
I have a Guy that works for me, and he is addicted to Tramadol ( Ultram ). I've known about his addiction for a couple of years now. He was ordering these from the intrenet. I wasen't aware what this could do to a person until last week. He and I were standing outside discussing some work that needed to be completed, and all the sudden he went into a full seizure. His whole body was seizing. It scared the hell out of me. He was gasping for air and such antil he turned Blue. He then turned completly white and stopped breathing. I was able to get my wits about myself after about 2 minutes and called 911 from my cell. They immediatly took hin to the ER. I called all family to let them know where he was. I was horrified! I'm stil having flash backs and nightmares! I've never seen anything like it before. I did go to the hospital after I closed everything up. The Dr came in and discussed the seizure with him and told him that he had lethal doses of Ultram in his blood. That they were 99% sure thats what caused the seizure. After reading about seizures, it really scares me that this one seizure is the first of more to come. Not everyone are aware of this type of thing happening. I sure wasen't. I myself have taken pills in the past, and never knew this could happen. It really scares the hell out of me. I have a prescription for xanax and I take maybe one a week, when I feel overwhelmed. I'm scared to even take that now. Ha anyone here ever been through anything like that? If so, was that your breaking point? Thanks for your input.
Hi there, First time to post anything, just reading through, and yes I have experienced the same thing. My husband is very addicted to pain meds, and he got into my Ultram. I too didnt realize how much he had taken (found out 30, within a short time) We were at the movie theater and next thing I know he is in a full grand mal seizure. I too freaked out, seeing him not being able to breathe right, and ran down stairs to the phone called 911. He went to ICU for the evening and I was soo scared. It took me over a year to get through the panic I felt that evening, and had back flashes every evening when the lights were out and I was watching tv. I am very sorry you had to experience that. This happened to us, over two years ago. And Thank God it never happened again. We were told he would have an increase chance to have more, but he never took Ultram like that again. And thank God has never done it again. Please know I am so sympathetic with you. My hubby took all those, not even feeling it, but almost killed himself.. Hopefully your boss will learn from this, and count how many he is taking even if he doesnt feel like he has taken much.
Oh by the way, I just read it your post again. I am sorry about the boss thing, Just realized that i was wrong. But please dont worry for your sake. I have taken xanax and other things for nerves, and as long as you take them as instructed by the doctor, and not over due by alot you will be fine. I know how you feel. I was scared to take my Ultram again. But as long as you take as directed, you will be fine. I so know how you feel. But he had to of overdosed by alot.. Good luck..
I do believe that he was on the verge of overdose daily. He would take 10-15 every 4-6 hours. Needless to say, he is no longer employed now. Which makes it even worse for him. I think that if anyone ever abuses pills or anyting else for that matter and was ever put into a situatuin like you and I were, they would really think twice about it. It was the most helpless feeling in the world..... and to think that this happens all the time to people. It's horrible! I do hope that this was a wake up call for my guy... I have spoke with him a few times, and he is following up with all the Dr's. He goes today for the EEG to see if there is any seizure activity going on. I just hope that this was not the first of more to come for him. He stil seems to be taking a large amount of Ultram, just by the way he talks about almost being out of his meds. Some things are just out of our control! I hope your husband comtinues to do well for you and his health.
That happened to me. I was taking large amounts of Ultram.( Tramadol, Ultracet)
15 or so at a time. It's what I used when nothing else was around, because it was labeled as a non-narcotic it was easy to get from a doctor. I believe they are trying to get that reclassified. Anyway,I was having breakfast with my wife and folks at a restaraunt and went into a seizure. I feel terrible for what I put my family through. Us addicts don't always realize the harm we do to the people around us. We tend to think we're only hurting ourselves. The only thing I can do today to make up for that hurt I caused is stay clean and do the next right thing. My wife had nightmares for a while after that. For me it's remembering those times that helps keep me clean and sober, I never want to feel that way again. One Day At A Time, I don't have to.
Take care...............................God bless........................................Bob
Bob, I'm glad to know that you are doing well. It seems that more and more people are having this type of thing happen to them while taking Ultram. You would think that they would take it off the market. Although with my guy, he was ordering it from the intranet over seas somewhere. So, it is still accessable. It's all in a persons choice.
I was addicted to ultram/tramadol for 4 years and 2 months ago i had a siezure
and was rushed to the ER and spent the night in the hospital.Since then i have not taken any ultrams/tramadol. I have been taking SUBOXONE for a month and a half and the cravings and urges have gone,i mean even after a HUGE
argument with my wife and being evicted from our home i still did not want to
Use,i went on a trip for 3 days and forgot to take my SUBOXONE with me and thought "Oh here we go again,back to the pain pills" but no i felt fine,no sickness no nothing,when i returned i told my doctor about it and he told me Great! and lowerd my dose to one and a half pills a day from 2 a day.
I think they work great,plus the fact i was TERRIFIED about gouing to the hospital and do not want to do it again,because next time i might not wake up
and i want to watch both my kids grow up, and not grow up with a father who is an addict.
It has really got to be a scarey feeling to have a seizure although you may not remember what happened. I'm sure that you have all the knowledge about seisures now. I just hope that my guy has learned his lesson with this. Time will tell. I'm very glad that this has made you wiser to the problem. That stuff must really be bad.
omg, to think that a dr. way back when tried to put me on this stuff and i refused b/c it made me too tired and they thought i was bs'ing them. one thing though, i certainly wouldnt have wanted to wake up and find i had no job to add to my list of problems. at least i have comfort knowing my work would help me.
It is possible to go 3 days without withdraws from buprenorhine because of the half-life (36-60hours).