Tropical 1

Hey there... just checking in on you, how are you doing? How's the move going? Sending you lots of hugs.
Hi Lisa, I am going thru alot of things to sell and making lists of what to keep. I am excited to leave oregon and get back to the sun. It will be totally a new life for me and that is just what I need. For the past few months I was so isolated fearing leaving the house becuz of mom. My truck is up and running as it broke down the day she died and I was lost without it. Now I can get my boxes and drop off things to hospice. My sister has been a great help in supporting me and she will be up next month with a truck and I will be out of here. Thank you for asking about me and hope your day is going better


Hey Girls, Just wanted to send some good vibes your way. Wish there was something I could do for both of you to make your life easier right now,but since I can't just know that I've had you in my prayers.
I live in oregon,,,small town ,outside of the big city,,portland,,where are you,,,or near by,,,poopie,,,,
poopie I am right outside of eugene

I'm really excited for you Carol..a new life and in the sun! Sounds like heaven right now. Both you and Poopie aren't too far from me.. Poopie, did you move? You used to live in WA?

Other Carol...thanks honey. I'm feeling the vibes.