I have read a lot of posts and replies this morning and noticed a lot of different opinions regarding tramadol. I was given tramadol for withdrawal by my doctor because the sub made me vomit uncontrollably. It is helping a lot. I also googled tramadol for narcotic withdrawal and found it is being used successfully for opioid withdrawal. I'm only supposed to stay on it a max of a month. I'm a little nervous now about having to withdraw from THAT after withdrawing from norco.
Has anyone else gone this way before?
I think it would depend somewhat on what you were using, and how much, prior to trying the taper with tramadol. It may be that the tramadol will make acute withdrawal quite a bit more bearable, especially if you were taking large quantities of pills. However...I don't know of any way to avoid withdrawal entirely, and you should probably try to be prepared to experience the usual discomfort (even if it is less severe than in the past) when the time comes. By that I don't mean you should *worry* yourself to death about it NOW...just be prepared!
Also, I know for me the hardest part has never been *getting* clean; it's *staying* clean. I couldn't even tell you the number of times I went through acute withdrawal, came out the other side, only to go back to the pills within a few weeks or even months. So. If I were you I would start thinking about a long-term strategy for STAYING away from pills. Things may be different for you this time just because of your concerns for your liver health...but I would still be aware of the long-term struggle you are facing.
And finally, good luck to you, you can do this, you can have your life and health back! It DOES happen.
Also, I know for me the hardest part has never been *getting* clean; it's *staying* clean. I couldn't even tell you the number of times I went through acute withdrawal, came out the other side, only to go back to the pills within a few weeks or even months. So. If I were you I would start thinking about a long-term strategy for STAYING away from pills. Things may be different for you this time just because of your concerns for your liver health...but I would still be aware of the long-term struggle you are facing.
And finally, good luck to you, you can do this, you can have your life and health back! It DOES happen.
Hello Mimi and Welcome:
I was always a C/T girl myself and would just want to get it over with and get my life back. I was so sick of pills ruling my life. So you get the flu like symptoms for a while. It's not going to kill you. Just make sure you tell your doctor this is what you're doing. (I never did but I'm not a doctor so I should tell you to do that) Your blood pressure could climb during C/T but the doctor can give you something for that. Tramadol is nasty, it never gave me an "opiate buzz" just a jittery caffeine feeling. And yes you have to withdraw from that too. Whatever way you decide, I wish you the best. Then after all that junk is out of your system or even right now, hit some NA AA meetings to find some support and informed advice. The board is nice but it's not enough.
God Bless Mimi and take your life back,
I was always a C/T girl myself and would just want to get it over with and get my life back. I was so sick of pills ruling my life. So you get the flu like symptoms for a while. It's not going to kill you. Just make sure you tell your doctor this is what you're doing. (I never did but I'm not a doctor so I should tell you to do that) Your blood pressure could climb during C/T but the doctor can give you something for that. Tramadol is nasty, it never gave me an "opiate buzz" just a jittery caffeine feeling. And yes you have to withdraw from that too. Whatever way you decide, I wish you the best. Then after all that junk is out of your system or even right now, hit some NA AA meetings to find some support and informed advice. The board is nice but it's not enough.
God Bless Mimi and take your life back,
Thank you so much for your kind words. This time I also told my husband about my 30 norco a day addiction and plan to start therapy next week. I can't believe how sick I allowed myself to become. You are right, however. It's the long term sobriety that's the hard part. It all started because of my migraine headaches. One day at a time, they say. I have no plan on how I will handle them. I guess that's for the therapist to decide.