I'm gonna give topamax 2 weeks to see if it helps. Two days after i started taking it I started having cluster headaches. Doc upped me to 3 xanax a day instead of my 2 and so I asked about klonopin. The nurse said that's a controlled substance...duh..I know this.. she did not even let me finish my sentence..my point to the question that I was about to ask is which would be the best choice instead of upping the xanax, for future reference. I did not want the klonopin now because I never start 2 new meds at once or else I will not know which one is the one that is actually helping. I'm just trying to do what's best for me with what I have learned..and it seems klonopin is the better choice than xanax. Am I right? I'm just tired of being labeled, or feeling like I have been labeled..if they would just fix me I wouldn't have to be calling them all the time saying this used to work but now it isn't ..my headache is so bad nothing is working...I had to go to the hospital last night...the demerol you gave me made me worse... I know I am an annoying patient but they just need to fix me. This has been three...actually going on 4 years of this crap now.
Sorry..just had to vent
Xanax gives me headaches...I take Klonopin, I know that I've already told you this, but maybe the Xanax is causing your headaches?
Hi Laura
I've been suffering from cluster headaches for 20+ years.
I've tried everything including narcotics. They worked at first but eventually they only worked to satisfy my addiction.
About a year ago, my neurologist prescribed zomig nasal spray. It works wonderfully. It's very similar to imitrex but without the side effects.
I hope you find some relief because I know first-hand how debilitating cluster headaches can be.
Take care
I've been suffering from cluster headaches for 20+ years.
I've tried everything including narcotics. They worked at first but eventually they only worked to satisfy my addiction.
About a year ago, my neurologist prescribed zomig nasal spray. It works wonderfully. It's very similar to imitrex but without the side effects.
I hope you find some relief because I know first-hand how debilitating cluster headaches can be.
Take care
The thing is..do you think the topomax is causing the cluster headaches? I have not had cluster headaches in YEARS!! I always react weird to new meds anyway..that's why I always stick to the ones I'm familiar with. I'm not familiar with topomax so hopefully this is just my body adjusting to the new medicine. When the xanax refills run out I'll have to make an appt with my headache neurologist and try to get the klonopin...if it's better for me than the xanax then there shouldn't be a problem trying it. The cluster headaches are the reason he upped my xanax..I don't think the xanax is really causing my headaches because my headaches have been more under control since I have stopped abusing the xanax and using it as prescribed. I have only been prescribed it for about 3 months now as apposed to almost 4 years of headaches. They are so much less severe now except for that one week a month when it's MIGRAINE TIME.
Thanks guys,
Thanks guys,