
I think you have a real serious problem. You are the only one that went out of your way to verbally attack me on my thread yesterday. Although all the posts were not prolynn77 they were still heartfelt and offered various opinions from multiple sides of the fence. I don't even know you as much as one can know someone from and internet message board. The only thing I know for sure is that you obviously have some pent up aggression towards me. I have never "made fun" of anyones pot addiction, I simply don't understand it? And as for discouraging someone from the "other addictions" board from posting...your nuts. Because I see nothing wrong with masturbation isn't steering someone away from here. I really thought about whether to post this to you or not. I obviously decided to post. It was bothering me and I had to get it off my chest. You my friend are the one that is closed minded and immature. Again, we rarely post to each other so I found it very strange that when you did post to me yesterday that it seemed to open the flood gates of your pure hatred and disgust for me. You need to get over yourself. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? There is a big difference in tough love and being a freaking bully. Would you talk to a new comer like that who had a relapse? I've had decent clean time lately so I don't know where you get off acting like you are better then anyone else. If you took the time to read what I wrote, you would have seen that I had a sober holiday season for the first time in my life and I felt good about it. You are a very angry person and I don't think your typing tirades are approiate for a site like this. If you feel the need to belittle me...knock yourself out, go crazy! I know who I am and what kind of woman I am. People pick on other people because they are not happy with them self. Period- the end. I hope it made you feel better about yourself to attack me in front of all the people here. What a big shot you are!!! So with that said, I'm over it and you. You are nasty.....
Sorry you feel that way Thre is no hatred whatsoever and you are choosing to see that. You can defend all you want, I posted today to you about experiences and it is truly sad that you see other motives that are not there. I find it quite ironic how you tell people such as myself and other posters who should be here and who should leave the board.
Angela,I know this is none of my business but I'm no different than you.I would get infuriated at people who confronted me.I like you because I think you have a direct,no BS way of expressing yourself.

This isn't about personalities.If you have a problem with Carol,don't read her post.Now,I'm not going to bulls*** you.She was right on IMO.Maybe some of the other stuff was going a bit too far but it got your attention.

I want to see you get sober and clean.I want to help you in anyway I can and I want you to keep posting here.You may hear something that triggers you.You don't have to go to AA/NA or church.There are some other groups that don't do the twelve steps and that might be a solution.

You also have to realize your emotions are all over the place.You just shot junk and today your dealing with the guilt.Give yourself a break.

My best for you today.
Real good post Tim. I couldn't agree with you more. It is sometimes very hard to hear what we need to, rather than what we want to.

Angela, so many people here support you and want you to get clean and stay that way. You yourself have said that you have been "white knuckling" it. Boy can I relate to that. It's not a way that I would recommend.

Being clean and sober truly is a lifestyle. You have change everything and mean it. I was fantastic at fooling people around me, but mostly I would fool myself about what I was doing while in active addiction.

You have been able to get some good clean time under your belt, so the desire IS their, but you need more than "white knuckling" it, you need f2f support of others that have been right where you are.

Contrary to popular belief sober people are not a dull bunch. Some of the most intelligent colorful amazing people that I have ever met are sober! Who would have thought? Their are other groups to get in touch with that have nothing to do with the 12 steps...give it a try.

Hope you are feeling better today, it's a new day and a fresh start.