I know a lot of you have experienced this. I am going to be going back to work this September and I am soooo nervous about it. I haven't worked in 11 years. I've been a stay at home mom and housekeeper. I'm so happy that I was able to be home with my daughter all these years but it is time for me to start working again. We don't really need the money I just need to feel like a part of society and life. It's just that I am doubting myself big time. I feel like I'm not sure if I can do it since it's been so long. I'm only 33 so I know I have to do something. I can't sit around here for the rest of my life. Well, thanks for letting me share and if anyone has any advice or words of encouragement I sure would appreciate it!
Hey, Shell......I don't post over here often and just came upon your post.
They say anything you get nervous about is important.........so that's a good thing.........if you weren't a little apprehensive then it would mean you didn't care.
Just my opinion........and without getting into the whole stay-at-home mom vs working outside the home mom debate........which I so can't stand because what's good for one is not right for another.......I'm pulling for you.
That was my JOB.......being a MOM.......stay-at-home.........I did go back to school and got a degree..........was extremely fortunate to have my family help me with my one child........but that was what I was here for.....to raise her.
Well, honestly..........I now so believe what they say.......mommy has to be happy as well........mommy has to care about mommy........I thought like i was raised to believe..........every waking moment goes on that child first.......they are a reflection of who you are.........meanwhile I have a perfect child with a bajillion activities and high end clothes, and the works........and mommy was a mess................and becomes a heroin addict at the age of 37.
So, again and this is just my opinion.........it sure will be good for ya.......socialization and the likes........and heck yeah you can do it.........yes you can...........and your children will see a content, and productive mom.
All good things to you.......I give ya the world of credit.........go for it.
Hey, Shell......I don't post over here often and just came upon your post.
They say anything you get nervous about is important.........so that's a good thing.........if you weren't a little apprehensive then it would mean you didn't care.
Just my opinion........and without getting into the whole stay-at-home mom vs working outside the home mom debate........which I so can't stand because what's good for one is not right for another.......I'm pulling for you.
That was my JOB.......being a MOM.......stay-at-home.........I did go back to school and got a degree..........was extremely fortunate to have my family help me with my one child........but that was what I was here for.....to raise her.
Well, honestly..........I now so believe what they say.......mommy has to be happy as well........mommy has to care about mommy........I thought like i was raised to believe..........every waking moment goes on that child first.......they are a reflection of who you are.........meanwhile I have a perfect child with a bajillion activities and high end clothes, and the works........and mommy was a mess................and becomes a heroin addict at the age of 37.
So, again and this is just my opinion.........it sure will be good for ya.......socialization and the likes........and heck yeah you can do it.........yes you can...........and your children will see a content, and productive mom.
All good things to you.......I give ya the world of credit.........go for it.
Shelley!! Grrrrr....I just had this huge post to you and then I lost my connection! I hate it when that happens...lol.
Anyway, I will sum it up by saying this. I think you are an amazing, strong and courageous women. You have fought tooth and nail for sobriety and did it C/T....I have such amazing respect for those that can detox cold turkey and remain clean. It shows that you have tenacity and are a fighter!!
What a gift to give your daughter...all those years at home and now you will show her what a happy confident mom and do!
I think your fabulous!
Anyway, I will sum it up by saying this. I think you are an amazing, strong and courageous women. You have fought tooth and nail for sobriety and did it C/T....I have such amazing respect for those that can detox cold turkey and remain clean. It shows that you have tenacity and are a fighter!!
What a gift to give your daughter...all those years at home and now you will show her what a happy confident mom and do!
I think your fabulous!
Shelly, Congrats to you for going back to work. For me I have always worked but I left my job when I went c/t off pills and was trying to get my life back in order. When I felt I was ready to go back to work after a few months it was scary in the beginning but now I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's a great feeling of accomplishment for me and I also love getting out and meeting new people. Good luck to you. Shantel