only gets better. go you!!
Congrats Froggy~! That's awesome, 60 days is a great milestone...

I remember at 60 days is when I finally surrendered and took the suggestions from my fellows & friends on this website and found a F2F sponsor and started working the as August suggests, he won't lead you down the wrong path.

Enjoy the celebration and ask God to help you find a sponsor and I bet he'll put one in your path.

Major congratulations! It's so good when someone on here posts about finally feeling better. It gives those who are struggling inspiration. Have a great day.

Congrats on sixty days!!!!!!!

We are on the same timeline. I've got three chips now........I trying not to get ahead of myself, but I spent a few weeks anticipating the two-month now I have to wait again! At my main group meetings, most people have over a year......they get psyched to see new folks getting chips! They have been kind to me and very supportive.

Keep up the good work, Froggy.....I'm proud of you!
thanks all.

Today was the longest day but got through it!!!! I can't wait for 8pm.

It does just keep getting better!!
I thought we were Jer. Thanks alot :-)
I got it!!!!!!!!!!!
they get psyched to see new folks getting chips

We all do.I love to see new hope in the eyes of people on a journey that transforms their lives.Both you and Foggy have sounded so remarkable in the last few weeks so you keep being excited as you want!
Thanks Tim, I think I have to be peeled off the ceiling I'm still excited... :-)

August, geeesh man, its ribbet ;-)
I had so much fun last night that I'm going again tonight and doing it all over again!!!!! and then tomorrow, perhaps Monday too!!!!!

Good God above, life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!!! It is a huge deal!!!!! Really awesome!
Thanks Rhonda

I love Rob Thomas too. Amazing singer and songwriter. I almost cried when I found out the real story behind "3am"

I know right? Most of his songs are from personal experiences that either want to make you cry because its so sad, or started out sad but had a happy ending, or b/c it is just touching! LOL
3:19am after time my chip on friday and today, saturday it seems big old wwhooop. I couldn't care less. I'm actually quite blue today. I really don't give a flying youknowwhat.

What is wrong with me????? At this point I don't even plan on going to my Sunday noon time meeting. No desire. There are 3 meetings I never miss...friday, sunday and wed. I mean, never ever do I miss these ones.

Still clean but don't feel the excitement I did on Friday or the week leading up to it. I honestly could care less if I was clean right now. I miss that feeling. That buzzy feeling..the icandoanythinganytimef***theworldiminchargeandonlyimatterflytothestarsshoottothemoonallaloneinthisdontcareaboutyouoranyoneelseinmyway feeling

I vowed to be honest with you all at all times...this is me being honest!!! Wonderful ain't it!!!! So not the positive gal of yesterday. Sitting here eating cheese covered nacho chips ...might just as well get fat too!!!!! Gotta love this side of me, eh?????
So not the positive gal of yesterday. Sitting here eating cheese covered nacho chips ...might just as well get fat too!!!!! Gotta love this side of me, eh?????

As a matter of fact I do love this side of you. After all, this is a very real part of getting clean. You have come on here and unpacked the real you with complete honesty. Yes, I love this side of you, completely and unconditionally.

Getting clean can have wonderful moments, but make no mistake about itit is a long and difficult road: it is the Odyssean journey of your life. FWIW, I gained 25 lbs (don't know how may "kilos" that is,eh?) my first yearfrozen pizzas and Cherry Garcia ice creme. You can lose the weight later. Better to eat a little if it means not using.

You have been riding an emotional high for several days now, and after having gotten the chips and kudos, like any good addict you want to continue that ride and maybe kick it up a notch if the old dosage is not giving you the "Umph" you want. Hmmmman addict that just wants to stay high: Well I for one never saw THAT one coming!

Sooner or later, we get to a point where no human power can stop us from using. It is time to get on your knees, Froggy. You have come too far, and done too much hard work to believe the lies your Disease is whispering in your ear. Make that meeting, and FIND A SPONSOR. Your life may depend on it.

We dont want to lose you, because, you see, we have all journeyed through this dark place and we know that there is relief on the other side, unless of course you use. If you use, there is a 100% chance of your facing this exact emotional storm again, and again, and again.

Go to that meeting, Froggy. Stay close to us today. This too shall pass.

Hey, how could I not love someone who knows I cain't spell "ribbet"?



PS: Try to avoid stressful situations, don't get too hungry (try to squeeze in some real food beside the nachos), get some rest, and please, please, make that meeting, raise your hand, and share honestly from your heart; even if it means revealing your angry side. If you have phone numbers, use them. This moment is why you have them. I will be saying a prayer for you to find the HP that can keep you sober today.
hi August

Thanks for your post. Still in a very down mood today. I won't use, I promise. I played the video in my head and well. Still though I feel crappy. Its March break here. My daughter is on her way to my niece's for the week and my son is going to be away too. I'm never alone. Last week I looked forward to this little "no responsibilty" break for me.Today, not so much.

I promise you August, I'm trying to get a sponsor. I've gotten a name but have only met the woman once. She has 20 yrs in. I hope to connect with her soon. She doesn't go to the meetings I go to. I happen to go to a tuesday meeting and she was there. I also heard she is super busy, so.. I'm tempted at this time to get a temp and if it be male, so be it.

I know being clean is worth all the emotional rollercoasters I've been on. This mood hit me like a ton of bricks though. I'm black and blue from it, I swear. I so wasn't expecting it. Screw kilos, I don't do metric!!! lol (fyi, to get kilos lbs x 2.2) I usually eat quite healthy. But that tub of choco chunk caramel swirl vanilla frozen yogourt in my freezer sounds pretty damn good right now!!!

August, you mean the world to me. Your advice is so welcome and priceless. Thanks for always being there for me.