Uh Oh.

Ok, my heart just broke.
I was talking to my boyfriend about how I was doing, and I told him that I had taken tylenol PM to help me sleep a couple days ago. He told me that the same ingredients in tylenol PM were in Vicodin, and that it was like taking the same thing. But I can't believe that, so I'm not sure.

I can't hear that I have to start all over just because of that.

I hate the fact that I'm so clueless about my addiction, I've never been to a doctor for pills in my life, only dealers who probably tell me whatever they think I want to hear. It must sound so ridiculous that a person hooked on Vicodin for a year has no clue what it's made of. That's part of the reason I was taking it, I had no idea.
What is in tylenol pm that makes it like vicodin? If I had to take, let's say, 4 in one night to feel an effect am I going to start bleeding from my stomach? And what about the night I took nyquil, is that going to effect me? Should I stop drinking wine for a while? I drink wine a few times a week, normally, haven't since I quit pills but it's my thing and (hopefully) my career.
I know I'm babbling, but I'm panicking. I'm totally having an anxiety attack.
Now that it's midnight here, I'm on day 9. I can't believe I've gotten this far. It seemed so impossible, but now there are only options.

Your boyfriend was mistaken. Tylenol PM contains acetaminophen and diphenhydramine which is Benadryl -- an antihistamine that makes you sleepy. You're fine. You don't have to start all over again. It's still Day 9 and good for you for getting here. The only way in which Tylenol PM is like Vicodin is that both contain acetaminophen. The opiate hydrocodone in vicodin is the addictive portion that you are withdrawing from.

If it is possible for you to access the Internet, you can take some control over your addiction by learning about these drugs yourself.

Best wishes
Nope, just the acetaminephen (sp?) Always look stuff up on the internet.