hi ,i am new here. i am needing some help with my girlfriend.when i met her she was getting a divorce .she said because her husband was on drugs ,pain pills ,meth,alcahol,ETC.so we hooked up and before long she was pregnant.our first child weighed 2lbs 13 0z three months early but is fine now.when she was pregnant with our second child i caught her sniffing a pill(methadone)she said it would never happen again.and that it was the first time she had done anything in years.since then her sister has died at the age of 25 from a drug overdose,her mother has been caught selling pain pills.and i have found cut straws around the house,pills in her purse,ink pens with powder in them.i have had money go missing out of my wallet which she denied getting but finally confessed to''for gas''..but everytime i confront her she denies everything.she doesnt know where all the stuff comes from that i find .she says that i am trying to set her up.well my question is how can i make her own up to it?
Hi JJQ....Here is the deal with your girlfriend...You will not make her own up to it. You know what is going on and she knows that you know. She is lying to you and you already know it. Either insist she get help or get away from her and hide the wallet! She doesn't want help yet, obviously, but you do not have to enable her. Let us know what happens...I know this isn't easy for you...watching someone destroy themselves....but you can't fix her. Sending good thoughts your way.
Hi there unfortunitly you cant im afraid a drug addict will do anything to remain high untill that addict reconises for him/herself that they have a problem, im not sure what i would do in your case hun you do have children to think about my heart does however go out to you im so sorry there is no quick fix for your situ take care and please let me know how your getting on jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh mate....Youve gotta bail out...for your sake....for her sake...but mostly for the kids sake....You may have to be as cunning as she has been with you, and work out how you can get custody of the kids, without her realising what your doing, until you have got them outta there, and somewhere safe. Its not going to be fair on them growing up with a drug addicted mother. Its obvious that that was how she was bought up, and unfortunatly if the cycle isnt broken, then your kids will go the same way. You have to save them from that! The cut straws sounds like shes been doing meth (methamphetimine, not methadone) which is very dangerous, as it can eventually cause a psychosis...people have done some awful things on that stuff..to their kids as well..they just totally lose it. If you split with the kids...maybe that will be enough for her to realise that she has to do something...she will be as resentful as hell to start with...but hopefully she will see....sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind....she has been lying to you the whole time mate...youve gotta see that...and accept that as part of her sickness...addiction is a sickness...and until she realises shes sick....you cant do anything...except make the situation safe for youself and children. This has to be your major priority. You may not be able to save her...for some addicts the drugs have too much of a hold....but dont give up...but for gods sake...save the kids from it.....I'll keep an eye out here to see how things are going....please think about what Ive said....best of luck
Mike (Katoman)
Mike (Katoman)
Hi, my heart goes out to you and your children. the posts before me gave some good sound advice. It will take courage to follow through. But do it! you and the children deserve it. you can't make her get help. perhaps losing what is important will . r