I read a few of the tweets published after the Japan tragedy. This one made me pause and smile. It may surprise you who will step up to lend and hand in time of sorrow, pain or tragedy.
* Homeless People
(Written in Japaneze)[by Ms. Arakawa]** The japanize writing doesn't show**
English Translation
Transport facilities were dead and I was so tired waiting so long. Then, a homeless guy gave me a cardboard saying "use this, it can warm you up". I used to pass homeless people by even when they were begging... Although what he did to me was such a sweet stuff.
Hope you have a good day today. There are angels among us. :)
Much love and respect,
Thank you Jane for sharing this. I believe whole heartedly there are angles among us. Heard a quote not long ago that I loved, "be kind to everyone you meet today, as you never know what they may be going through." Love that!!!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Hey Itsjustme,
I'm glad to see you are still around. Everything going ok with you? Feeling any better?
I'm glad to see you are still around. Everything going ok with you? Feeling any better?
Hi Jane!!
Yep, still around thank you. I check in several times daily and just read what everyone has been writing. Really wishing the board was more active somedays, because it really helps me stay focused on being positive about things.
I am doing pretty good, thank you. It seems to come in waves, if that makes any sense. Its been a good week so far. I just need to grab ahold of the fact that I cant go back and change anything all I can do it learn from it all and do better and be better. Sometimes I lose sight of that. I have several people in my life, family, that seems to want to keep talking about and dredging up my past and sometimes I just let it beat me down. I get caught in that place of not knowing if its ok to move on and be happy or if it is part of my punishment for all I did to stay stuck in it. Although, I know that is simply not right.
Have a wonderful day!!
Yep, still around thank you. I check in several times daily and just read what everyone has been writing. Really wishing the board was more active somedays, because it really helps me stay focused on being positive about things.
I am doing pretty good, thank you. It seems to come in waves, if that makes any sense. Its been a good week so far. I just need to grab ahold of the fact that I cant go back and change anything all I can do it learn from it all and do better and be better. Sometimes I lose sight of that. I have several people in my life, family, that seems to want to keep talking about and dredging up my past and sometimes I just let it beat me down. I get caught in that place of not knowing if its ok to move on and be happy or if it is part of my punishment for all I did to stay stuck in it. Although, I know that is simply not right.
Have a wonderful day!!
I am reading a book right now called "Lit" by Mary Karr. She is a recovering alcoholic. One part of it has stuck in my mind to start using as a tool for situation just like you are talking about now. She says when parts of her past come up trying to drag her back she says silently to herself or even out loud if it helps. "That part is over now" I liked that. Let both try to use it steadily. I have really liked that book so far. Its a memoir so she writes about her journey through recovery even an insane asylum and trying to kills herself. It's not the type of book I would recommend per se , it just what I need right now. Do you read?
I think the board would be more active if everyone who was lurking would just post. I know I come here and skim through sometimes without posting as well. I really love the comfort of this board. In the old days it just crackled with life we were all on here all the time. I miss those days but it is still a great place. There are alot of old timers. We just need new ones who will stick around as well. So I am glad your comming around.
I think the board would be more active if everyone who was lurking would just post. I know I come here and skim through sometimes without posting as well. I really love the comfort of this board. In the old days it just crackled with life we were all on here all the time. I miss those days but it is still a great place. There are alot of old timers. We just need new ones who will stick around as well. So I am glad your comming around.
Yes, I read. I will look into that book, it sounds like a good one. I love to read others stories of recovery. That is the amazing thing I found in AA, that there are others out there just like me, that I am not the only one and I am not alone. I felt so alone before. I like the "That part is over now", I will try using that, thank you. I guess my confusion starts when I am not sure how much I am suppose to let family bring it all up. I mean, I know they have to heal too, but I am not sure besides saying that I am sorry over and over again, what good it does anyone to keep going back there. UGH!!
I haven't posted much because I am not sure I have much to offer at the moment, but I will work on posting more and not lurking so much. I would love to see it much busier because I plan on sticking around. :)
I haven't posted much because I am not sure I have much to offer at the moment, but I will work on posting more and not lurking so much. I would love to see it much busier because I plan on sticking around. :)
I guess as far as your family goes. You really can't control what they do. Weather they bring it up or not, and even what they say. The only thing you can control is your reaction to what they say. Do you slink in shame ? What is your response? I am not sure what I would respond. I know my kids were little enough when I got divorced and out of jail. They always brought up jail. Like in mixed company and stuff. I guess it was mostly my daughter. Well I never shyed away from it. She would say thing matter of factly like " when you were in jail and dad did my hair. yadad yada. " I would just be interested in what she said and not act humiliated. Even though it killed me in side. I don't know if that is the "right" thing to do its just what I did. I guess your family will be like my daughter talk about it tell they are done with it. She is 14 now, she still says things very occassionally. I never take it as an acuzation. I just accept yup. I did that. But it's not happening anymore. That part is over.
What does anyone else think? What is the best way to handle people who can't leave well enough alone?
I guess some ammends just have to be made by living life better and making different choices. Probably has to do with how you feel about yourself too. If you haven't forgiven yourself, it probably feels worse. Pray for some acceptance. You are what you are. You did what you did. Now that part is over. right?!?
What does anyone else think? What is the best way to handle people who can't leave well enough alone?
I guess some ammends just have to be made by living life better and making different choices. Probably has to do with how you feel about yourself too. If you haven't forgiven yourself, it probably feels worse. Pray for some acceptance. You are what you are. You did what you did. Now that part is over. right?!?
I am sorry Jane, I didn't mean to take over your post. I really don't know the etiquette on this board so I am hope I havent upset anyone.
I know that I can't control what they do, although with my kids at times I sure wish I could. :) Yes, I shrink in shame. I guess it all goes back to the forgiving myself thing, I havent managed to do that completely yet and I can get sucked back in so quickly. It comes up alot, more than I feel it should after two and a half years but who am I to say what they should be feeling, right? I know my kids especially were deeply hurt by my actions and for that I am truely sorry but I cant take it back. I like the yep, I did that but its not happening anymore part you said. So very true. I just need to hang onto that when I get in one of those situations where I feel the guilt and shame taking over.
I know that I can't control what they do, although with my kids at times I sure wish I could. :) Yes, I shrink in shame. I guess it all goes back to the forgiving myself thing, I havent managed to do that completely yet and I can get sucked back in so quickly. It comes up alot, more than I feel it should after two and a half years but who am I to say what they should be feeling, right? I know my kids especially were deeply hurt by my actions and for that I am truely sorry but I cant take it back. I like the yep, I did that but its not happening anymore part you said. So very true. I just need to hang onto that when I get in one of those situations where I feel the guilt and shame taking over.
You didn't take over my post. This is my post. And yours. And anyone else who reads it. That's what it's all about.
Glad you have kept comming back :)
Glad you have kept comming back :)