Toolman Tommy

I haven't been keeping up with the board lately so I haven't seen anything about your son. Is he home yet?? The last thing I read, his plane was delayed. I hope he's home and you're making up for lost time.

Give him a big hug for me. I have so much respect for all of the men and woman who serve their country,,,,,,,I have a lot of respect for you too Tom.

Take care my friend


We got in (nj) late last night. I would have kept everyone updated but I was having laptop problems.

He got in at 10:00 pm on saturday night, it was pretty cool to see all the buses with all the guys jumping off and running for their families. All is well, he seems to be the same old kid, he got settled into his barracks on Sunday night , they got to pick their roomates so he is happy to be bunking with a friend.

He gets leave starting next week and we are having a coming home party on the 11th.

Thanks for asking Frank, oh and btw he doesnt know anything about cement work (and I hope he never does for his sake)

Best Regards,
good morning to 2 of my favorite guys...frank, been missing you honey!!

Tom, so happy to hear that your son is finally home...I know it will be so great for you to have him around the house...

love to both of ya guys...

Hey Guys! Great to see you both! Tom, that's great news!! Are we all invited to the party?

Surferdude,my CA love, What's up? (((((((((((smooch-smooch))))))))))))) Hope things are good with you today.

It's so strange and sweet to see you both posting on the same thread. I am getting all vaklempt and nostalgic down here.
How about you Janet? Do you remember "when"?

Everyone have a good Tuesday and stay outta trouble!!!
yeah, I remember back in the day....miss these t-riffic guys fer shur
My dear friend Tom Im so so glad your boy is home safe & sound.
Now is he done over there?
I know how hard it has been for you & your family & Im so glad you have him home
Speaking of hows your little guy doing???/
Thanks guys.


Yeah, he is finished over there, he did a year, all at once. His was the first unit to do that, I think all other tours will be a year from now on. He gets out of the marines in August, and will be starting school in Sept. He is taking criminal justice and wants to be a state trooper, the best thing is, his schooling will now be paid for by the good ole USMC so my 401 Ks stays intacked and I dont have to buy my house AGAIN. lol.

The little guy is VERY happy to see his big brother, I was actually suprised how happy he was.

It was kind of sad in a way when these guys came home, some of them did not have anyone there to meet them and welcome them home, most were in tears. I tried to shake all of these guys hands and say thank you.

Weather you agree with this war or not, you can see what they have been though in their eyes, they are our kids, they are us.

I agree with you, Fishboy. I don't agree with the war, but I have the utmost respect for the soldiers, and what they put themselves through.

Huge hugs to all of you.


I'm so happy your sons back. I know you are one happy dude. All I know is he served his country and for that he's a very special person in my book. Why, where, whatever, doesn't really matter. It would be better if he knew how to do cement work so he could help you when you come out here and replace my patio but you know, its a small job so I don't think you need any help.

Take care Tom


Carol, Janet

Yes, its nice to see us on the same thread. Just like old times. I love you both. I hope you're both doing well. I really miss you guys but, I hope you know that I think about you often and I'll never forget you for being there when I needed you most.


Tom this is great news, see I missed some good stuff.
Hugs to all as well....