I am hooked on tramadol & don't know where to turn. No one knows about my addiction. I'm on 300 mg a day. I can't go to an inpatient program because this has to be kept confidential. I go to work everyday. I've been married for 24 years & he has no clue. I'm ready to kick this habit but don't know how. Please help.
welcom, tramadol addiction is tricky, you can not just stop taking it. it is a dangerous drug to cold turkey off of. is there a dr. you can see at least and be honest about your addiction who can give you anti siezure medication to help you safely detox. there are detox places you can go to out patient. i did. look around do some research but do not just abrubtly quit. cutting back would be a good start. you will be uncomfortable even at tapering but there are over the counter things you can use. you will feel like you have the flu. get som midol, comtrex cold and flu. tension tamer tea, immodium. vitamin b12. those are some i can think off the top of my head, and lots of hot hot baths/showers and stay close to this forum and talk to people here. you are not alone. all of us here are just like you. we have gone through very similar things to get our drugs and all that. same stories different people : ) there is hope. you can get better. i am almost 14 months clean. we are all here for you. others will be along with more advice
welcom, tramadol addiction is tricky, you can not just stop taking it. it is a dangerous drug to cold turkey off of. is there a dr. you can see at least and be honest about your addiction who can give you anti siezure medication to help you safely detox. there are detox places you can go to out patient. i did. look around do some research but do not just abrubtly quit. cutting back would be a good start. you will be uncomfortable even at tapering but there are over the counter things you can use. you will feel like you have the flu. get som midol, comtrex cold and flu. tension tamer tea, immodium. vitamin b12. those are some i can think off the top of my head, and lots of hot hot baths/showers and stay close to this forum and talk to people here. you are not alone. all of us here are just like you. we have gone through very similar things to get our drugs and all that. same stories different people : ) there is hope. you can get better. i am almost 14 months clean. we are all here for you. others will be along with more advice
Dear Luvmy,You are talking to someone who knows only too well what that stuff can do.That drug had me good for 3 years.It was horrable.I tried to CT & I just couldnt do it.I tried tapering off well that was a joke.My addiction lead me to end up taking 15,16,17 of them a day.I use to even forget how many.Now how long have you been on them?????By the way WELCOME TO THE BOARD....mj
hello and welcome...my doc was vics..i did take tramadol a few times,it didn't
do anything for me..anyway, i just wanted to wish you luck..keep posting it helps and ask any question that you think of..someone will answer...dj
hello and welcome...my doc was vics..i did take tramadol a few times,it didn't
do anything for me..anyway, i just wanted to wish you luck..keep posting it helps and ask any question that you think of..someone will answer...dj
Thank you so much for your quick replies. I've been on them for 5 years. I think I can try doing it on my own. That's how desperate I am right now. People I know would b shocked if they knew this so I have no choice but to be discreet. I am so glad I came across this site. I feel better knowing that I can come here & let out my inner most feelings without being judged. You'll be seeing alot of me. I have been on Vic's also but not long enough to get hooked. I actually bought them online but because of the cost I couldn't do it often. I hate myself right now. I know it will get better but for now I feel like such a failure.
Till later & thanks again. I came to the right place.
Till later & thanks again. I came to the right place.
I am so glad you desided to stay.You may be able to do this on your own.But really how would your husband take knowing?Wouldnt he want to help you.Im sorry Im not trying to get in your cookies its just that I am lucky enough to get great support on here & at home.I know it helps me to have my family working with me on this.
OK enough about that,I just needed to say that.If your going to try & do this try cutting back the amount you take alittle at a time.Just keep going lower & lower week by week till you can get off them with little discomfort...So please keep talking & letting us know how you are....mj
OK enough about that,I just needed to say that.If your going to try & do this try cutting back the amount you take alittle at a time.Just keep going lower & lower week by week till you can get off them with little discomfort...So please keep talking & letting us know how you are....mj
I am no expert on the drug you are taking. MJ knows more about it then I do. I just wanted to jump in and say have you considered going on suboxone. Even if it's for a short-time. Your on 300 mgs and that is an a lot. I fear you will have a very difficult detox. I have never been on sub but others can give you info if your interested! It would stop the withdrawls and give you time to get over the need to take your DOC. Plus you couldn't take the tramadol while on sub..
Hey I just found out that that isn't that high of an amount maybe you should stick to tapering. See I am more experienced with talking about vicodin, percocet and methadone. So when I saw 300 mgs I thought wow... So stick to tapering off slowly. Listen to others that have been on it, I really dn't know anything about that drug! Good luck to you though, Rae
Before I signed off I just wanted to let you know something.Please please dont hate yourself.There is no shame in addiction the only shame is to have a addiction & not try to get help.Having a problem with tramadol or anyother drug does NOT make you less of ac person.So please dont do this to yourself.You deserve to have a sober healthy life.And we will be here to help.Though I think you should open up to your husband.As I said there is no shame.
You didnt mention why you are on them?Do you have a DR giving them too you?The amount you take is alot but not to the extreme so you have a great chance of tapering off.Ill be around later so if I can help look for me Ill always try to answer.Have a Good Day....mj
You didnt mention why you are on them?Do you have a DR giving them too you?The amount you take is alot but not to the extreme so you have a great chance of tapering off.Ill be around later so if I can help look for me Ill always try to answer.Have a Good Day....mj
Why can't you tell your husband? Maybe he can help you and support you with you addiction and help you get off the drugs.
Are you embarrassed about being a drug addict? Why all the secrecy? You telling all of us so why don't you tell your husband of 24 yrs. Don't you think he deserves to know. I'm sure he's paying for you addiction and doesn't even know about it.
You gotta get real with yourself. Tell you husband your a drug addict and that you need help. Its time to swallow your pride. It's not an easy road to quit drugs. You don't just stop taking the drugs and go on with your life. It's alot more complicated then that....
I would think you owe your husband that much.
Are you embarrassed about being a drug addict? Why all the secrecy? You telling all of us so why don't you tell your husband of 24 yrs. Don't you think he deserves to know. I'm sure he's paying for you addiction and doesn't even know about it.
You gotta get real with yourself. Tell you husband your a drug addict and that you need help. Its time to swallow your pride. It's not an easy road to quit drugs. You don't just stop taking the drugs and go on with your life. It's alot more complicated then that....
I would think you owe your husband that much.
You don't just stop taking the drugs and go on with your life. It's alot more complicated then that....
Hi Kiwi,
I saw your statement above and was wondering what you did,
can you tell me what you did after stopping taking drugs,how did you do it,did you do 90 meetings in 90 days or what did you do please.
Hi Kiwi,
I saw your statement above and was wondering what you did,
can you tell me what you did after stopping taking drugs,how did you do it,did you do 90 meetings in 90 days or what did you do please.
MJ, a few years ago I had shoulder surgery before the surgery that's what my dr. was giving me. Then I found a website that all you do is fill out a questionairre & you get them in a couple of days. My husband wouldn't be supportive. He's so against meds. He's a health fanatic.
Answer to the last post.... he doen't pay for them. I have a decent job that pays me well. It has nothing to do with pride.
Anyway, I'm going to give it a try. I'll keep you posted.
Have a good night. : )
Answer to the last post.... he doen't pay for them. I have a decent job that pays me well. It has nothing to do with pride.
Anyway, I'm going to give it a try. I'll keep you posted.
Have a good night. : )
Just so you dont feel so bad.I was getting 240 from my DR & still having to order 120 off line to try & make it last 30 days.You can do this.Im sorry you think your husband wont help but know I will if I can.You shouldnt have to feel alone.
I do gotta go feed my brood so maybe we can talk later or tomarrow.I look forward to hearing from you...mj
I do gotta go feed my brood so maybe we can talk later or tomarrow.I look forward to hearing from you...mj
Hello Pug,
Welcome. I'm glad you made it to this board. I'm new here myself but there are lots of big-hearted, understanding people here and all we want to do is help you (and ourselves) get through this.
I know about the self-hate and about the secrecy. You're not a bad person. And you're not alone.
Hope to see you again. Take good care of yourself.
Welcome. I'm glad you made it to this board. I'm new here myself but there are lots of big-hearted, understanding people here and all we want to do is help you (and ourselves) get through this.
I know about the self-hate and about the secrecy. You're not a bad person. And you're not alone.
Hope to see you again. Take good care of yourself.
I'm always for telling the person you're married too. It helps so much, them knowing and not having to hide. I'm sure he loves you and will stick by your side. You don't have to tell anyone else. One time when I was D/Ting, the Dr. wrote out a schedule and my husband took care of it. It was slow, so your job shouldn't be effected. Just my opinion.
Thats a tough one. If your spouse really loves you, I think after the initial shock they should be able to overlook their own prejudices toward meds or whatever & be able to help you. But reality does not always work that way. My wife is pretty supportive, & she used to know i used, but never to the extent i did. I'm not using now, but unfortunately there is no way, no how, i could let her know of the treatment im on. maybe someday,, i don't know.
good luck gettin off that stuff. There needs to be some serious warnings put out there about tramadol. Its treated like its not even codiene, but what im reading, especially from femails, is that people are getting quite a nasty habit on it. Fortunately, it never did a thing for me.
Tapering to me sounds like a good th ing to try at first, & don't do too much too kwik. The best wa y with most things is to cut down X, just enuf to make u a little sick, continue on that dose till u dont feel sick anymore (&if u get too sick, u probably cut down too much) and then allow ur self a breather on that stable dose for a few days & then cut down again. Anyway, thats the best way if u r a baby like me. Some of these folks like to do it a little kwicker & get it out of the way.
Welcome to the board, best to you & you will make it.
good luck gettin off that stuff. There needs to be some serious warnings put out there about tramadol. Its treated like its not even codiene, but what im reading, especially from femails, is that people are getting quite a nasty habit on it. Fortunately, it never did a thing for me.
Tapering to me sounds like a good th ing to try at first, & don't do too much too kwik. The best wa y with most things is to cut down X, just enuf to make u a little sick, continue on that dose till u dont feel sick anymore (&if u get too sick, u probably cut down too much) and then allow ur self a breather on that stable dose for a few days & then cut down again. Anyway, thats the best way if u r a baby like me. Some of these folks like to do it a little kwicker & get it out of the way.
Welcome to the board, best to you & you will make it.