Hi there everyone - this is the first time I have EVER posted anything. I was frantically searching for an answer to how long it takes to withdraw from Ultram/tramadol and found some good insight to withdrawal from pain pills, in general. But is there anyone who has used this specifically? I have used this crud now for probably a couple of years - I had pain but not physical pain and they made me feel better - for awhile. Isn't that the way it always is? I have realized in the last few months that I am tired and sad and not at all the happy go lucky person I used to be and would give anything to get her back. So I am trying. I am a 53-y.o. single mom of 2 and grandmother to a 7 week old baby boy and I am going back to school in January and I just can't manage my life being so tired from these stupid pills. I am on Day 4 of cold turkey and not feeling so hot. Have missed 3 days of work because of it, but I just have to grit it out. I have no med ins and can't afford to go to the doc and fill withdrawal meds and I can't truthfully bear for anyone to know I have a problem - my family would be horrified. I have been vigilant about lecturing the evils of drugs to my kids while being this secret drug user - I am really ashamed and really really alone - there is NO ONE that I want to tell this to - I just want it out of my life. Anyway, thanks for listening. If anyone has gone off Ultram, I would sure love to know how long it took them and how bad it was or wasn't and if I am almost done.
Hey Blondie, Welcome to the board. Congratulations on 3 days! Awesome! Keep it up. If you aren't better by tomorrow, at least that should be the peak of the bad days, and you should start to feel better by Friday. I have no experience with Ultram w/d, but am assuming it is like the other pain pills, even if it isn't a true opiod.
There are some here whose DOC was ultram, and hopefully they will come along and offer more insightful advice!
Just remember that it is better to not go backwards, and you will get through this! You are on your way to a new way of life, one which you won't have to be ashamed of, so do not give up!
Good luck! Keep posting and let us know how you are doing!
Carol thank you - I am not even sure if I am following this correctly, never used a mssg board before really. I had to bite my lip not to burst into tears when I saw I had a reply - it is a beautiful evening here in Washington State and I am too sick to be out in it and am so angry with myself - just watching the world go by outside my window. I will hang in there, even tho I keep hearing that little voice say "if you just get more, you will feel better and THIS time you will taper yourself" Ha! I never do and, b4 I know it, need to get more. I guess I am one of those all or nothing people. Thanks again, really.
blondie .... Don't feel too bad, the majority of us has found tapering to be impossible also. It has nothing to do with us being weak or a failure ... the fact is that opiates are way MORE powerful. Bottom line - do NOT take any more and I can guarantee that you WILL feel better soon!!! I will also guarantee that the opiate roller coaster WILL continue if you use again.
The w/d's from Ultram/Tramadol are pretty much the same as other short acting pain pills. The worst symptoms are mostly gone within 7 days ... then you just have some lingering issues to deal with such as restless legs, sleep issues, low energy and depression. But these also get better and go away the longer you are able to stay away from the pills.
Best of luck to you .... and I hope you will keep posting here .... lots of good people, advice and support around here too!!
Hello there! Well, where do I start? I am currently almost 8 months clean off of Tramadol/ ultram. YOu can do a search and find all of my posts of withdrawl from way back in October. I lasted 2 days by myself doing detox on my own before I checked myself into rehab. I was taking 6 pills of tramadol at night about 6pm. I didn't use during the day, but I sure looked forward to 6pm. I took them for about 3 years. The first year was legitimate pain, but there after, I was doing it to help me sleep. Those little pills also gave my energy (go figure). Anyway, I stayed in rehab for 48 hours. I guess the ppl there considered my somewhat of a "lightweight", but I still needed help. In fact, they didnt give me any of the meds for normal opiate withdrawl- (suboxone or methodone). They gave me a sleeping pill that I hated and requested to not be given it again. Anyway, at home & in rehab, the nights were my worst. When I was trying to detox at home I didnt sleep for 48 hours. Now mind you I had just blown my husbands world all to pieces by confessing to him that I was taking the drugs to begin with. I was like you..... I didnt wany ANYONE to know.... I would have rather sawed my own arms off than have anyone know my secret. But, I told my husband, then my parents, and it all kinda took off from there..... the support I mean... Which is what I needed.... same that you need. I swear, it seems like the end of the world, but support is your biggest help to get off the pills. I am sure you are great mom and g' mother and yo never thought in a million years that this would happen to you. I felt that. But I have grown alot in my 8 months of "cleaness" and come to realize that s*** happens... even to good people. Well, hell..... I just realized that I still haven't answered you question about withdrawl and how long it lasts. In my case, not having any pills since Sat and going into full blown withdrawl by midnight on Sunday night, I was better by Thursday night and WAY better by Friday. Like I said, I didnt 2 nights on my own then went to rehab. I sounds like you have gotten alot of the crap behind you. Maybe 24-36 more hours?? I am not sure since I dont know how much you were taking. Hot showers/baths were the best for me and the "restless" feeling I was having. I swear I took like 7 showers/baths in the first 12 hours of my withdrawl starting. I got alot of help here at this site, so keep coming back. I will help you as much as I can. I have been there... I know what you are going thru now. Hang in there.... post back and let me know how you are doing......
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I, too, started legitimately and liked the way it made me feel, plus I TOO felt energized with them at first, then started noticing how much trouble I had getting up with my alarm and how many times I was oversleeping and having to sorry sorry sorry to my boss. Plus, they help me focus on a job that is really really boring - that is one of the reasons I am going back to school becuz my job is soooo boring and I have no benefits. I digress, though. Ummm so when I had no more reason for the pain pills, I found that miracles of miracles - you can get them online w/o a prescription and I was off and running. I have been taking 6-8 50 mg. a day, so about 400 mg. a day for at least two years (I have lost track). At first it was fine, but I just started noticing that everything in my life was slipping slowly but surely. Not keeping as good track of my bills and finances, not returning phone calls, not wanting to really do much that took alot of physical energy (and I ran a marathon in 2001!) - just liking to kinda relax and be high I guess, if I am being honest. It had alot to do with being unhappy and stressed and they made things better - for awhile. I feel such regret and am so ashamed of being so stupid! So, I guess I need to figure out my lesson learned here. I am really feeling so tired that it is all I can do to write this.
One more thing, how do I find your old posts? I did a search and I found only one which had to do w/weight gain. I am a newbie at how to follow these threads. Thanks again, really, I am amazed at how much just a few kind words mean.
One more thing, how do I find your old posts? I did a search and I found only one which had to do w/weight gain. I am a newbie at how to follow these threads. Thanks again, really, I am amazed at how much just a few kind words mean.
ok- to search for my old posts go below to the little search area. TYpe in Tramadol in the blank space then choose the pain pills board. It will give you all the posts that contain the word Tramadol. Go to the 2nd page of Tramadol posts and mine is about half way down on 10/8 or 10/9. My entire story is there. Plus my hubby even posted on it for me when I went into rehab. I have an "update" post in Nov of 2006, too. My first post was actually in Feb '06 admitting I had a problem, but I stayed in denial for a few more months and kept ordering online like :). Finally in Oct of 2006, I decided it was time for me to put my "big girl" pants on and get my life back.
PS- you may also be able to do a search on my login name "NEJ416".
I look forward to your post tomorrow. :)
Hang in there..... I will send lots of prayers your way!
PS- you may also be able to do a search on my login name "NEJ416".
I look forward to your post tomorrow. :)
Hang in there..... I will send lots of prayers your way!
welcome to the board.............
you have recieved some wonderful advice and especially from someone that has taken ultram.........
God bless you honey............keep posting............
i hope my friend comes on here and post to you also..........
ultram was her DOC and she is very supportive.........
welcome to the board.............
you have recieved some wonderful advice and especially from someone that has taken ultram.........
God bless you honey............keep posting............
i hope my friend comes on here and post to you also..........
ultram was her DOC and she is very supportive.........
Welcome Blondie,whether its ultram or vicodin,i imagine the WD's are very similar.Youre doing great. Having this board to come to and be amongst the peole who know what youre going through is so helpful,so keep coming back,it doesnt end when the WD's stop unfortunatley.
Is there anyone at all you can turn to for f2f help,you dr? That would be a tremendous helpf for you.I know you said you have no insurance,but even a couple visits with the Dr,to tell him what youre going through could ease your mind,and give you the best information you could get?
Stay strong and dont look back,we're all here rooting for you,we know you can do this.It sounds like you have alot to be grateful for and alot to live for!~KIM
Is there anyone at all you can turn to for f2f help,you dr? That would be a tremendous helpf for you.I know you said you have no insurance,but even a couple visits with the Dr,to tell him what youre going through could ease your mind,and give you the best information you could get?
Stay strong and dont look back,we're all here rooting for you,we know you can do this.It sounds like you have alot to be grateful for and alot to live for!~KIM
Thanks for all the advice everyone - AND the caring. Uggh, I feel like dog do this a.m., but not as sick, just so unbelievably tired. My head weighs way too much today. Had so so sleep last night - took a long time to get to sleep becuz of that awful restless leg stuff - but I knew I was starting to make progress becuz it was only in one leg last night. I will post more later, I can't believe I am too tired to TYPE!
Blondie, where are ya? I have been thinking about you. How are you doing? :)
Hey huny.I am the friend so many have mentioned as far as Ultram being my DOC.At the end of my use I was up to over 20 a day.I must sign off but Id very much like to talk with you.If nothing else to give you my support as I know how hard it is.I never could just CT off them(though I tried many times)I ended up going onto Suboxone to finally break the hold the Ultram had on me.I also have physical problems so the Sub has worked 2 fold for me.
I want to sign on later & hopefully we can talk.
The MAIN thing is to know that.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS.I would like to mentally hold your hand through this because it was simply put....pure hell.
Ill look for youb latervwhen I sign on
Until then PLEASE try to take care
Hey huny.I am the friend so many have mentioned as far as Ultram being my DOC.At the end of my use I was up to over 20 a day.I must sign off but Id very much like to talk with you.If nothing else to give you my support as I know how hard it is.I never could just CT off them(though I tried many times)I ended up going onto Suboxone to finally break the hold the Ultram had on me.I also have physical problems so the Sub has worked 2 fold for me.
I want to sign on later & hopefully we can talk.
The MAIN thing is to know that.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS.I would like to mentally hold your hand through this because it was simply put....pure hell.
Ill look for youb latervwhen I sign on
Until then PLEASE try to take care
Oh thank you for looking for me and for asking. I am doing better and better. I had a pretty good day yesterday, but upon crawling into bed, there goes the pins and needles - but only in my feet and so hopefully that will be gone when I go to bed tonight - what a desperate feeling to not be able to sleep and searching for that spot where your legs will feel comfortable. Uggh, I can't believe I have done this to myself. I just moved and have been in this little house for a month and, long story, but just as I rented this from a prop mgmt co, the owner was selling it to somebody else, and so things fell thru the cracks and one person said I could have my dog and now the new people say, "we see you are hiding a dog in the residence" Hiding her? she is a big German shorthair. Anyway, the upshot is get out or cough up a big deposit - which I don't have. Anyway, all of that to say, the first thing I wanted to do was go get some Ultram and calm down. You know the drill, "I can't do this right now, I am going to have to get some pills and then I will taper off after this storm is over" Riiiightttt. That evil evil part of the brain that keeps saying "this is too hard, you can't cope right now, go get some pills" But I truthfully cannot STAND the thought of going thru this past week again and so, if I DID get some pills, I would be sure not to run out of them for a looooong time, if ever, so I am absolutely NOT going to do that. Most of brain says "I don't want to take another pill ever again, not even aspirin" and it is just that one litte part deep in the brain somewhere that says "do it, do it". I have such deep appreciation for what the people on heroin or cocaine go thru and my heart goes out to them.
LOL aren't you sorry you asked how i was doing? Thank you for doing so, though. I have kind of poo-pooed mssg boards with my friends but I was desperate when I logged on here, absolutely desperate, and all of your kind words coming thru at that time really gave me hope and I can't thank everyone enuf - it really mattered.
LOL aren't you sorry you asked how i was doing? Thank you for doing so, though. I have kind of poo-pooed mssg boards with my friends but I was desperate when I logged on here, absolutely desperate, and all of your kind words coming thru at that time really gave me hope and I can't thank everyone enuf - it really mattered.
Lola...LOL no I dont regret asking as I really wanted to know.I give you SO much credit for how far youve come.I myself tried the taper game,I tried CT Heck Id even have my BF hold the pills ONLY to steal them from myself.
Ya know right now with everything going on here even NOW my FIRST thought is to go get blasted!!! Im just tired of feeling,but Ive learned that we much face,feel & deal otherwise it only grows more & more.Im so surprised I was doing so many Ultram.I think now...HOW THE HECK DID I LIVE THROUGH THAT?
All I can say is there must be a reason,a purpose.Just like there must be a reasion I desided to start posting here again.Though I still feel safer on the "other"board,I feel that if by my posting here if Im able to help even 1 person than I also help myself.I like how it feels to know something Ive said touched someone & somehow helped them.
and YOU dear LOLA can (& I hope you feel freee enough)vent to me anytime.As long as you show me respect I can promise to do the same & then some.Tell me quick are you going to be here?
If so Ill post my addy than erase it fast
Ya know right now with everything going on here even NOW my FIRST thought is to go get blasted!!! Im just tired of feeling,but Ive learned that we much face,feel & deal otherwise it only grows more & more.Im so surprised I was doing so many Ultram.I think now...HOW THE HECK DID I LIVE THROUGH THAT?
All I can say is there must be a reason,a purpose.Just like there must be a reasion I desided to start posting here again.Though I still feel safer on the "other"board,I feel that if by my posting here if Im able to help even 1 person than I also help myself.I like how it feels to know something Ive said touched someone & somehow helped them.
and YOU dear LOLA can (& I hope you feel freee enough)vent to me anytime.As long as you show me respect I can promise to do the same & then some.Tell me quick are you going to be here?
If so Ill post my addy than erase it fast
Hi Blondie,
Welcome! I just wanted to let you know that you are really brave for coming here and telling on yourself. All those thoughts you have are normal. You have altered your brain chemistry to the point that it literally thinks it is dying.
I have heard your story a hundred times. The thing is when we first get here we always believe we are the only ones in the world going through this. It is amazing to find out that we are not and we are not bad people, just sick!
Please get honest with your family, oh and congrats on your new addition...what a gift. Trust me on this one...you want to be a clean and sober grandmother...it is so much more rewarding!
Chances are the people in your life may already have some inclination of your problem because we think we are hiding it but yet you have said it yourself...you have changed! Our loved ones feel this too.
Good for you on your detox, I think physically you are through the worst, now the real work begins honey. You need help! Get yourself some face to face support to unearth the real reasons why you drugged away the past few years. There is a big difference to just stopping which is fantastic but the real miracle begins when you start your journey of recovery. It is the most precious gift you will give yourself and your little grand baby.
Have you thought of AA/NA? Great place to start...there are others there like you that will hold your hand and help you understand that what you have is a disease and that you don't have to go through this alone!!
Keep posting.....great things are awaiting you!
Hugs...kee kee
Welcome! I just wanted to let you know that you are really brave for coming here and telling on yourself. All those thoughts you have are normal. You have altered your brain chemistry to the point that it literally thinks it is dying.
I have heard your story a hundred times. The thing is when we first get here we always believe we are the only ones in the world going through this. It is amazing to find out that we are not and we are not bad people, just sick!
Please get honest with your family, oh and congrats on your new addition...what a gift. Trust me on this one...you want to be a clean and sober grandmother...it is so much more rewarding!
Chances are the people in your life may already have some inclination of your problem because we think we are hiding it but yet you have said it yourself...you have changed! Our loved ones feel this too.
Good for you on your detox, I think physically you are through the worst, now the real work begins honey. You need help! Get yourself some face to face support to unearth the real reasons why you drugged away the past few years. There is a big difference to just stopping which is fantastic but the real miracle begins when you start your journey of recovery. It is the most precious gift you will give yourself and your little grand baby.
Have you thought of AA/NA? Great place to start...there are others there like you that will hold your hand and help you understand that what you have is a disease and that you don't have to go through this alone!!
Keep posting.....great things are awaiting you!
Hugs...kee kee
Hi ....I usually am on the booze board. Been off for a while but I came across this thread and had some questions. I thought that Ultram was a non narcotic pain reliever. I was given this in lieu of vicodin and told with is non addictive. I was also told it is not an opiod??? This was quite some time ago when I was treated for pancreatitus from alcohol abuse but I was just suprised to see it was something people were withdrawing from.
Thanks for letting me hop on your thread.
Thanks for letting me hop on your thread.
hi Valerie
Ultram has opiate properties & though Dr say its.."habit Forming"for me with the way I was abusing them I can tell you the W/D was pure hell & I never did make it off them until I got onto Suboxone.So IMO yes they are addictive & dangerous!!!
Just on the PP site anytime.All should & are welcomed
Ultram has opiate properties & though Dr say its.."habit Forming"for me with the way I was abusing them I can tell you the W/D was pure hell & I never did make it off them until I got onto Suboxone.So IMO yes they are addictive & dangerous!!!
Just on the PP site anytime.All should & are welcomed
Thanks Molly Jean. I suppose as addicts we can become addicted to anything. I imagine if I took enough advil I could become addicted. Thank you for answering that question because I was really confused when I saw the thread since doctors say it's non habit forming. Just another thing for me to be leary of which is good. Knowledge is always the key. Have a great evening Sabrina! :)