Two Years For Stacey!

Sometime this week my BFF hit 2 years. Yay!!

Congrats on your 2yr birthday! You are an inspiration to us all. I love your sense of humor, your kindness and you willingness to share your knowledge with others,

Happy Birthday to You....Do something grand for yourself today----you deserve it!

Congratulations Miss Stacey!

2 years looks FANTASTIC on you! I hope your summer has been a good one and you are continuing to enjoy it! I just popped in and saw this thread...wanted to say yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh for you!


CONGRTAULATIONS STACEY! 2 Years is awesome! Way to Go!
Love Ya!
user posted image~KIM
Thank you,'s been an absolute pleasure sharing and getting to know you women, having that common bond that will forever keep us bonded.....

I wish I had more time to spend on here and reach out to the newcomers but with sobriety & recovery comes more responsibilities and I have a heavy workload lately but I am grateful that I do have a good job and they trust me....

And, Miss Kathi, what can I say....I think everyone knows how I feel about you. I just want to thank you as always for showing me how it works, for helping me through the steps and for being the BEST BFF a gal could ever imagine. 2 years ago I had so many walls up nobody was going to get close but time & working the steps changes everything. I will forever be grateful for you, Lisa, Teresa, Tim, Denise, Elim and anyone whom I might of forgotten for 12stepping me. I couldn't do it my way anymore and I am grateful I hit that physical, emotional, spiritual bottom and was willing enough to walk into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and stick around....My life has changed so dramatically and I am so loving living life today on life's terms.....What a trip!

Again, thank you, one and all for walking with me on this journey of recovery...

God bless,
One of my favorite people.Congratulations!