FRANK!!! Hey and how are you? : ) Have you talked to the other guy on the board who was a minor league pitcher?
thanks Frank I will mention it to her are they very exspensive, I have no insurance.
Paula, it's OK that you didn't tell her, don't beat yourself up over that. Going and doing what you did was progress towards your recovery, so pat yourself on the back for that! Depression is so much a part of w/d, it does lift and then you will feel SOOO much better about yourself and what you have accomplished!
Sorry, but I have to go and finish dinner. Hope we can talk again later! If not, have a nice evening. You did good today. : )
Thanks Carol you always make me feel better, I just hate taking all those medicenes.. now that sounded weird I took all those pain pills and did not feel that way but the medicenes I need I hate taking.. LMAO
How ya doing. I didn't know there was another one. Truth is I think they were only using me for BP . I could throw really hard and couldn't be hit but I also couldn't throw strikes.
I'm not sure about the cost. I hope you find something to bring that down. Thats kinda hi.
Hey Frank where have you been I have not seen you on here much at night, it sure is lonely on here at night of course I have just been sorta lurking around, and not posting. LOL....
I been doing the same and I can't tell you why. I guess just my mind not in the right place. But I have always been that way. I will start posting more. I don't want you be lonely. Hope you're doing OK
Frank please do not many are on here at night or maybe it is just me hiding and thinking there are not.. I dont know.. LOL.. sometimes I feel so alone and dont even want to post but at the same time I feel I need to talk to someone, does that make sense? Probabably not, I know I am nuts..
Try this: Create a post and say " is there anyone that wants to talk?" I am sure there are alot of people that would love to talk to you, you seem very cool. If I seeit, I will definately talk to you.
Best Regards,
Try this: Create a post and say " is there anyone that wants to talk?" I am sure there are alot of people that would love to talk to you, you seem very cool. If I seeit, I will definately talk to you.
Best Regards,
If you're nuts then so am I...... Its just I have been feeling a little strange about posting lately. I don't know why. Well I kinda do but not getting into that. I'm useally here so call me up anytime. I'm on the west coast and sometimes there is not much going on after 10:00 or so. LIGHTWEIGHTS.
thanks Frank and Tom I will take both of your suggestions.. and now I wil quit whining.. LOL.. thanks again
you silly girl, you are not whining : ) i call it venting and thats what we are here for. if i am on i would be happy to talk wit you as well. you just keep talking it helps you and many others. thats what this is all about. i'm havent been on so much at night. i'll try and be better about it. looks like i have been missing out : )
you silly girl, you are not whining : ) i call it venting and thats what we are here for. if i am on i would be happy to talk wit you as well. you just keep talking it helps you and many others. thats what this is all about. i'm havent been on so much at night. i'll try and be better about it. looks like i have been missing out : )
I am glad you are back, I noticed you had not been on much, I am sorry that you have been sick and I am glad you are doing better. Thanks
thanks paula : ) yeah i hadnt really been sick since beginning of summer and coming off the drugs and stuff. no fun. but definately was a reminder for me plus it was alot easier to cope with being clean. i actually forgot that otc remedies really do and can work!! amazing, who'd have thought?
hey where's frank is he clamming up on us. or wait did i read he went to get something to eat?
hey where's frank is he clamming up on us. or wait did i read he went to get something to eat?