I am sitting here strugling with this perscription in my hand. I have seen the doctor twice this week. One for regular stuff and then for these stupid panic attacks. They are increasing in intensity and I am so scared. He gave me 80 pills of which I wont name so it wont trigger anyone. I am strugeling because I need these to get my life back to the way it was before the panic attacks, but I read so much on here about this drug that I am scared as hell. I dont even know what family they come from but I know they are no good.
What if they help? what if I have a heart attack and die on the floor, that is what they(panic attacks) feel like when they hit. It seems more and more they are coming for no apparent reason. I have never had a problem with this pill but I have had a problem with others and I am scared to even try them but I am also scared if I dont. I need some advice and guidence with this if you dont mind. Please dont yell at me that is not what I need, honesty is what I need. Thanks
I know how bad panic attacks seem. I've had them all my life and I'm 47 years old -- they haven't killed me yet. I understand that it feels like you're dying, but you're not.
Without knowing what the pills are, I can't really say whether you should take them or flush them. The fact that you're posting about them suggests that they should be flushed, especially if you haven't started taking them yet. Why invite another monkey on your back?
There are relaxation techniques you can learn to get through panic attacks. These techniques won't kill you. The panic attacks won't kill you. The pills might kill you in time.
Have I posted the Square Breathing technique for you?
I know how bad panic attacks seem. I've had them all my life and I'm 47 years old -- they haven't killed me yet. I understand that it feels like you're dying, but you're not.
Without knowing what the pills are, I can't really say whether you should take them or flush them. The fact that you're posting about them suggests that they should be flushed, especially if you haven't started taking them yet. Why invite another monkey on your back?
There are relaxation techniques you can learn to get through panic attacks. These techniques won't kill you. The panic attacks won't kill you. The pills might kill you in time.
Have I posted the Square Breathing technique for you?
Lixie, I get out of work at 6 tonight EST if you want to talk. Do you have my e-mail address? Shantel
hi lixie
i too have panic anxiety disorder, paxil has helped it some, when i am really out of control with the anxiety, i will ask for klonopin. l have lost many years of my life to this disorder, started back in 1977 for me. jewels
i too have panic anxiety disorder, paxil has helped it some, when i am really out of control with the anxiety, i will ask for klonopin. l have lost many years of my life to this disorder, started back in 1977 for me. jewels
I have major attacks and Gina's square breathing suggestion has helped a lot...I took a xanax 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. I am still on it...VERY hard to get off a benzo...please think long and hard...sometimes...just knowing you have it helps...you may not need it...I have passed out a few times..it is adrenaline and very nasty feeling...but you won't die.Went to the ER a few times certain that I was dying only to find it was panic. I didn't even believe the dr...I went to another one and a cardio...LOL.....Feel better doll....Love, Sharonn
Did you tell the doctor who prescribed them about your addiction to pain pills? If not, that may be the best place to start in terms of getting advice about whether or not to take the precribed medication. Your doctor may be able to suggest alternatives that are equally effective and far less addictive. Good luck
Lixie, When you get a chance post back. Shantel
Hey, usually don't post over here, but had to for this one.
Firstly, Lixie that's dang well really brave of you to come on here and ask for help. Especially with that script in your hand. Then the respect and help you all give eachother is awesome.
Lixie, your DOC then is pain pills? I'm sorry I don't know how long you have been clean off them, but getting off them pain pills gave me worse anxiety even months later and I'm a recovering heroin addict. That panic came and anxiety after pain pills and I had kicked heroin prior. Probably like 20 times it felt like.
Unlike alot of people here thankfully I never suffered them prior during life. Man, I mean sitting in the middle of a mall in a panic. For what? Then the whole shabang with the heart and the closed up throat. THat's some awful stuff.
Worse? And I swore nothing could be worse. I mean I'd have ate dog doop. BAM, and I can say this was only me the Paxil. I am not saying that for people that have this and I now understand it why people will take the SSRI's, but that kick??????? After a year on that I was fine and forget it. That was a like four month kick.
The benzo's I never liked so I was alright there. I did however see people kick them in rehab and no joke is that.
Breathing, yoga, swimming or anything that all these good people mentioned. Yoga really worked for me. Ya have to get through the first few maybe but after that you're good. Horrible thing, but yep the pills will eventually kill you.
Best bet and you make yourself accountable to you is definately telling this Doctor. Pretty much I think we've all did the thing where if we don't tell up the road we might need something. Good for you though asking for the help.
Thinking of you.
Firstly, Lixie that's dang well really brave of you to come on here and ask for help. Especially with that script in your hand. Then the respect and help you all give eachother is awesome.
Lixie, your DOC then is pain pills? I'm sorry I don't know how long you have been clean off them, but getting off them pain pills gave me worse anxiety even months later and I'm a recovering heroin addict. That panic came and anxiety after pain pills and I had kicked heroin prior. Probably like 20 times it felt like.
Unlike alot of people here thankfully I never suffered them prior during life. Man, I mean sitting in the middle of a mall in a panic. For what? Then the whole shabang with the heart and the closed up throat. THat's some awful stuff.
Worse? And I swore nothing could be worse. I mean I'd have ate dog doop. BAM, and I can say this was only me the Paxil. I am not saying that for people that have this and I now understand it why people will take the SSRI's, but that kick??????? After a year on that I was fine and forget it. That was a like four month kick.
The benzo's I never liked so I was alright there. I did however see people kick them in rehab and no joke is that.
Breathing, yoga, swimming or anything that all these good people mentioned. Yoga really worked for me. Ya have to get through the first few maybe but after that you're good. Horrible thing, but yep the pills will eventually kill you.
Best bet and you make yourself accountable to you is definately telling this Doctor. Pretty much I think we've all did the thing where if we don't tell up the road we might need something. Good for you though asking for the help.
Thinking of you.
Hi Lixie:
It's hard to say what to do without knowing what the script is for. I suffered from panic disorder, and GAD, severly since about age 14. I was on benzo's for years, didn't misuse them, but one day decided they were a crutch, and abruptly stopped. Not a good idea. I had grand mal seizures, no one knew why, (my mother is the one who figured it out & told the Dr.) Ironically, after the seizures, I didn't have the problem for several years. But, when they came back, they came back with a vengence. I ended up on benzo's again, with a very healthy respect for them. Eventually, I was put on paxil and I was able to stop the benzo's with no prob - But that is usually not the case, is what I've heard. The paxil helps a lot, however I recently tried to stop taking it (I was only on 12.5 mg a day) paxil is unbelievably hard to stop taking. I just can't. Not right now anyway. So, I'm on paxil & it does help with the panic, etc. Be careful with the benzo's. Earlier, I was on the other prescription pills category and there is a lot of information there. I spent about an hour just reading. You should go check it out, Good luck!
It's hard to say what to do without knowing what the script is for. I suffered from panic disorder, and GAD, severly since about age 14. I was on benzo's for years, didn't misuse them, but one day decided they were a crutch, and abruptly stopped. Not a good idea. I had grand mal seizures, no one knew why, (my mother is the one who figured it out & told the Dr.) Ironically, after the seizures, I didn't have the problem for several years. But, when they came back, they came back with a vengence. I ended up on benzo's again, with a very healthy respect for them. Eventually, I was put on paxil and I was able to stop the benzo's with no prob - But that is usually not the case, is what I've heard. The paxil helps a lot, however I recently tried to stop taking it (I was only on 12.5 mg a day) paxil is unbelievably hard to stop taking. I just can't. Not right now anyway. So, I'm on paxil & it does help with the panic, etc. Be careful with the benzo's. Earlier, I was on the other prescription pills category and there is a lot of information there. I spent about an hour just reading. You should go check it out, Good luck!
Thanks for all the advice. I havent gotten them filled yet, I am still not sure about this.My doctor whom I have been seeing for a couple years knows all about my addiction and bi polar issues. I trust what he says and I have had these for awhile, it has taken me this long to actually let him write me a perscription. Believe me he is no easy street doctor, when I went in three times for various serious conditions, he was always like "take some b-12 or try some Iron". He never gives out anything, you can be in severe pain and he wont budge. This is why I have stayed with him, it pretty much has to be the last resort. I dont know if I should say the name because I dont want to trigger anyone, sorry if I do but here go's. Clonazepam 0.5 mg.
I know I know I have read so much about these, but I have tried alot of different stuff. I go to yoga I got a gym membership, I breath, I pray. Even when going to the gym got to much, I went and bought a eliptcal trainer on Ebay. I have done it all, he said that some people just need to get it under control first and then when they enter this therapy they have that it will ease. I do trust him he has never done me wrong and I really think that I should think about taking them, it is to the point where I dont want to go out because I am so embarrased, people see me freaking out and that makes me even more scared to go out. So begins the cycle of my day, "should I go out?" no..no.. stay in what if you freak out and you cant get home, what if you cant find the way out or find the car. I just cant go and so I dont. I dont know I just need an answer, any answer I have been asking god to help me, just give me some guidence and I am still waiting.
I know I know I have read so much about these, but I have tried alot of different stuff. I go to yoga I got a gym membership, I breath, I pray. Even when going to the gym got to much, I went and bought a eliptcal trainer on Ebay. I have done it all, he said that some people just need to get it under control first and then when they enter this therapy they have that it will ease. I do trust him he has never done me wrong and I really think that I should think about taking them, it is to the point where I dont want to go out because I am so embarrased, people see me freaking out and that makes me even more scared to go out. So begins the cycle of my day, "should I go out?" no..no.. stay in what if you freak out and you cant get home, what if you cant find the way out or find the car. I just cant go and so I dont. I dont know I just need an answer, any answer I have been asking god to help me, just give me some guidence and I am still waiting.
By naming the pills wouldnt trigger me cause im thinking of a hundred now. I found pills always make symptoms worse (narcotics especially. Benzo's are no joke. I took 10-12 xanax or klonopin daily 3 yrs.and 300 mg methadone for 5yr. Im clean 45 days and still alive. What a combination of hell to go through. I thought benzo's were a joke. Put my a** down. Different than opiates but bad enough. I seem to have less days of histeria when i dont want to continuously treat myself to chemicals. It is possible! Meetings, working the steps, and exercise help greatly. I never thought at 25 yr old id be a fan of a sober life and not able to medicate but its pretty damn good.
I took klonipin for debilitating panic attacks for seven years, but these just mask the problem. You have to get to the root of the problem. Try counseling. Also, when my attacks are really severe I take Kava Kava---a natural anxiety reliever. Moreover, excercise, I excercise every day and my anxiety is lessened. Good luck.
I took klonipin for debilitating panic attacks for seven years, but these just mask the problem. You have to get to the root of the problem. Try counseling. Also, when my attacks are really severe I take Kava Kava---a natural anxiety reliever. Moreover, excercise, I excercise every day and my anxiety is lessened. Good luck.
I think thats klonopin. I was in rehab years ago for pain pills but was on the benzo's for panic. I think at the time it was valium, but I'm not positive. Klonopin, I was told, wasn't as addictive as some of the others like valium, xanex, so they took me off valium and put me on klonopin, a very low dose. I kept having break though panic attacks, and kept telling my Dr. who thought I was drug seeking and wouldn't up my dose. Then one day I had a full-blown panic attack, while they were taking my vital signs. My blood pressure was so high, they didn't think they were reading it right. So they took it again, and again. Then the head nurse came and took it, and again. I saw my Dr. walk by and yelled at him "I told you I was still having panic attacks!!!" So, he came to take my BP. It was crazy-high. So they upped my klonopin. I hated the klonopin. It made me have black-outs. Everyone thought I was using (while in rehab) so they kept giving my urine tests which were always clean. I hate klonopin. Please be careful with it, you'd do yourself a big favor by not even going there. Benzo's are hell to get off of. Pure hell. They finally put me on paxil and guess what??? I got off the benzo's! Bad news is paxil is very, very hard to get off of. I've tried a few times and I just can't. So, I'm just going to stay on the paxil for a while, I'm not having the panic attacks anymore without having to take benzos. There are other SSRI's beside paxil that may help you and that aren't as hard to quit taking. Maybe you could ask your Dr. about that. Go on the other drugs category and there's a lot for you to read about benzo's, that may really make you not want to take the klonopin. I realize you don't really want to anyway, but some of those stories are scary. One guy weaned off one of the benzo's but it took him about 2 years to even began to feel normal again. Good luck, let us know how you're doing.
I think thats klonopin. I was in rehab years ago for pain pills but was on the benzo's for panic. I think at the time it was valium, but I'm not positive. Klonopin, I was told, wasn't as addictive as some of the others like valium, xanex, so they took me off valium and put me on klonopin, a very low dose. I kept having break though panic attacks, and kept telling my Dr. who thought I was drug seeking and wouldn't up my dose. Then one day I had a full-blown panic attack, while they were taking my vital signs. My blood pressure was so high, they didn't think they were reading it right. So they took it again, and again. Then the head nurse came and took it, and again. I saw my Dr. walk by and yelled at him "I told you I was still having panic attacks!!!" So, he came to take my BP. It was crazy-high. So they upped my klonopin. I hated the klonopin. It made me have black-outs. Everyone thought I was using (while in rehab) so they kept giving my urine tests which were always clean. I hate klonopin. Please be careful with it, you'd do yourself a big favor by not even going there. Benzo's are hell to get off of. Pure hell. They finally put me on paxil and guess what??? I got off the benzo's! Bad news is paxil is very, very hard to get off of. I've tried a few times and I just can't. So, I'm just going to stay on the paxil for a while, I'm not having the panic attacks anymore without having to take benzos. There are other SSRI's beside paxil that may help you and that aren't as hard to quit taking. Maybe you could ask your Dr. about that. Go on the other drugs category and there's a lot for you to read about benzo's, that may really make you not want to take the klonopin. I realize you don't really want to anyway, but some of those stories are scary. One guy weaned off one of the benzo's but it took him about 2 years to even began to feel normal again. Good luck, let us know how you're doing.
Hey li,
Just wondering how you are?
Glad to know I was not the only person on earth found Paxil such a difficult kick.
Take good care, lixie. Sounds like your square with your Doctor and he's no easy sell out......hope you're feeling better.
Just wondering how you are?
Glad to know I was not the only person on earth found Paxil such a difficult kick.
Take good care, lixie. Sounds like your square with your Doctor and he's no easy sell out......hope you're feeling better.
I still havent gotten the serscription filled.I am going back on Monday to talk with my doctor. Maybe there is another solution to this. I hope so, thanks to everyone for their input.
Hey Lixie, good for you. There is always another solution. Pills are not always the right answer. Be honest with your Doctor, hold nothing back.
p.s. its "prescription". Just wanted to let you know.
Take care....K
p.s. its "prescription". Just wanted to let you know.
Take care....K
LOL sorry for the mistake, i gess i nevre wint to skool. Ha ha I am just waiting to go on Monday, I dont know what he is going to say, what other options, I think I have tried them all. Maybe not, hopefully I will find something and it will be right under my nose.
Shantel, as for what was going on a little while ago, he is in counselling twice weekly and it seems to be helping. He has not moved back in yet, I have put a six month ban on that. If he continues with the counselling and makes some huge improvements, then we can talk about a future together. On another note that is totally off topic, my two year old is potty training, she is hitting the mark almost everytime. I am so proud of her. Lol that seems funny to be so proud of potty training, but I am. Good day to you all and I hope everything is allright with everyone.
Shantel, as for what was going on a little while ago, he is in counselling twice weekly and it seems to be helping. He has not moved back in yet, I have put a six month ban on that. If he continues with the counselling and makes some huge improvements, then we can talk about a future together. On another note that is totally off topic, my two year old is potty training, she is hitting the mark almost everytime. I am so proud of her. Lol that seems funny to be so proud of potty training, but I am. Good day to you all and I hope everything is allright with everyone.