Tried To Get Home Today!!!...

God, im starting to hate the snow. It normally takes me about 5-8 min. to get to work. and to get home. But noooo the stupid snow made me take about and hour.!!!! I have a Dodge Ram(2004) and it has 4x4 and it took forever. I kept sliding and slipping all over the roads. I had some jerk behind me that kept honking at me. I couldnt even see the lines in the road!!!! Had no idea if i was in the right lane or the left at some points.
I went to my sons school to pick him up early because i didnt trust the school bus to get him home o.k.! Then to top it off, i had to shovel myself into the driveway. This stinks.
Now im hereing that were getting about 12 more inches thisevening and tomorow morning. AHHHHHHHH I hate this soooo much.

Anyone eles having probloms??? With the snow or mental???

Your Friend, Christina
Hey sweety.yeah my little one got home early and we are suppose to get a bunch of crap(sleet & rain)I'm glad you made it home safe.Its funny I said to the BF this morning about you getting buried.I like alittle snow but I hate the sleet.I went out & got all supplies(Ben & Gerrys)Gotta have that.How are you mentally today?????mj
Christina- We got 6 inches here today. I hate snow too, but it's our first one, so it's kind of pretty. But look at it this way, another 2 months and we are on our way to summer!
Ya think only 2 mths??How I wish,I miss fishing more than I could ever say....mj
MJ- Once we are past Feb. it starts to clear up. At least here. I was out shoveling today. It was SO cold..hehe..but thats was nice to look at and nice that it hasn't been worse.
Yeah I like to enjoy it when me & my little family are all safe at home.Doesn't it make it hard to ride your bike alittle?I'm still waiting for your joke.If ya can't muster one up I'll take a rain check.How are the kids doing??????mj
MJ- I would ride if I wouldn't slip all over the place. I don't worry about the temp. I'll post a Joke sometime today!
danny try real hard not to let others bait you into their fights.It really takes away your purpose here.Let them say what they will.By answering them they know they rubbed you the wrong way.....sorry had to say it ....mj
I know MJ- It's just hard seeing others picked on...
I understand but Lord knows you have enough drama right now you don't need the hassle.I'm sorry I am actually butting in but I keep seeing this drama and its sad ya know.I CANNOT ALLOW that crap to effect my recovery.I feel for you & hate to see you get worked up over that stuff.Anyways enough said try to take it easy.Be kind to yourself.And heck just say bite me and leave it at that.Well theres a hot shower with my name on it.Take care....mj