Twelve Questions

august, you are living proof that the 12 Steps work for marijuana users, misusers, abusers, addicts and obsessors if one is willing to jump off the cliff, throw in the towel, and seriously work the steps in pursuit of a spiritual life.

our higher power does for us what we are incapable of doing for ourselves . . . . if we are willing.

if it's a choice between a spiritual life and obsession -- I'll take the spiritual thing any day of the week.

dokar, i hear what you are saying about God and i've heard it before and someone is always bringing it up.

but the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of the billions of people crawling around on this planet and that have crawled around on this planet believe in a higher power or a power greater than themselves and the vast majority refer to that higher power as God. in current cultures and over the history of man, virtually every culture has experienced a need not only to believe in God, but to worship God.

if you know history, you know that to be a fact. it's like it is embedded in the makeup of mankind. it's undeniable.

some have a problem with religion, and carry and harbor resentments of their own creation about religion, or religeous persons, or religeous institutions, and removing those resentments is part of sobering up and getting clean. it 's just like the resentments some carry against their mom and dad. but you know what ? just because some carrry resentments against mom and dad doesn't mean that mom and dad don't exist.

maybe, just maybe, their own denial of the reality of God is what got them to start using dope in the first place. and maybe, just maybe, that's why they continue.

so, i'm not so sure we aught to only whisper the idea or notion or reality of God to those trying to find a way to recover. i don't think the word "God" should be quashed. or hidden. or camoflauged. because the reality is that addicts are searching for God. they were searching for God when they first started using and now they are searching for God again when they are trying to stop using.

why sugar-coat it ? and run or hide from the reality of it? yeah, a few may turn away. that will always be the case. always. but a whole lot more might appreciate the truth and latch on the the one idea that can spare them the misery of active addiction.

sorry we disagree, but it's a little more than semantics. there's more to it.

the real problem, dokar, in my view, is when we take on and worship substances and the feelings they generate as our God, and all that misery, rather than worshiping the real thing.

if you have another view of the real problem, please share it.

one thing is pretty certain, those caught up in the reality of addiction, if they didn't believe in God, Heaven and Hell when they started using, they believe in the reality of Hell when they are in the later stages of their addiction. the stories on this marijuana board alone are enough to prove that point: anxiety, depression, lonliness, hopelessness, despair, discouragement, physical infirmity, financial problems, lying, stealing, cheating, secreting, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, lost relationships, brain damage, etc. etc. etc. -- that's most people's definition and reality of Hell.


well i guess im stuffed becuase i answered yes to all of them
i answered yes to all 12 questions can anyone recommend anything in the united kingdom to help with my horrific nightmares i get from stopping smoking weed?