Does anyone know anything about ultram? Is it addictive? Can it be helpful with w/d and how long should you use it, if at all. thanks, dana
Yes its addictive.. stay away from it. There are a few here that have been addicted to it.
Took ultram several years ago. Dr. thought this was better for me than opiates.. Guess what? Ultram is addicting too. It probalbly will help with w/d as it is a painkiller. I would use sparingly for w/d and them get rid of Ultram too. I remember taking more than prescribed and getting real sleepy. I wouldn't take them for a long period of time for pain cuz even if u take as prescribed it can be addicting. Also, I always do a net search on anything (drugs or otherwise) I am unsure of.
I reccomend taking vitamins and lots of water. Don't substitute. OK. The wds will be over in one week(the worst of it anyway)Keep typing. ( I think I'm addicted to this site) hahahahahah!!!............................
You'll just be replacing one opiate with another. Stay as far away from them as possible. If you take too many for too long you can have siezures from stopping them abruptly.
You don't need pills to help with w/ds. Just get them over with. Get rest, lots of hot baths, good food and vits. This too shall pass.
You don't need pills to help with w/ds. Just get them over with. Get rest, lots of hot baths, good food and vits. This too shall pass.
I agree that you just deal with the w/d however I did use ibuprophen 800 for severe leg pain....Plus the hot baths, vitamins etc. I wasn't sure if ultram was an opiate, but I wouldn't take it. Good luck in your recovery. The beginning stages are real tough and a few months out is still tough. Just gotta make up my mind and stay determined not to use. I never did learn how to handle stress well and if anything this is my biggest fault. Thanks for listening.
The time before my Final time of coming off opiates, I thought ultram would help me get through the withdrawls and once I started taking them I felt better, however, when that short supply ran out I was right back where I started going through withdrawls again, maybe even worse.
if i am not mistaken ultram can cause sizures while using them, misty had corrected me on that one. she has the info. maybe she will see this and better inform us.
mec ~
YES it is !! Talk to Molly a.k.a MJ that was her D.O.C
YES it is !! Talk to Molly a.k.a MJ that was her D.O.C
Please, stay as far away from Tramadol in any form (Ultram 50's or Ultacet 37.5's) as possible. What you get is not worth the price. Way too unpredictable.
I started out with major pain issues and an addictive past. Sober for 16 years. My Dr. knew my history and still gave me Ultracet. I am at about 1200mg a day. I am just starting the taper today. I didn't see it coming and really feel stupid for falling into this trap. I never got loaded, I felt "comfortable".
Good Luck
I started out with major pain issues and an addictive past. Sober for 16 years. My Dr. knew my history and still gave me Ultracet. I am at about 1200mg a day. I am just starting the taper today. I didn't see it coming and really feel stupid for falling into this trap. I never got loaded, I felt "comfortable".
Good Luck
Hi I cant stay online long(dinner rush)That drug conumed my life for 3 hellish years.The ONLY thing I can say is that it will do more harm than good.If you have an addictive personalitity(as I do)STAY AWAY FROM IT)Im not a light weight as Ive gone CT off of adderal,& other pain pills,for some reason I could not kick that.At the end of my use of it in Jan/05(thank you)I was taking about 20 per day.
I have to agree if your going to quit & you are going CT you shouldnt use another addivtve med to do it
Sorry but I really gotta rush off.I wish you the best of luck.Keep posting as this site really helped me & alot of others.Its a real good group as far as support & knowledge,Take Care,,,,
JJJ FYI I am now on Suboxone,for addictive issues as well as pain issue.Im going to suggest doing some research on this.I know it has been a life changer for me.I guess I dont have to tell you anything over 800mg of the Ultram is a real risk.Please take care...mj
I have to agree if your going to quit & you are going CT you shouldnt use another addivtve med to do it
Sorry but I really gotta rush off.I wish you the best of luck.Keep posting as this site really helped me & alot of others.Its a real good group as far as support & knowledge,Take Care,,,,
JJJ FYI I am now on Suboxone,for addictive issues as well as pain issue.Im going to suggest doing some research on this.I know it has been a life changer for me.I guess I dont have to tell you anything over 800mg of the Ultram is a real risk.Please take care...mj
Ultram klucking is real bad. Don't go there if you can avoid it.
Thank you all for your advice on "Ultram" Scary... because I have been taking them now for a few weeks for the w/d's. I did though go out and get all the vitamins as you all said I needed. Taking them like I did my pain pills lol!!! Funny how your given antibiotics and we forget to take them or whatever for that matter, but our doc we NEVER forgot to take! I'm really scared at this piont. This is my 4th attempt at recovery. Rehab once, rapid opiate Detox twice, and tapering twice. The last tapering has worked so far. I haven't had a lortab in 31/2 months!!! But, I read Tim's post about "You Brain on Drug's and his staticitual fact that only 2 in 10 addicts make it to the other side. Whenever I feel stress and anxiety is the hardest (also leg pain) to deal with. Expecially when you have 2 children to care for. 3 and 9. I wonder sometimes, will I ever be "Normal" again? I want so badly to be the person I was before addiction took over. I want it soooo bad, but sometimes i have these little doubts that creep up on me. I don't want to fail yet again. I owe it to GOD, myself, my wonderful husband, and my beautiful children. Please help me with success stories, and word's of advice. They would be very much appreciated. Hope all of you are well , and thank you again! sincerely, dana
dana: You won't be the same girl again. You will be a better and more stable woman. You will be a better parent, and a more complete human being. I promise you that. I have also heard the horror stories about how so many don't make it. I don't believe it. Every one who stays off drugs for one day, made it that day. I don't think there is any study done that can totally measure the numbers of people who never return to using. Simply because all they would have for measurement is people who are no longer living. The stats would have to involved who died in recovery, because anyone, in my opinion who remains drug free for one day, and than one day and than one day .............makes it.
So, keep it in today and pat yourself on the back.
So, keep it in today and pat yourself on the back.
I freaked out reading thatpost never gonna be NORMAL again!!!!??Ive altered my brain for life???????what the f***!??? why give it up? Holy cow..
then i read the same stat as you..only 2 in 10 make itout of addiction...
but think about that for a minute...that means your chances get better each time you relapse and start again...7 times later you would make it for sure!
Thats the way im reading it and no ones gonna change my mind..LOLOL
They dont say if that stat includes, heroin addiction, alcohol, or nicotine addciton..if they are lumping them al together i guess the stat COLD be correct.
I choose to be optimistic. Im going to will those extra gates closed, locked and closed for eternity.If my origianl gate is 2 X bigger...fine, I'll enjoy my endorphins from sex or running twice as much as most..LOLOL
Forever an optimist,
I freaked out reading thatpost never gonna be NORMAL again!!!!??Ive altered my brain for life???????what the f***!??? why give it up? Holy cow..
then i read the same stat as you..only 2 in 10 make itout of addiction...
but think about that for a minute...that means your chances get better each time you relapse and start again...7 times later you would make it for sure!
Thats the way im reading it and no ones gonna change my mind..LOLOL
They dont say if that stat includes, heroin addiction, alcohol, or nicotine addciton..if they are lumping them al together i guess the stat COLD be correct.
I choose to be optimistic. Im going to will those extra gates closed, locked and closed for eternity.If my origianl gate is 2 X bigger...fine, I'll enjoy my endorphins from sex or running twice as much as most..LOLOL
Forever an optimist,
"ULTRAM should not be used in opioid-dependent patients.ULTRAM has been shown to reinitiate physical dependence in some patients
that have been previously dependent on other opioids. Dependence and abuse, including drug-seeking behavior and taking illicit
actions to obtain the drug, are not limited to those patients with prior history of opioid dependence."
"Withdrawal symptoms may occur if ULTRAM is discontinued abruptly. These symptoms may include: anxiety, sweating, insomnia, rigors, pain, nausea, tremors, diarrhea, upper respiratory symptoms, piloerection, and rarely
hallucinations. Other symptoms that have been seen less frequently with ULTRAM discontinuation include: panic attacks, severe
anxiety, and paresthesias. Clinical experience suggests that withdrawal symptoms may be avoided by tapering ULTRAM at the time
of discontinuation.
The risk of seizures is more with taking it that kicking it, especially at doses above what is recommended, 400mg daily.....and then the contradiction. It has a greater risk of causing seizures with people in alcohol or drug wd.......
Here is the warning...
"Seizures have been reported in patients receiving ULTRAM within the recommended dosage range. Spontaneous postmarketing
reports indicate that seizure risk is increased with doses of ULTRAM above the recommended range. Concomitant use of ULTRAM increases the seizure risk in patients taking:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI antidepressants or anorectics),
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and other tricyclic compounds (e.g., cyclobenzaprine, promethazine, etc.), or
Other opioids.
Administration of ULTRAM may enhance the seizure risk in patients taking:
MAO inhibitors (see also WARNINGS Use with MAO Inhibitors),
Neuroleptics, or
Other drugs that reduce the seizure threshold.
Risk of convulsions may also increase in patients with epilepsy, those with a history of seizures, or in patients with a
recognized risk for seizure (such as head trauma, metabolic disorders, alcohol and drug withdrawal, CNS infections). In
ULTRAM overdose, naloxone administration may increase the risk of seizure.
that have been previously dependent on other opioids. Dependence and abuse, including drug-seeking behavior and taking illicit
actions to obtain the drug, are not limited to those patients with prior history of opioid dependence."
"Withdrawal symptoms may occur if ULTRAM is discontinued abruptly. These symptoms may include: anxiety, sweating, insomnia, rigors, pain, nausea, tremors, diarrhea, upper respiratory symptoms, piloerection, and rarely
hallucinations. Other symptoms that have been seen less frequently with ULTRAM discontinuation include: panic attacks, severe
anxiety, and paresthesias. Clinical experience suggests that withdrawal symptoms may be avoided by tapering ULTRAM at the time
of discontinuation.
The risk of seizures is more with taking it that kicking it, especially at doses above what is recommended, 400mg daily.....and then the contradiction. It has a greater risk of causing seizures with people in alcohol or drug wd.......
Here is the warning...
"Seizures have been reported in patients receiving ULTRAM within the recommended dosage range. Spontaneous postmarketing
reports indicate that seizure risk is increased with doses of ULTRAM above the recommended range. Concomitant use of ULTRAM increases the seizure risk in patients taking:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI antidepressants or anorectics),
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and other tricyclic compounds (e.g., cyclobenzaprine, promethazine, etc.), or
Other opioids.
Administration of ULTRAM may enhance the seizure risk in patients taking:
MAO inhibitors (see also WARNINGS Use with MAO Inhibitors),
Neuroleptics, or
Other drugs that reduce the seizure threshold.
Risk of convulsions may also increase in patients with epilepsy, those with a history of seizures, or in patients with a
recognized risk for seizure (such as head trauma, metabolic disorders, alcohol and drug withdrawal, CNS infections). In
ULTRAM overdose, naloxone administration may increase the risk of seizure.
thank you misty for your wealth of knowledge. education is key and knowledge is power and you are always full of both. i love your wisdom and the time you take to educate us as a non addict, you deserve special recognition for all you do. i for one appreciate it : )
Wow, I was reading your post and it sounded so much like my life I had to comment. I am also a mother of 2 young children ages 3 and 5, I have a great supportive husband who has stood by me through this horrible addiction. My doc was Oxy and I was going through 150-200 mg per day easily and sometimes more. I felt sick if I took it and sick if I didn't.
I have tried to detox so many times, rehab, counselors. I would make it clean for about three weeks and then fall of the wagon and absolutely hate myself and feel worthless. I would try to explain to my husband how when I wasnt on anything I didnt feel "normal" anymore, nothing sounded like fun and I woke up every day thinking "here we go again" I have known where i wanted to be with my life for so long but never been sure on how to get there.
Well, I am trying something new this time, Yesterday I started Suboxone, and so far so good. I actually do feel normal for the first time in years. I am not having the horrible anxiety or obsessing about pills today at least. I am hoping it works out well, I am so tired of fighting this. I have also started with NA which definitly makes you feel like your not alone. Anyway hope we can talk more sometime...........Watch out for the Ultracet also, I took it for withdrawls once too, and it came back to bite me.
Take care of yourself.
Wow, I was reading your post and it sounded so much like my life I had to comment. I am also a mother of 2 young children ages 3 and 5, I have a great supportive husband who has stood by me through this horrible addiction. My doc was Oxy and I was going through 150-200 mg per day easily and sometimes more. I felt sick if I took it and sick if I didn't.
I have tried to detox so many times, rehab, counselors. I would make it clean for about three weeks and then fall of the wagon and absolutely hate myself and feel worthless. I would try to explain to my husband how when I wasnt on anything I didnt feel "normal" anymore, nothing sounded like fun and I woke up every day thinking "here we go again" I have known where i wanted to be with my life for so long but never been sure on how to get there.
Well, I am trying something new this time, Yesterday I started Suboxone, and so far so good. I actually do feel normal for the first time in years. I am not having the horrible anxiety or obsessing about pills today at least. I am hoping it works out well, I am so tired of fighting this. I have also started with NA which definitly makes you feel like your not alone. Anyway hope we can talk more sometime...........Watch out for the Ultracet also, I took it for withdrawls once too, and it came back to bite me.
Take care of yourself.
Drug Uses....Tramadol, Ultram, Ultracet.
Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. It also may be used to treat pain caused by surgery and chronic conditions such as cancer or joint pain. Tramadol works by decreasing the brain's perception and response to pain. It also reduces the size or magnitude of the pain signal passed from one nerve to another. This medication is sometimes prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
How Taken
Tramadol comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It usually is taken every 4-6 hours as needed. It may be taken with or without food. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take Tramadol exactly as directed. Tramadol can be habit-forming. Do not take a larger dose take it more often, or for a longer period than your doctor tells you to.
Before taking Tramadol, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease; liver disease; or a history of alcohol or drug dependence. You may not be able to take Tramadol, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring during treatment if you have any of the conditions listed above.
Take care.........Bob
Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. It also may be used to treat pain caused by surgery and chronic conditions such as cancer or joint pain. Tramadol works by decreasing the brain's perception and response to pain. It also reduces the size or magnitude of the pain signal passed from one nerve to another. This medication is sometimes prescribed for other uses; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
How Taken
Tramadol comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It usually is taken every 4-6 hours as needed. It may be taken with or without food. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take Tramadol exactly as directed. Tramadol can be habit-forming. Do not take a larger dose take it more often, or for a longer period than your doctor tells you to.
Before taking Tramadol, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease; liver disease; or a history of alcohol or drug dependence. You may not be able to take Tramadol, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring during treatment if you have any of the conditions listed above.
Take care.........Bob